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Mods you think should become vanilla ksp

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- FUSTEK Station parts pack

- Procedural fairings

- Firespitter pack (but retextured because I think the current parts don't really fit in estheticly)

- Large Structural Parts pack

- Crew manifest plugin

- Airbags

- All of the other great part packs like Lionhead, KW Rocketry, NovaPunch, DSM etc. I don't really need to see in the vanilla game, as long as they get continued updates and support to implement them in the campaign and tech tree properly.

Edited by CyclonicTuna
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KW Rocketry.

Now now, before you all get bent out of shape, let me explain.

I think KSP Vanilla needs not KW Rocketry in its identical form, exactly how it is, but it needs KW in spirit.

What do I mean? I mean that no other rocketry pack is as standardized and complete as KW. There is a clear set of 1.25, 2.5, and 3.75 meter parts. There is a fairing in two styles for all three sizes, there is a monster engine, a workhorse engine, and a smaller, efficient engine for each size. There are varying sizes of fuel tanks for EACH SIZE, there are RCS tanks for each size.. There are standard looking nosecones for each size.

And it's this that I really think KSP needs, this sort of standardization of parts. Do we have a "Monster" engine for our 1.25m rockets? Not particularly. We have the T-30, but that's hardly a monster with only a bit more thrust than the T-45, which I consider to be more of the mid-range engine for its tier. Now, to be fair, the 2.5m parts do have three distinct engines, but still the Poodle isn't quite designed for an upper-stage engine, whereas the Skipper is good for upper stages, but a bit powerful for some small lifter designs. Not to mention that we need 3.75m parts. Also, super-strong struts.

So no, I'm not saying to implement KW Rocketry itself, but to look at the spirit of the parts pack, and really round out our part selection for rockets.

I constantly sing the praises of this mod pack to anyone who I interact with. Anyone who knows me even relatively close knows that KW is my favorite mod or parts pack of all time, in all of KSP. If I could only install one mod to the game, and be forced to run vanilla everything else, I would keep KW Rocketry because of the unparalleled beauty and simplicity that is the standardization of parts in KW.


Edited by M5000
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I think most multi-sized parts ought to be procedural; you'd only need a few model styles of tanks/nosecones/fairings/wings/control surfaces/adapters, and then a selection of engines. So I guess pFairings/pWings/stretchy tanks, but I'd rather see them all integrated properly, and thus I won't list any part mods other than the FatMan nuclear engines.

Alarm Clock + TAC fuel balancer definitely, the part of Crew Manifest that moves kerbals around ships definitely too. Aerodynamics at least as good as FAR, and the ability to set and tune control surfaces like FAR too - but I don't think the stock game needs all the analytical tools, and FAR has some functions which ought to be in SAS - so not FAR itself.

Some better maneuver node interface is desperately needed; either the standalone one I use which I've forgotten the name of, or the editor from MJ. MJ SmartASS and the Translatron ( at least the throttle hold part ) ought to be there too I think, or some other similar basic flight management aids. My hands won't currently let me either hold a stick or hold a key down for very long, if I didn't have SmartASS I couldn't do anything at all.

KAS. Or something like KAS anyway. Something like Kethane but a bit more detailed+Mapsat+Extraplanetary Launchpads+Kerbtown all rolled into one, so that logistics matter and you can build permanent outposts as a result.

B9 doesn't fit the stock aesthetic, and other than TT's Mk3 fuselage bits and the Mk4 which do ( and they should be stock ), I can't think of any aero pack that adds structural parts rather than wings or tweaking existing bits.

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I would like most mods with good parts, like B9 for instance, but there are more.

Procedural fairings, wings and some fuel tanks



For autopilot, in vanilla I would just like a button to make SAS lock to the node direction. Would not hurt the game IMHO and would make things much better, as you still need to know what you are doing, just don't need to tap WASD with extreme care to steer the craft. :)

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See Above

. At least thats how i play games - i dont create random restrictions myself.

However, it seems like you do like to place random restrictions on others.

The real reason is probably that most people think its too difficult to pilote their rockets and give up.

I think you assume to much.

Think of this ..do the ppl at JPL or NASA sit with Joysticks in hand,or mashing the WASD keys , or do they sit in front of a computer and send pre-programed bits or information. I orbited kerbin landed on MUn and Minmus got to eve all without MecJeb. I am however a very busy person and sometimes now i will let mcJ get my ship into orbit while i go do some thing else ..like Dishes or mow the lawn. It allows me to multi-task. instead of havin to guide each rocket up..Maybe you dont have time constraints , i do.

As we all now It takes a lot of time to play this game and I love it. Look at my steam hrs i have played . I have Bought 2 other PPl copies of KSP to Share the Joy of rocket building.

Anywayz i got to get ready for work, shower and such, and As i do..i am having McJeb do a Hoffman transfer me, I could do it, Can do it now...Cause McJeb taught me how, anyways

/rant off

Edited by GraviTykillz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Procedural fairings, procedural wings, stretchy tanks. TAC fuel balancer, Alarm clock, targeter, kethane or similar resources, larger RTGs, KAS, Remotetech, EVA Parachutes, chatterer, internal crew organisation a la crew manifest.

There may be more but that is just off the top of my head

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