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[0.23] Magic Smoke Industries Reflaginator 0.5 (RCS Fixed!)


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Ever taken a rover for a far away joy ride, planted a flag and wished you had a spare flag? Ever ran out of RCS fuel too? Why not pack extra flags and RCS fuel while you are away?

Sure we can just drive all the way back to our lander, get inside the capsule to replenish the flag but that requires you staying near your lander. But what about RCS fuel?

With the Magic Smoke Industries Reflaginator you can do just that. Replenish your RCS, change your flag, and replenish an additional flag so you can plant more than one.


0.2 Update

1. Allow refueling of RCS fuel

2. Allow selecting mission flag on the fly, plant as many different flags as you want.

0.3 Update

1. Fixed an exception bug

0.4 Update

1. Updated to 0.23

2. RCS refuel no longer supported. Fuel is now a read only variable for KerbalEVA. :(

0.5 Update

1. Fixed RCS Replenish thanks to taniwha!

0.6 update will feature limited rcs fuel either from the case or possible from the attach vessel's rcs tanks.

Preview of 0.2 update:

Plugin & model for 0.23(0.5): http://www./download/opaix744wxg3al8/Reflaginator0.5.zip

Source for 0.23 (0.5) http://www./download/rps35kh5vsis7bf/ReflaginatorSRC0.5.zip

Plugin & model(0.3): http://www./download/j6ljuc6dba2m3rx/Reflaginator0.3.zip

Source(0.3) http://www./download/3g0mvsr3eek6h6u/ReflaginatorSRC0.3.zip

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ (Just give me credit if you wish to use the code in any form. Also keep the credit for the creator of the model/artwork)

Credits: Nobiax @ deviantart for the model & texture which can be found here: http://nobiax.deviantart.com/art/Free-Weapon-Box-Pack-146439131

Credits for the Iron Maiden flag goes to the user ~croatian~crusader @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Maiden-Union-Jack-TFF-174070735

Edited by sirkut
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I was finding myself using external seated rovers quite a lot and realized I would have to drive all the way back to the lander for another flag. Just annoyed the heck out of me so I made this quick & dirty. Hopefully someone will have a use for it. I'm currently working on something else for the plugin. :)

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I was finding myself using external seated rovers quite a lot and realized I would have to drive all the way back to the lander for another flag. Just annoyed the heck out of me so I made this quick & dirty. Hopefully someone will have a use for it. I'm currently working on something else for the plugin. :)

Sounds promising!

*Trying to use my mind reading abilities*

Could it be some kind of flag equivalent of your docking washers, so that we could rotate the flag once it has been planted?

Because that would be an awesome idea! :D

(As awesome as the docking washers in fact...)

Keep up the good work sirkut!

Edited by el_coyoto
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Great news! Next version comes out tomorrow (Still need to clean up the code):

1. The ability to pick and plant a different mission flag any time during EVA. Simply go to the FlagCase box, right click and select "Open Flag Menu" Pick the flag, click accept. Now you can plant that mission flag instead! Currently you can plant as many flags as you want. I will eventually place a hard limit on each case.

2. As an added bonus. Now you can replenish your RCS fuel. Go to the same FlagCase and select "Replenish RCS Fuel." Currently it's endless but I will implement a limit on each case at a later time.

Credit for the Iron Maiden flag goes to the user ~croatian~crusader @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Maiden-Union-Jack-TFF-174070735

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Great news! Next version comes out tomorrow (Still need to clean up the code):

1. The ability to pick and plant a different mission flag any time during EVA. Simply go to the FlagCase box, right click and select "Open Flag Menu" Pick the flag, click accept. Now you can plant that mission flag instead! Currently you can plant as many flags as you want. I will eventually place a hard limit on each case.

2. As an added bonus. Now you can replenish your RCS fuel. Go to the same FlagCase and select "Replenish RCS Fuel." Currently it's endless but I will implement a limit on each case at a later time.

Thought, deduct from monopropellent stores?

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"2. As an added bonus. Now you can replenish your RCS fuel. Go to the same FlagCase and select "Replenish RCS Fuel." Currently it's endless but I will implement a limit on each case at a later time."

Why not deduct an amount of fuel and oxidizer? That puts a hard limit on the amount of (producable) RCS and it is imaginable that a specific reaction between the two produces RCS.

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Sure I could do that but what if your rover is electric? I suppose i could require you to out fuel on the rover that you could interact with. I just envision a case with a spare canister r that they could hook up to their Jetpack and refuel.

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I'm guessing that the reason RCS fuel for MMUs is unlimited in the game is because a Kerbal (93kg when fully equipped, according to the game) is going to require significantly less fuel for thrust than even the smallest spacecraft. The volume of fuel in an MMU is almost negligible on the scale that KSP spacecraft use. Yes, some people do crazy exploits because of this, but I don't see that it honestly detracts from the game in any way.

Even in a real MMU, the propellant capacity is less than 12kg of nitrogen, allowing six hours of EVA. For a Kerbal suit, that amount would be even less, as they are much smaller.

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  • 1 month later...
I really like this mod, but is there a way you could reduce the speed of the parts, they tend to be a little jerky which makes it hard to control sometimes. Could you implement a speed control for the arms and joints?

Wrong thread bud..this mod has no joints or arms...well, guess the flagpole is jointed...whatever =P

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  • 5 weeks later...
i mean for .22 but even though i can easily just add it to the tech tree but it would be nice though to have it already added in. i also wonder if you have anything else planned for this too because this thing is so useful

Oh, then say tech tree because it will work with 0.22 build just not in career mode. :)

I'll get to it eventually but I honestly haven't played career mode all the way through yet. Imagine that. As for planned I Am going to give the RCS a finite amount in the flag case. That way it isn't infinite.

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  • 1 month later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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