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[x.xx] WinkAllKerb' Parts medley (nestable part concept + a few *.cfg here and there)


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*** Last update 15-22-2015 *** licensing small fix & [1.02] small grappling device *.cfg for fuel transfer

[Wip] thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59951


[0.22] "WaLiKe" parts set Spaceport Download

[0.21] "Kerbal Modelite Kit" parts set Spaceport Download( not updated for tech tree)

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Special thanks: Mu, PolecatEZ, UbioZur, Johnsonwax, Hoojiwanna, TouhouTorpedo, Bac9, Devogen, Alskari, Yogui and many many more ;) for theres posts/blogs/'own mods' about the {model} structure that helped me get started from scratch ;o)

Lowering parts count + help physic engine via a medley of welding and multifonctionnal parts, textures sharing etc., to build huge station/spaceship/base/other huge things xD, pure art/weird design work etc. ...

- First parts available mainly turn around the idea to reduce my main [stock] crafts set(s) parts count/physics engine calculation once assembled as i love assembling/docking lot of things together.

(the "Münlowe Modular Mobile Base" see my rocket company thread for more detail around the concept) but some of the piece could fit to some other thing without problem.

I also plane to do nearly the same for my SX3 and SX3.cube [sTOCKs] series (once again: rocket company thread link in my sig. for details)

Planing to use the MODEL{} syntax to share lot of contents within parts, both mesh and textures , most of the parts use the same img tricking as much as possible with uv mapping.

(also planning later some alternative textures set wich is failrly easy as i don't use a lot of img at all for the whole set)

[0.22] "WaLiKe" Parts set

A set of parts that intend to replace my welded parts set and more.

Include 21 parts

(Habitat, some structurals with empty slot, & some slotable ;)

Planned things:

- Command pods

- More structural, Slotable, utilities, sciences, (new ressources) etc.

- Some Wheels

- Various Docking ports

- Alternative textures sets

- Various mesh, textures, anims, colliders etc. improvement/variations/simplifications&welding

- (procedural may be interesting for intermodule insteed of multiple part and may be later an hybrid life-support, collect/refine ressources plugin)

[0.21]"Kerbal Modelite Kit " 41 various welded parts:

Commands Pods, Habitat, Inter-modules Chassis for the “Modular Mobile Baseâ€Â, docking facilities, extra hatch, station & spaceship hub, & various structurals and utilities.

I m not planning to support/update this set anymore as most (not to say all) of the parts will slowly find an equivalent in "WaLiKe" set


"WaLiKe" parts set:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

"Kerbal Modelite Kit" parts set:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

None of thoose restrictions apply to squad.

Update History

14.12.2013b - "fixed missing attach rules of "M.M.B.-Rtg+"
14.12.2013a - "Walike" Parts set initial Release

18.09.2013 - A new 'End Hatch' & "exit obstructed" matter fixed
- Replaced the M.M.B main chassis per some Inter Modules Chassis + an Habitat
- Modified/adjusted Most of the Command Pods
- Introduced some early welded IVA prototype that will be improved later
- Minor Descriptions and Parts parameters tweaks

15.09.2013 - *** HotFix ***
- Removed the Dck-Habitat from parts and *.craft examples
- Added 4 ready to launch *.craft examples for a 8 Ways Spaceship/cargo

14.09.2013 - Changed some parts *.cfg name incrementation to help with future update
(So you'll have to delete previous install before re-install & some old *.craft may be lost)

- fixed Extra Hatch light ( +notice that actually you can enter but exit obstructed)
- Some pos/rot/scale/parts description" adjustements here and there
- Price/Weight/CrashTolerance/breakingforce&torque adjustements for all parts
- some drag "blind" feeling adjustemnts as i don't get it 100% yet

- Some *.craft examples

- communication bay for the M.M.B.
- 5 SX3 CrewCabin (for Station and/or SpaceShip use)
- 8 SX3 Hub (for Station and/or SpaceShip use)
- 1 SX3 welded Cupola Command Pod
- 1 Reinforced Normal Dock
- 1 Radial Shielded Docking Port
- 1 Asas XL (Prototype)
- 1 2.5m Nuclear Engine (Prototype)
- A few others new welded/rescaled/Reinforced structurals

02.09.2013 -b-
- Readme Update, some parts minor fix adjustements
- fixed some attach nodes location of the Peggy'12-S Command module
- Changed the IVA of the Extra Hatch
- a new Flag

02.09.2013 – initial release

Author: WinkAllKerb’

N.A.: Far more a player than a modder ;).

