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Yes duna!


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Congrats :)

My first mission to Duna is manned, and still a few days out. I didn't want to waste the first launch window on a probe so I gambled with a modified version of my Mun lander and Mun Rover Skycrane. Docked them together on in LKO and boosted for Mars. Couple of flaws so far but I hope to at least land, if not also return the Kerbals home...

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I HAVE SENT A PROBE TO DUNA!!!!!! My orbit was quite high and very slow. I did some messing around and got a gravity assist from Ike that sent me into a lower orbit and sped me up! I FRICKEN LOVE THIS GAME!

Ike is going to annoy you eventually when doing orbital maneuvers. It always catches you when you don't want it to because its SOI is reasonably large compared to Duna's

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Yep! Only my 3rd time being in interplanetary. First time was a "failed" mission to Minmus. Time warped to far and into deep space I went. Then with the same probe going for Eve I failed and made a close sun orbit. Then this one(same probe as the failed Eve one) I was able to get an encounter and I've been doing some stuff to make my orbit closer.

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