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Version 0.8 is up!


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Hello once again!

KSP Version 0.8 is now up in the Downloads section!

The new version includes the following changes:

New for v0.8:

* Saving and Loading buttons in the interface, as well as a ship loading dialog for picking new ships.

* Ship name field in the editor, allows saving ships with any filename.

* Screenshot button to capture the screen to file.

* functioning MET indicator in the flight UI

* Pages in the VAB part list, whenever the parts exceed the size of the list.

* New skins for the UI windows that pop up. (like the flight results dialog)

* A new splash screen before the main menu enters.

* SAS toggle with 'T' key

* Option to Simulate in Background in the settings.cfg file

* Undo/Redo actions in the VAB, by Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y

* Fuel tanks are now stackable to increase fuel amount (and weight )

* On-screen text popup to let you know the current camera mode

* Cfg interpreter can now parse 2D, 3D, and 4D Vectors, as well as rotations (in angle-axis format)

* Cfg-defined thrust positions and orientations, make retro-rockets and any other craziness open for addon parts.

* Parts may now create new stages for themselves through the cfg (used to be decouplers only)

* New texture for the Solid Rocket Booster

* The game now checks for updates against the KSP site, and let's you know if there is a new version available

* Loading screen moved to before the main menu appears.

Bug fixes:

* Liquid Engine particle effects responding to engine cutoff

* Icon indicators for all parts that need to show information

* Custom icons for all part types

* VAB placement bug with tricouplers and fuel tanks (and decouplers)

* Pause also affecting particle effects

* Pausing the game no longer produces a G-force peak

* SRB mesh normals correction

* Complete rewrite of the flight camera code. No more jitters and a number of new options in the settings.cfg

* Relaunch button on pause menu. No need to end flight to relaunch.

* Version text on main menu resetting after returning to it from game.

* Inverted the middle mouse button zoom. Now mouseing forward brings the camera closer.

* The text on the stage indicators no longer appears over other interface elements

* Fixed excessive wobbliness with side-attached parts

* Radial decouplers now have their own module (they used to share modules with the stack decoupler)

* Increased the inclination range for the VAB camera from 45° to 80°

* Updated tutorial to reflect the changes made in this update (like the new cameras in flight).

* Tweaked the Radial Decoupler separation. It can now eject lit SRBs safely away from the ship and not kill the crew everytime.

Cheers, and :hailprobe:

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