EDIT: Processing road book & not yet updated

- Wrestling with blender and unity ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59951 [Wip] thread )

-New Parts:

Actual existing parts blender/unity adaptation

Some new parts with slotable boxes

- Known Issues:

- landing legs attach node wobble too much, looking for a workaround to rigidify them

- Solar panels retract anim don't play properly (orientation wrap @ anim start)

- Goo and Material lab can't be opened without launching experiments

- Actually the habitat require a module command part to work without crew, you can either add one or add this line in the cfg: MODULE{name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0}

Temp. stand by:

- Busy IRL sooner or later may be may be not ; )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
small cfg sharing
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Hi 1096bimu, apear that there some limitations even if the possibilities are nearly endless:

center of mass/{model} coordinate origin, fuel/mass transfer & overheating, lifts & drag things, multiple animation of the the same unity object when the same [model] x n in the new part, IVA camera origin // recombined model origin vs original part origin, multiple hatch & internal & iva (else ?!?)

For example actually i need to rebalance a part or two origin and do some more test regarding launching/atmospheric/vaccum comportement of the part wich is something i not went deep in yet, but it's planned my policy it to keep thing close to realism while helping the physics engine, and may be with a little fantasy artistic/design touch.

So i m myself investigating/testing a lot around thoose things for now as i m very new to KSP, learning to assemble, launch, fly, dock, transfer orbit, change system, Eeloo world, and now studying advanced realistic config param, the milky way is a long road ;) (I drink way too much café doing so i need a vitel menthe ).

I m not planning to take assemble request, Ubiozur will soon provide a plugin to do so, support him as i do ;)

(after a quick look to your blog and message history may be the Peggy'12-s command modules *.cfg file could help you with your air intake matter)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
typo & pidgin english as always ;)
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(double post sorry but can't resist to share this one:)

cost = ?
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = M.M.B. i-Ware Communication Bay
manufacturer = Dyogenn Kerman Shipyard Combobulator Parts Co.
description = You feel like in a cave without some pigments to draw a mammoth on the wall. Dyogenn Kerman provide you with the latest communication tools after 20 000 to 50 000 years of Kerbals being consciousness evolution !

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
replaced "Hi-tech" by" i-Ware"
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for sure it is ;) all feedback welcome,

i guess new parts updates will be very delayed until i m done with the textual part automation aspect of the process.

I ll probably just do a little spaceport update with latest fix on existing parts and a few new station/spaceship/structural parts with the same design/colour scheme of the M.M.B. chassis & Command modules

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liking it :3 Buuuuut what the heck does all that "strut connector"-stuff in the descriptions (like, nearly every part) mean?

Oh, and could we get an... uhm.. how to say... a 2.5m-fuselage, maybe as high as the white rim of the cupola-module and fitted with the wheel-connection-bars?

That way we could build quite long single modules that would still be able to have standardized wheels.

Edited by cy-one
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liking it :3 Buuuuut what the heck does all that "strut connector"-stuff in the descriptions (like, nearly every part) mean?

Oh, and could we get an... uhm.. how to say... a 2.5m-fuselage, maybe as high as the white rim of the cupola-module and fitted with the wheel-connection-bars?

That way we could build quite long single modules that would still be able to have standardized wheels.

The strut connector thing is related to structural reinforcement to reduce the use of strut connector between parts wich quickly kill the part count of all craft, so i implemented this in almost every part:

(150 breakingtorque & 150 breakingforce)x4 + 200 (basis for each part) for a total of around 800 per part. I m still actually testing this value to keep the ship breakable while reducing the use of strut connector between part.

The 150x4 is an equivalence with the strut connector linear and angular strenght resist to breakingforce and breaking torque wich is totally a test feeling equivalence.

This is also included in the part price this way (4 (strut connector weight + cost) / 2 [could change to /3 in some future update])+welded cost & weight not to pay twice the cost of strut and there weight so + 500cost & +0.1 t per part for this structural reinforcement

This is some early test and probably require more adjustement.

All parts "cost" and "weight" are now calculated from subparts parameter addition + some ratio and/or constant (subpart scaling related ratio, integrated module + or -, module scaling ratio , additionnal reinforcement, extra design ratio, extra design constant, etc.)

