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Your avatar is stuck in an elevator with the above poster's avatar, what do you do?


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was going dancing with Twilight Sparkle but then a drunk Scootaloo (she's not supposed to be a filly? no alcholo for little childs!) or Octavia (which is impossible, for a such classy pony) jumped into my arms. After, I said "Go home Octavia/Scootaloo, you're drunk" :P

This is bull****! I wanted too be a part of the specOP with RD, FS and Vinyl Scratch to kill... (whatever, I don't want to kill anyone)

Ponies's birth day games are overrated! (and this one difficult to play, this one is better, but my result is not better ; getting handcuffed for life with an anthropophile pony A.K.A. Lyra Hearthstrings)

Edited by mrrpamplemousse
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so apparently I now have to explain that mlp is not just for r34....

Don't mind me cause I have no clue about that stuff....

But why..... did you post it?

Looks like kiddy cartoon soft pron to me.

If this is what's floating around high schools now a days, I gotta have a talk with my son and get him hooked up with a back pack of real pron mags so when he gets in trouble for it I can at least pat him on the back and give him an atta' boy.

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