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Your avatar is stuck in an elevator with the above poster's avatar, what do you do?


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After waiting a seemingly eternity of waiting the lift doors open in front of me. I stare in amazement at the pandemonium in front of me.

There is a laser-gun carrying squid-kraken-tentacle monster doing unspeakable things to some anime-cat-girl.

Just before I am about to say something the Kraken apparently notices he arrived at his destination floor. He quickly leaves the cabin while mumbling something unintelligible. I continue to stare at him while he proceeds to walk through the 4th wall.

And I thought I had seen it all...

I enter the elevator (just in time, doors were about to close), and take up a position in the corner furthest away from the cat-girl.

"So, eh... Are you new in the building?" I ask cautiously.


Edited by OrtwinS
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Once again I find myself waiting for the elevator.

Surprisingly, I find the same duo standing in it when the doors open. The Krakens tentacles still rhythmically beating up and down...

Visions of previous horrors flash through my mind. Them again, this can't be a coincidence! They must be after me!

My eyes frantically start searching for possible exits, while my hands twitch towards displayed objects of art that might prove useful as blunt weapons.


"Excuse me, you are blocking my way." The Pony says.

Pony? Oh, a pony! There never was a cat-girl!

"May I pass...?"

"Oh of course! Please excuse me, I was lost in thought."

While the (slightly annoyed) Pony passes into the hallway I notice the Kraken is still enthusiastically moving up and down. On the beat of one of my favorite songs.

My mind has been playing tricks on me. Freudian tricks perhaps. Lets not go there.

I proceed into the elevator and start humming with the music, my right foot taps the beat.

I should get more sleep.

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