Some parts may look expansive but most of the time there cost and weight is real near what you should get by building the welded part the normal way in VAB or SPH (a few thing still need to be adjusted with more precision but not that much)

Not sure i well understand the second part so i ll try a quick Rukia® metaphoric draw ( ;) ) just to ensure i understand what you meant:

You mean a concept like the french TGV with wheel between wagon insteed of under them ? (wish i could made this kind of intermodule rotate too like the tgv would be real great with some kind of dynamical rotating connection xD, plugin anyone ? hop hop hop xD )

In addition most of the parts in this update will be improved in the future, with a few more integrated welded things (ressource and/or module and/or aesthetic details like top/bottom hatch etc.) some also may be rewelded together to reduce more the parts count for bigger station and spaceship, probably a few more structural scaling variation to enhance modularity between parts (thoose parts are really an early first shot around the SX3 concept.)

Actually the new SX3 parts allow to build some station or spaceship with M.M.B. inner/inter system push/pull/standByDocking capacity this was the main idea behind this (i ll try to put some pict today after building an inner system cargo)

Thanks a lot for your feedback Cy-one ;) i myself didn't get lot of time to play with thoose new parts yet :/

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Okay, so that comment in the part description just refers to reinforced part-connections, I get it now :)

I was kinda confused if it meant something like the Docking Strut, where I need to connect stuff in flight mode.

*snickers* Now I don't know what you mean... But let me show you what I mean.

Currently, there are only three points where you can put wheels on the train. The front, the hab-module and the end. At least when it comes to "standardized MedLite-Wheels (meaning size, position, etc)". That's not really flexible, as the hab-module is huge.


In this case, I used a Rockomax X200-8 and two small I-beams. Maybe a big battery-tank with your edited strut-beam-things-to-put-wheels-on would be better... It would be smaller and would add something useful (electriccharge).

In any way, I just mean a small piece to put wheels somewhere in the line of a train, without the need of the huge hab-module.

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Of course, a part that I can just stick under whatever 2.5m-part I want to provide a wheel-base would even be better than a seperate 2.5-wheelbase-part.

Great, thanks :) Looking forward to it.

Just curious, are you from france? Or canada or somewhere else?

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Of course, a part that I can just stick under whatever 2.5m-part I want to provide a wheel-base would even be better than a seperate 2.5-wheelbase-part.

Great, thanks Looking forward to it.

Nope 85% chances it will come as you said with a fuselage on top of it, the photo only show the animated chassis of the irl part, wich have been designed this way mainly for two things: lot of designs/tech choices regarding safety factors + high speed trains.

So in KSP, inter module and probably not under mainly regarding the fact of what i plan to do with the incoming skycrane welded part, i prefer to keep a standardized delta-space between module to combo docking port and inner landing strut (once again rocket company thread => Munlowe Skycrane), the use of inner landing strut to enhance module stabilty while landing phase require an high attention with parts collider, randomly placed too large under wheels probably won't fit as easily with this but if i found a nice way to play with landing strut/wheels animations + anoying shaking with approximative scaleVsRescale (wich you can see on the tiny tanksteer prototype wheel in the set).

Balancing a smaller overall parts count with welded parts while keeping a high assemble modularity & staying close to [stock] spirit real puzzle me sometime ;)

(lot of the actuals welded parts available real need some improvement regarding this and should be considered as first shot that will be improved after the set offer a nice basis to play with)

(& yup born in .fr one of the small meaningless neutrino in Universe ;x couldn't resist sry )

@Darth Paul: Thanks ;)

Could you make a half length MK3 fuselage? Maybe liquid fuel and LFO as well.

Including welded MK3 parts in the set actually more on my crazy to do board, still a lot of thing i want to test/do before playing with MK3.

I ll give a quick look welding MK3 in the nexts days and PM ya and/or post here a L/2 Mk3 fus. *.cfg file.

Regarding welded fuels tanks i have delayed the investigations regarding fuel consumption, mass transfer etc. should come later question is when xD.

(same with lift and wings, you can check PolecatEZ welded parts thread he tried some things arounds rescaled wings )

(my actual main focus is providing a basis set of structurals, dock, welded animated object & iva for bigger modulable station, base, ship use with low part count and then improve/opti this basic set)

Until that you can check Ubiozur welded parts thread, he actually work around the welded Fuel Tank with a better knowledge of the matters (some explains can be found near page 2 or 3 can't remember exactly ;) with this.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  • 2 weeks later...


name = wak-mk3-fus01
module = Part
author = C. Jenkins, WinkAllKerb'

model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1.25, .625, 1.25
rotation = 0, 0, 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model001

