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Part Generator Version 3 [Win][Linux][Mac]


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Part Generator Version 3 [Win][Linux][Mac]

Screenshot: http://www./view/q7e1fj37fqrdydu/screen.PNG

1. What is the "PartGenerator"?

With this Program you can create custom Parts just like you need them.

You can add resources and modules, too.

2. How to use it?

Download Version 3.1 here: http://www./download/txaa6wco9hlx2l1/PartGen3.1.zip (8.31MB including textues)



Just click the .exe file

You need .net framework 2.0, but most of you should already have this.

Linux and Mac:

use mono (http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html)

run the command: "mono path/name.exe"

  Vulkan said:
If you have mono already installed and running the .exe gets an error message looking a bit like this

Missing method EnableVisualStyles in assembly /path/to/PartGen3.0/KSP_PartGen.exe, type System.Windows.Forms.Application

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

Then you are missing some windows compatibility libraries for mono. I'm not sure which ones exactly so all I can recommend is getting the full 90MB version by

apt-get install mono-complete

3. Securety!

this program is 100% clean:


it reads and writes to your Drive

(becouse it has to load the modules and export the parts)

4. How to add custom Textures?

Just copy, rename and edit one of the existing textures.

Put the texture as *.png file in the texture folder.

I recoment GIMP for editing the pictures. Its Free and Multiplatform.

5. How to add custom Modules?

create a new "your-module-name.txt" file in the modules folder.

1. line: a description of your module

2. line: write "mass:"

3. line: the mass of your module

4. line: write "volume:"

5. line: the volume your module needs

6+ line: what has to be in the part.cfg to make your module work


include a temperature sensor
name = ModuleEnviroSensor
sensorType = TEMP

6. How to add custom shapes:


7. Read the "Terms of Use"

(click the button located just under the "Generate Part" button)


Edited by Lando
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  Rarity said:
Does [ img ] image.url [ /img ] (without the spaces) not work? Also, could you maybe provide one or two example tutorials? Can we make engines with this? Or just things like adapters, fuel tanks, cones, etc.?

[ img ] image.url [ /img ] would work, but I can't get a direct url to that image...

I am just to stupid...

you can't make engines atm, but a lot of other stuf

example tutorials about what?

using the tool or customising it?

it's realy simple to use!

EDIT: there is an issue with "." and "," for example 1,234t is 1.234t not 1234t

Edited by Lando
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If you anti-virus software refuses to let the application run, just add the partgen folder to the exclusions for you AV. Avast stopped it dead when I first ran PartGen. I added it to the exclude list and it runs like a champ. Note: Avast says it cannot determine enough information to say it is bad. It is just being cautious. PartGen is perfectly safe to be allowed to run.

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I did notice a thing which can be improved.

On the second page every file is shown; textures and other files. When a non-texture file is selected (f.i. "Your texture here!.txt"), the program generates an error. This can be solved by only showing texture files.

It is a pity Kethane tanks are still not possible even though it is quite easy to modify the cfg files manually.

I haven't tried the addition of modules yet. Will report back on that later.

Edited by TheCardinal
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  TheCardinal said:
I did notice a thing which can be improved.

On the second page every file is shown; textures and other files. When a non-texture file is selected (f.i. "Your texture here!.txt"), the program generates an error. This can be solved by only showing texture files.

It is a pity Kethane tanks are still not possible even though it is quite easy to modify the cfg files manually.

I haven't tried the addition of modules yet. Will report back on that later.

well, just don't put files other than textures in the texture folder...

that "Your texture here!.txt" file is from the old version, don't just overwrite the old files!

you can add Kethane as module. But since I don't use this mod I don't know the density or something about Kethane.

(But I should take a look at this mod.. I always thought the devs will add ET mining soon, but it dosn't look good atm)

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  Lando said:
well, just don't put files other than textures in the texture folder...

that "Your texture here!.txt" file is from the old version, don't just overwrite the old files!

you can add Kethane as module. But since I don't use this mod I don't know the density or something about Kethane.

