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[WIP] Apollo-like crew module (Updated download 17.2.2014)


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Banana: Boo! :P

007: No, I only wanted a crew module, the only other thing I'm making is a LES tower. I did consider it briefly, but decided I only want an additional CM because I'm happy with the SMs you can make with a combination of stock and mod parts.

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Banana: Boo! :P

Well to my excuse, it is my Dad's Birthday today :D

007: No, I only wanted a crew module, the only other thing I'm making is a LES tower. I did consider it briefly, but decided I only want an additional CM because I'm happy with the SMs you can make with a combination of stock and mod parts.

I think it is a good decision. I like this capsule as Apollo-like especially for different purposes. And together with stretchy tanks (which now has a service module part now by the way) and even MFS you can make a good service module.

DoubleOSeven : if you want a accurate Apollo with SM, check out MrTheBull's Space Factory Thread (I am on mobile so I can't give you the link but it isn't hard to find) He is making an accurate Apollo recreation complete with capsule and service module.

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If I might make a suggestion (Take it as you will) but it is my personal opinion that the module itself (Not the parachute part) could stand to be a tad narrower at the base, and a tad taller from top to bottom (Simmilar in dimension with the mk 1-2 command pod). Alo, for a temporary IVA fix, why not just use the MK 1-2 command pod IVA?

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Then it wouldn't be very apollo like any more ;) The shape of the module+parachute part is a pretty close match to the real apollo and I'm personally happy with how it looks. And I am using the Mk1-2 IVA already, it works well enough except there's something blocking the forward view, probably the parachute part.

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Hey man, i love your work and i too love the Apollo CM! Since before yours, the only Apolloish CM mod was the one from Lionhead, i messed around with that, even reskinning it to give it a more realistic look. If you want, by providing me the base texture files, i can try to re-do something like the "glass" parts of your craft giving it a more realistic look (by realistic i mean something like the B9 pack). Again, good job with this, keep on the good work !

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Then it wouldn't be very apollo like any more ;) The shape of the module+parachute part is a pretty close match to the real apollo and I'm personally happy with how it looks. And I am using the Mk1-2 IVA already, it works well enough except there's something blocking the forward view, probably the parachute part.

AH, ok. WEll if that's what you like go for it! By the way, awesome part none the less (Though I might do some tweaking to fit my own personal taste) Keep up the good work!.

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Glad you guys like it :)

I did a quick test for the IVA - I tried fitting three stock IVA chairs inside the module to see how cramped it is. Well, turns out there's enough space in there for an extra pool table or something. Looks like the IVA kerbals are smaller for gameplay purposes.

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Glad you guys like it :)

I dont like it, i LOVE it, btw if there is something that i can suggest you: you could make the CM act as a non staged decoupler! By doing this you can save some space, by removing the decoupler itself, and also lower the partcount of the ship, plus, it will look even more Apolloish and cool :D

PS: i've tryied to edit your base .tga texture, changing the windows color (for personal use only), it really looks more realistic! If you want to see, just let me know ;)

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I dont like it, i LOVE it, btw if there is something that i can suggest you: you could make the CM act as a non staged decoupler! By doing this you can save some space, by removing the decoupler itself, and also lower the partcount of the ship, plus, it will look even more Apolloish and cool :D

PS: i've tryied to edit your base .tga texture, changing the windows color (for personal use only), it really looks more realistic! If you want to see, just let me know ;)

That's... that's brilliant! I have to admit I don't know what you mean by non-staged decoupler (means you have to right click the module to decouple?), but I did just try adding a basic decoupling module to the part and it works like a charm so if there are no objections, I'll go and turn the built in fairing/shroud into a decoupler. Would it also be a good idea to add a collider for the fairing?

And please do share, either here or PM me :)

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That's... that's brilliant! I have to admit I don't know what you mean by non-staged decoupler (means you have to right click the module to decouple?), but I did just try adding a basic decoupling module to the part and it works like a charm so if there are no objections, I'll go and turn the built in fairing/shroud into a decoupler. Would it also be a good idea to add a collider for the fairing?


I've always used service module mono-parts which already had their own built-in decouplers, so that would actually increase rather than reduce part count for me. :) But a collider on the fairing would make sense.

But in any case, to make a decoupler non-staged, you just

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 200
explosiveNodeID = ...if it's on the capsule, it should be bottom, otherwise top.
staged = false

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Mihara - the fairing is already automatic, all this does is add decoupling to the part, right? So it's still two parts total, module and parachute. Plus, removing the decoupling module is as simple as removing the relevant lines from the config.

Joe - thanks, I'll keep you in mind

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That's... that's brilliant! I have to admit I don't know what you mean by non-staged decoupler (means you have to right click the module to decouple?), but I did just try adding a basic decoupling module to the part and it works like a charm so if there are no objections, I'll go and turn the built in fairing/shroud into a decoupler. Would it also be a good idea to add a collider for the fairing?

And please do share, either here or PM me :)

Yeah other users have said it: you just add the function to decouple the CM from the generated fairing, but only via "righ-clicking" it!

Also here is my so little reworked texture, seems like that imgur doesent like the targa extension, so i had to make a .jpg just for showing purpose: LwPM4TV.jpg

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