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How do I edit/add kerbal names?

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I can't 100% guarantee this is how, but this is how I'd do it:

Go to the astronaut complex and hire every Kerbal there, then exit the game. Open your persistence file, and use CTRL+F to search for "Kerman". Then you can scroll through the list of Kerbonauts at your disposal, and you can freely change the names of them. You can also change their courage, stupidity, and BadS stats if you want your Kerbal to have certain traits. I just made one named Nubby Kerman. He's a Badass genius that isn't afraid of anything! I'm going to use him for my upcoming mission to Duna. I need to get refueling infrastructure in place first, though...

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It seems that ToD is hiring time of kerbal but what idx means? Can I change the suit color?

You might be able to edit them in the texture folder. I think the easiest way to change the suit would be to download the Universe Replacer mod, and download some of the custom suits for that.

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