(But I should take a look at this mod.. I always thought the devs will add ET mining soon, but it dosn't look good atm)

A man visits the doctor and complains that his side hurts when he presses it. The doctor replies that he shouldn't press his side.

I will refrain from further comments from now on.

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Maybe i'm stupid but i can't figure out how to set the export/output path. When i click "generate part" it shows an error "no output path set". Previous version would come up with a file select box and then remember the path selected there.

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  TheCardinal said:
A man visits the doctor and complains that his side hurts when he presses it. The doctor replies that he shouldn't press his side.

I will refrain from further comments from now on.

Haha :D

Please don't refrain from further comments!

I will make it to show .png files only in the next version...

RE: "don't just overwrite the old files!"

just a general recomendation for using any software.

I am sure you knew how to fix this on your own :D

EDIT: did you try the addition of modules yet?


as BostLabs said in the "Output Path" Box is a button labled "set"


would you share your texture?

Edited by Lando
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  Lando said:
RE: "don't just overwrite the old files!"

just a general recomendation for using any software.

I didn't copy the new version over the old, I created new (sub-)directories and copied all files not present in the new version from the old version. There are several specific textures i created.

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  BostLabs said:
rkman, there is a browse button there to select the folder. (at least in the Win version.)
In that case, a bug report: I use the Win version but i see no browse button to select the output folder. I suspect it is caused by me using non-standard screen DPI and Partgenerator not playing nice with it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/by5166zq0n89kii/Clipboard03.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhqxo9xik0x26lk/Clipboard02.png
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The weight of Kethane is 2 tons per 1000 liters, but kethane tanks are normally empty when building craft.

The modules work prefectly. I have succesfully created a combined fuel / Kethane tank. The disadvantage of adding Kethane through modules is that the amount of Kethane isn't variable.

Edited by TheCardinal
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A new version! Cool!

First off, thanks a ton for this tool. I don't know how to 3d model, and it's fairly often i find myself needing a slightly different shaped piece, or an empty fuel tank, or need a part with a specific shape and size that isn't included in stock. I've been using 2.3 for a while and it makes it an instant thing instead of having to copy a part similar to what I want and fiddle with scaling and manually edit the .cfg. This is extremely useful.

When you eventually add a way to add custom part shapes to the tool I'm gonna love to see what people come up with. But so far there's only one thing I've run into that seems to be "missing": a 1 to .333 adapter for attaching 3.75 and 1.25 meter parts.

Another thing I would request is the ability to apply your proportion algorithm in reverse: instead of taking the desired amount of resources and width and calculating minimum length to hold that volume, being able to also take a specified width and length and calculate how much of a desired resource it can hold in the given volume.

Now, I'm looking at the new version, and I have to say, the interface isn't for me. I mean that in the sense that it feels like this was made for people less comfortable with computers. I think the original GUI, with advanced mode enabled, was faster and more pleasant to use. An option to switch to the old GUI as an "advanced mode" to the current interface would be very welcome. Failing that, I have some suggestions to improve the new UI. One, on the shape/texture page, bring back the .625/1.25/2.5/3.75m buttons. They were a handy shortcut. Also on that page, in the textures menu, the template you included appears in the list of selectable textures. That seems odd, might want to put that template in a different folder.

Finally, I would suggest adding tooltips describing what texture spec and rim falloff do.

I know you must work hard on this, so you probably have more important things to do, but I hope some of these are helpful to you.

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  Motokid600 said:
Can this do fairings by chance?

No,not at the moment

  rkman said:
In that case, a bug report: I use the Win version but i see no browse button to select the output folder. I suspect it is caused by me using non-standard screen DPI and Partgenerator not playing nice with it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/by5166zq0n89kii/Clipboard03.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhqxo9xik0x26lk/Clipboard02.png

Oh, it looks like the text is displayed to large overlapping the button.

I dont know why this happens. I will try to avoid things like that in the future designs. But you are the first reporting this.

