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Duna or Bust featuring James Kerman.


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I've messed about with satellites and have planted flags on Mun and Minmus. Time for my first manned mission to Duna. I'm sending one-way a lander/rover with badass James Kerman, a new recruit who shone in my SSTO program. Also headed to Duna is a surveyor satellite with a detach for Ike.

I've launched both and they are in Duna insertion orbits. I'm not entirely sure I have enough delta v in the sky crane to get Jim down safely. Ah, the joys of being first!

I'll throw up some shots of the expedition as it unfolds. While Jim is heading to Duna, I've got to work on my Mun base and think of a way to bring him back.

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So here's the Duna Explorer en route (James is enjoying himself perhaps too much):


Surprisingly enough, everything went smooth. Here's James by his flag. Good job, James!


All in all not too bad. I had plenty of fuel left in the nuclear transfer stage, and a fair bit left in the skycrane. Time to get a mess of flags planted! :D

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