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Weekly Challenges

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Weekly Challenge 1 (offical)

The Challenge is to land on eve Curiosity rover Style (C.R.S.)(or "The Sky Crane Way") with Mods, you can test the C.R.S. with Kerbin Or the mun but Good luck trying to get the dam thing into orbit and you have to send another capsale with Landing Legs On it and land it on eve without using any of the capsale engines to land the secend capsale and the capsale lander will have to be 5 meters away from the rover and the capsale has to be able to go back to kerbin and land on kerbin

Mods That are acceptable:

1. Panadora Rover (ovisly)

2. NovaPunch

3. KWRocketry

4. Kethane


There Are No Rules Take as long as you need dont want to stress you out :shock:

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please, it's "capsule"



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I was thinking a 'Weekly Challenge' thread would be a hub from which they would be continually provided-- but then that raises the question of how one thread could support all of the replies and questions about any given week's challenge on it. Which is why they made a separate forum for all of the challenges presentable...

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