  Fooblack said:
A new version! Cool!

First off, thanks a ton for this tool. I don't know how to 3d model, and it's fairly often i find myself needing a slightly different shaped piece, or an empty fuel tank, or need a part with a specific shape and size that isn't included in stock. I've been using 2.3 for a while and it makes it an instant thing instead of having to copy a part similar to what I want and fiddle with scaling and manually edit the .cfg. This is extremely useful.

When you eventually add a way to add custom part shapes to the tool I'm gonna love to see what people come up with. But so far there's only one thing I've run into that seems to be "missing": a 1 to .333 adapter for attaching 3.75 and 1.25 meter parts.

Another thing I would request is the ability to apply your proportion algorithm in reverse: instead of taking the desired amount of resources and width and calculating minimum length to hold that volume, being able to also take a specified width and length and calculate how much of a desired resource it can hold in the given volume.

Now, I'm looking at the new version, and I have to say, the interface isn't for me. I mean that in the sense that it feels like this was made for people less comfortable with computers. I think the original GUI, with advanced mode enabled, was faster and more pleasant to use. An option to switch to the old GUI as an "advanced mode" to the current interface would be very welcome. Failing that, I have some suggestions to improve the new UI. One, on the shape/texture page, bring back the .625/1.25/2.5/3.75m buttons. They were a handy shortcut. Also on that page, in the textures menu, the template you included appears in the list of selectable textures. That seems odd, might want to put that template in a different folder.

Finally, I would suggest adding tooltips describing what texture spec and rim falloff do.

I know you must work hard on this, so you probably have more important things to do, but I hope some of these are helpful to you.

Ok, i will improve these things in the next release

Oh, and you can make own shapes, i was just to lazy to make a tut yet, since it requires some Blender skills and i am not sure how many Users have them

  TheCardinal said:
The weight of Kethane is 2 tons per 1000 liters, but kethane tanks are normally empty when building craft.

The modules work prefectly. I have succesfully created a combined fuel / Kethane tank. The disadvantage of adding Kethane through modules is that the amount of Kethane isn't variable.

Ok, does 1l kethane Need as much space as 1l Fuel or is it some kind of compressed in the tanks?

Hope you get what i try to say.

Edited by Lando
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  Lando said:
Oh, it looks like the text is displayed to large overlapping the button. I dont know why this happens.
I suspect the text scales up with my Windows DPI setting as it is supposed to (though i personally would not care if it would not scale up), and the distances between Partgenerator's GUI elements do not scale up. It might be enough of a solution if the font of the large text in PG is made smaller.
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  BostLabs said:
rkman, there is a browse button there to select the folder. (at least in the Win version.) You guys came up with some nice textures. But I had to tinker up one myself. :)screenshot124.png
Hi Lando! Sorry that I missed your question for a bit. Yes I would be happy to share my textures. I have a few now. :). I'll zip them up and place them either on my web site or Dropbox tonight.Wel isn't this silly. I quoted my own post. Duh!:D Edited by BostLabs
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is still relevant for version 3 (i have not been able to test it yet), but i think i found something in the way of the cause of why textures of generated parts look so dark in-game:

I made a cone shaped part in Partgen 2.2.2, loaded the model.dae in Blender, marked the edge as sharp, recalculated normals and flat shaded the whole thing, applied an edge split to the edge, and exported. Now the texture looks a lot brighter.

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  rkman said:
I'm not sure if this is still relevant for version 3 (i have not been able to test it yet), but i think i found something in the way of the cause of why textures of generated parts look so dark in-game:

I made a cone shaped part in Partgen 2.2.2, loaded the model.dae in Blender, marked the edge as sharp, recalculated normals and flat shaded the whole thing, applied an edge split to the edge, and exported. Now the texture looks a lot brighter.

That Edge Split did the Trick, but it increases vertex cound! I have to take a closer Look at the collada file Format...

And I want to make a 3.1 Version with a more Professional looking GUI and some of the Other mentioned points. But I am Bussy the next weeks :-(

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