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.965625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.965625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 //Original scaled value: 0.0, -0.968125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

cost = 275
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = Mk3 Fuselage Half-L
manufacturer = C7 Aerospace
description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in re-entry survivability. Apparently air gets very hot at high speeds (Who knew?!). To combat this, we attached only the finest in slightly used thermal tiles to the under belly.
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

mass = 0.15
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 50
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50
maxTemp = 3000
fuelCrossFeed = True


Lenght/2 mk3 fuselage notice a few things:

- the price is a bit weird as i not removed the fuel cost and it's half less expansive as the mk1 fuselage

- the 3D model ossature/frame top bottom not totally symetric wich create some not really aesthetic visual "overflow" when stacking parts (if you 180° 1 out of 2 while assembling to solve this frame overflow, then matter is texture junction/link)

(- Drag not adjusted)

And definetly as said actually i ll leave MK3 on the side as there's not so much basic material to weld around with. ( + bac9 and TT [& some others i sadly not been able to try yet mainly due to the memory matter loading lot of mod together :/ ] mk3 like parts are real nice until more stock mk3 parts will be added )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
(node_attach value ?!? vs Y.Axis assymetric top/bottom)
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  • 2 weeks later...



Just sharing a [wip] test file including, ksp and blend file, if any "benchmark" guru is kind enough to test it and give feedback regarding feeling around the memory use // with the uv mapping and texture sharing as i don't know much about this. (i plan to shares texture within all set's part example the door one, sas one, monocolor one(s) wich will be 1x1, and the gold one and i dunno not really know if mapping this way is interesting regarding processor and graphic card memory use)

this is an early first shot with some things to adjust.

- UvMap(s) size and there transform will change and be improved (this is mainly conceptual)

- textures quality/details level/size and mapping will change

- some nodes animated or not are missing

- a few tris normal are oriented the wrong way

- two small tris are not mapped at the right place

- Collider are not opti and some missing

- 3dmodels details may change (especially the animated bottom mesh for the wheels)

- some vertice location will be improved/removed regarding tris count and mapping (same with all the useless edge my concern here was mainly to test mapping and anims)

This part is an example of what the MMB interchassis modules are turning into.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
added img
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no it won't,

just a better knowledge of blender and unity is helpful to get the best from {model} so i ll give this a try, it s just an alternate path of combining classic 3dmodelling with {model} edit i m exploring while waiting for 0.22.

Fact is i m not totally satisfied using config edit only to create the part i have in mind, some part got way to much imbricated tris and texture inside them uselessly calculated, working on basic material (existing stock part) i note created is sometime painfull figuring out a few things , include all functiuonnality/module i want too, doing certain kind of specific weld while reducing parts count, self made basic material will be better for this but one of my main concern remain to keep things light regarding memory with not too much texture at all.

Thing is i don't know how the hardware/software/driver manage this if it's better to have a few bigger texture shared or not within parts with all the Uvmap on thoose texture, or some little ones shared or not too, it all depend how the temp object is managed by respective cpu and ram and the mapping process but i just know nothing about this and it s a bit hard for me to explain exatcly what i have in mind in english.

Stock part 3dmodels frame and textrue may change like it happen once, wich mean lot of work reworking each edited config. Self made basic material should minor this aspect too.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Been away from KSP for a while but after a really quick check (vab + launch pad) all parts seem to work. but they re not updated for the science tree and will probably never (in fact i m slowly upgrading them to something else, not really an update http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59951).

I m working on something kinda different right now using what i have learn from this (not in it's final stat may change a lot):


temp test download

http://www.4shared.com/zip/ETzLebmt/WaLiKe-2.html (include the habitat but not all the inter chassis and slotable boxes)

http://www.4shared.com/zip/LlAADzyz/WaLiKe-3.html (without the iss textured habitat but include the 5 inter chassis and some test slotables boxes)

i have much less time to spend modding actually unlike this summer but here the first shot of an intermodule wich should be part of a much bigger project (licence won't be the same as actually) i have in mind and on paper.

(i m still testing a lot of thing so this part will probably change)

any return concerning the texturing or else welcome (this is my very first attempt ever with texturing and bump map so ...)

idea is to provide many cubic module (weight and size standardized) to slot in the way you want (even a Kerbal xD), wheel, landing, various utility, science etc + some structural, habitat, command pod in the same spirit.

edit: WaLiKe for Water-Light-Kertilizer (should be a mix of life support + ressource collect/refine to use, first i focus the parts i'll see for the plugin side later) i do believe kerbal are some kind of plant being and require CO2, fertilizer, light, water etc insteed of food, O2... ;) Herbal Space Program inside in some way for sure ... and HPS are already stock parts so ;)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
white night typo + link & infos
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