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Magnum Heavy - Stock heavy lifting with style

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On the pad, casting a long shadow. After a long series of iterations aimed at improving its safety and reliability, the Magnum Heavy is ready for its maiden voyage. Today's proving payload is five orange tanks: a neat 180 tons.


Going up.


Beginning gravity turn.


After separation of boosters.


Separation of lower stage and interstage fairing.


Going the rest of the way with the upper stage.


Payload fairing separation before circularization. As you can see, there's still a few kinks that need working out: one of the orange tanks has split. Another one is decoupled manually to balance it.


Payload to orbit on this run is only 108 tons, sadly, but it's proven well capable of dragging the full 180 into space. Couple more struts should seal it.

Download will have to wait until I get this baby to 100% reliability.

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its astetically pleasing, lifts 180 tons (most i've seen YET), when its reliable please post download ASAP, yes, i want it :P

it kinda reminds me of the planned falcon XX, except lifting 40 more tons...

Edited by M.Wolfy
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Well, that's a big lifter. And the fact that you made all those wings on the top behave speaks volumes of the stability. Here's hoping you solve the "slight structural issues"!!

Rune. Kudos indeed, sir.

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