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[0.22]copenhagen sub-orbitals 'TYCHO BRATHE' now released!


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it was kinda death, blame the release of gtaV en romeII.

now i hae picked it up again, and I'm stumbling over te IVA. the weird thing abaut it is that the only tutorials i can find are not giving a complete picture and/or point to a badly written, heavely outdated tutorial with missing pictures and broken link that is written just over one year ago by ME.and now i hae to come to the conclusion that the tutorial is not at all relevant to problem I face now:

[aaarg just discover my unity project dint save >:l ]

but here's my problem:


as you can see, the kerbal shoud be pointing to the east.


but in realety it looks north.

I dont know the couse of the problem. i have tryed to rotate the seat transform multiple times with no sucsess. our friend jeb keeps looking to the flag. the position of the transform does respond corect when i move it.

if any1 know a posible solution, or thinks theres a tutorial that i havent seen jet, help would be apriciated :)

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you could be richt touhg, trying it now!

Alskari posted some neat Unity screenshots on his thread, they helped me...

Alright, here is Alskari's HSH Starter Kit

Warranty void upon download. All methods and examples guaranteed to be inefficient and sub par. ;-)

The blender file in there is where I usually start playing around with new designs. Don't expect any of the models in that to be the exact same as their finished versions. I usually screw around until I get something roughly like I want, and then save as a separate file to clean up and finish.

The gimp file is just a source for my various base colors. Glass is usually a 25% opacity. I also usually layer the AO bake on top of the base color I want and then knock it down to 25% opacity as well.

I've had problems sharing Unity projects, so I've just included a few pictures for a basic idea on how I set things up.

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I love this! I can't wait to see what other things you make!

Thanks! the next thing I'm going to make is probably the heat 1x, also from copenhagen suborbitals. it's the hibrit rocked engine this capule was put on, before it crased.

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the parachute and IVA are working as expexted, but the parachut is pulling from the centre of mass of the part itself, but the thing shut pull from the hook so that the capsule would splashdown at an angle. it's not a huge problem, but if there's a solution I would love it :)

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Wouldn't it look better to model a kerbal in it? It's not designed to go EVA from so there's no point in adding a hatch. That being the case, whenever you see this ship it should be occupied since they'd most likely insert the pilot in the assembly building then move it to the launch pad.

Or would the pilots head and shoulders mess with your IVA view?

Also, in your picures it looks like your mesh is turned 90' clockwise from what the navball thinks is the front. Does it fly normal?

I've only just started making KSP models, but one of the first things I figured out is which way the objects should be facing in my modeler, in unity, and in KSP.

For a lander type ship where you're looking out the side, you should be facing the open door in the VAB. Once you're moved to the launch pad you're rotated 90' CCW so you're facing north. In Unity the front of your ship should be pointing in the direction of the blue Z axis arrow.

For a rocket type ship where you're looking upward, the belly of the ship should face the open door in the VAB and the Blue arrow in Unity.

Not sure how much call there is for sub orbital flights in KSP, but it's a neat model you've got there. :)

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Thanks for pointing that out:)il look into them. Also im trying to implement that plugin so that the kerbals are visible from the uotside

He uses a couple of shaders for that, but as long as uou name t ex an cube where the kerbal is seated the same name "glass" or "metal" Then the cube transform that space and voila we can see him :) Thanks to sfrs plugin i was able to create so fun stuff

For eva you could do the hatch at the bottom or at the side perhaps? You put a great level of detail done on it from the ref pictures, kudos (Y)

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I got the sfrs plugin to wurk! kindof...

you can see the kerbal from the outside now, but the IVA view is dislokated by a few meters :l this is only the case if the IVa view is activated. It's as if the layer warent correct, but they are. can anyone explain the plugin in more detail?


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I got the sfrs plugin to wurk! kindof...

you can see the kerbal from the outside now, but the IVA view is dislokated by a few meters :l this is only the case if the IVa view is activated. It's as if the layer warent correct, but they are. can anyone explain the plugin in more detail?


Woot! Good job, I really look forward to seeing the finished product :)

I have spent waaaay too many hours pawing over that plugin - I made a bunch of different pods (none finished) all with the plugin but the thing is broken :( In theory you should be able to rip out one of the classes from there (the one that applies shaders by name to the model that SFR made) and only leave in the class that makes Kerbals spawn and the SFRUtility that finds all the cameras and eventually their parent transform. I would have done this by now and released a bunch of stuff but the original source file won't compile into a working .dll for me no matter what I did. On the plus side, if you swap the bit in the .cs that deals with IVA for the commented line instead you will have a perfectly working IVA scene and it will even go so far as to put your seat in the right place! It won't spawn crew though.

As I said, I've banged my head against this for a while so if I can be of any help then you are welcome!

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i took a quiq look at the code, and saw alot of 'part.CreateInternalModel() ' could it be that the unity layers get screwed up here? I'm not a coder but I used to try it

Hi, I don't know how the layers are used, are they not set by the .mu file? I found that it fails at the first if statement in the class, the "camera c =" doesn't seem to find "main camera" and so it doesn't run the code but gets stuck ~ line 248 and never runs line 260 or anything after that. I tested this with debug warnings, it just won't play ball.

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I think i found the demon:

if (sfrUtility.FindCamera("InternalCamera"))
if (part.vessel.isActiveVessel)
part.internalModel.transform.position = kspPosition; // this is a vector3 with the valus (18.3f, -6.9f, 0)
part.internalModel.transform.parent = kspParent;
part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, -0.7f, 0);

so basicly it checs if there's an internalcamera. this is posibly only the case if you are in IVA. and ifso it chances the internalmodel position to kspPosition.

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I think i found the demon:

so basicly it checs if there's an internalcamera. this is posibly only the case if you are in IVA. and ifso it chances the internalmodel position to kspPosition.

Yep that is the thing that is messing up your IVA view, if you just swap it for "Vector3.Zero;" (left commented out by SFR) then IVA works fine. I can vouch for that for sure. (But the rest of the plugin made from that .cs file still fails to work)

If you use the other pieces of commented code "//part.internalModel.transform.parent;" then it complains about not having a valid part referenced and no transform available. At about that stage I started wondering exactly how it knows exactly what transform it is looking for/at. As you know, the whole class works off a transform that is placed in an IVA scene (in my case a simple chair only), which is in turn placed in a correctly aligned game object to match up with your command pod. That is referenced by INTERNAL.cfg file, in my case it was kept absolutely as simple as possible

name = JonzCoInternal

name = InternalSeat
seatTransformName = jonzcoseat //name of the gameobject you placed for the seats
allowCrewHelmet = false


And no more.

So I started scratching my head about this seatTransformName variable and the what/where/who of it but it didn't really get me anywhere because that is a function of KSP not the plugin and... well... there's a lot of it. I got lost in there, not even ashamed to admit it. You are looking for the KSP class InternalSeat : InternalModule.

I think that this is where to start with what is not working, and is preventing us from getting this awesome mod updated for 0.22 and beyond.

There may be a straight forward way to achieve the same goal, essentially SFR states that the internal scene is visible and then spawns it, before checking what camera we are on and spawning a Kerbal (or not as the case may be)...

[Edit] I am assuming that you haven't managed to compile a working copy of this yet?

Edited by Jahulath
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