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[WIP] Apollo-like crew module (Updated download 17.2.2014)


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13 days after last post....Ledenko if you have not much time due to important RL stuff I can undertand it but some kind of status update would be nice....

And there is the downside of modding. Once you make something, expectations follow.

I mean no offense to DasBananenbrot, as many of us (including me) both look forward to and enjoy the modding communities contributions. However, given that all this effort is both "free" and "requires no effort" on the part of the recipients, it seems to me that we haven't "earned" the right to have these "expectations".

That said, I do agree that if you make the choice to create a mod and publish it, then you also realize the consequences of that act, and therefore have created a sort of "contract" with the community. Though modders are under no obligation to produce or maintain any mods they create, with proper licensing, the community is free to "improve" on the submission and share those "improvements" with the rest of the community.

I also realize that not everyone can create or edit mods. so for those that must simply "wait", I feel for you, but waiting is all we have paid for :)

Sorry for the off topic departure. This mod is pretty nice. New choices for command modules are always welcome. I really like the work you have put into the texturing, knowing what goes into that. As your time allows, I look forward to what ever you decide to produce.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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And there is the downside of modding. Once you make something, expectations follow.

I mean no offense to DasBananenbrot, as many of us (including me) both look forward to and enjoy the modding communities contributions. However, given that all this effort is both "free" and "requires no effort" on the part of the recipients, it seems to me that we haven't "earned" the right to have these "expectations".

That said, I do agree that if you make the choice to create a mod and publish it, then you also realize the consequences of that act, and therefore have created a sort of "contract" with the community. Though modders are under no obligation to produce or maintain any mods they create, with proper licensing, the community is free to "improve" on the submission and share those "improvements" with the rest of the community.

I also realize that not everyone can create or edit mods. so for those that must simply "wait", I feel for you, but waiting is all we have paid for :)

Sorry for the off topic departure. This mod is pretty nice. New choices for command modules are always welcome. I really like the work you have put into the texturing, knowing what goes into that. As your time allows, I look forward to what ever you decide to produce.

I completely agree there :)

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Nice bit of reasoning there, Mihara! I think your discovery could well be a game changer.

On an unrelated note, I couldn't resist fitting this capsule out in full-on Apollo CSM style and take her for a spin.


What are the other parts in this picture? I do not reconize the motor nor the body part under the capsule.

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The SPS is from KW Rocketry, and I believe the service module is from NovaPunch.

Wrong! (unless it got added to NovaPunch at some point) The service module is this kerbalspaceprogram.com/sn-service-module/ or this maybe kerbalspaceprogram.com/sn-advanced-service-module/ they share the same model, could be ether. The rcs is also from kw.

Edited by bs1110101
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Sorry, hadn't seen this until now. I'll put an end to any uncertainty, along with showing off pictures of the final operational design.



CM: Apollo-like crew module

SM & Decoupler: SuperNovy

RCS and engine: KW Rocketry

High-gain antenna: Telemachus

Running lights: Bac9

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  • 2 weeks later...


Modified SDHI's Service Module to fit flush with the capsule. The cap needs an adapter that I made out of a small strut and a 1.25 to 0.6m adapter.


The Capsule in orbit with SDHI's service module.


I replaced the Apollo style docking mechanism with SDHI's IACBM with integrated parachute.

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What did you write in the .cfg file?

Find the service module cfg and in the node_stack_top line replace it with the following.

 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.675, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 

Note that this will make the part incompatible with the original capsule it was intended for.

Also this is what i was mentioning earlier, its the adapter i use so that the nosecone of the module sits in the correct position. I suppose it can be fixed by tweaking the node values in the .cfg's but this works just fine. It can be decoupled from the docking port after the nosecone has been jettisoned.


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Yes , on page 4. I quoted it for you :D


Well, after messing around for ages with setting it up, I have something that basically works and could be called early release, alpha, version 0.110 or whatever.

Here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27552313/KP0110.zip

Please note! Being mostly untested, I have no idea what it's potential for save game breaking it is. It's not using any mods but since this is my first complex part, it's possible it'll cause some issue I'm not even aware of.

It's still mostly untested, but it seems to work, EVA hatch and "ladders" are functional, docking port seems to work (the thingy on top of it might interfere with a docking cam though, in fact I'm pretty sure it'll do that) and the parachute functions, even though the animation is messed up as I animated the wrong axis. At least it points the right way...

So, currently known bugs and/or issues:

Docking port thingy interferes with docking cam (probably)

The not-fully-deployed animation for the parachute is stretched the wrong way + edit: the texture is a placeholder

There's a texture issue on top of the docking port, weird flickery triangles

edit2: the way the heat shield and attachment node are positioned it only really works with tall/wide decouplers such as the stock 2.5m one, with low decouplers you'd need part clipping. I might move the attachment point lower and make an automatic shroud so it doesn't leave a gap, but the prospect scares me (figuring out Unity is a pain).

Feedback much appreciated!

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I'm here again and I owe everyone who's been following an apology - I'm sorry I just disappeared on you because you're right, there's a sort of responsibility if you come out with something, especially if you promise to release...

Anyway, what happened? Work happened, that's what. For the past two months, I had barely any free weekends and I've been coming home late and if I felt like gaming, I wanted to play, not work on something. Lousy excuse, I know, but there you go.

Since 3d modeling is only a hobby, I now sort of have to relearn some of this stuff and figure out what I've been doing in Unity. When I stopped working on the module, this is what I had:


It's still the same model with reworked textures, now I simply have to do the same for the parachute part (and not mess it up again).

I do need your help though, those of you who downloaded and tested it, have you noticed anything that should be fixed? IVA obviously, but I'm not even considering tackling that just yet, unless someone else wants to take over.

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I'm here again and I owe everyone who's been following an apology - I'm sorry I just disappeared on you because you're right, there's a sort of responsibility if you come out with something, especially if you promise to release...

Anyway, what happened? Work happened, that's what. For the past two months, I had barely any free weekends and I've been coming home late and if I felt like gaming, I wanted to play, not work on something. Lousy excuse, I know, but there you go.

Since 3d modeling is only a hobby, I now sort of have to relearn some of this stuff and figure out what I've been doing in Unity. When I stopped working on the module, this is what I had:


It's still the same model with reworked textures, now I simply have to do the same for the parachute part (and not mess it up again).

I do need your help though, those of you who downloaded and tested it, have you noticed anything that should be fixed? IVA obviously, but I'm not even considering tackling that just yet, unless someone else wants to take over.

Great to here you are back :D And no it is not a lousy excuse, I can fully understand you but a little note that you make a break right at the beginning would have been good :wink: But now you are back so it isn't important anymore. Considering the IVA as much as I would like to support you I have no experience in modelling and generally making mods at all :D But the IVA isn't that important, for me the most important thing right now is properly textured parachutes as they bugged me the most :D

Edit: What I would like is RealChute support but maybe not everyone wants it , so I may can ask stupid_chris how to do it for you and then release it as an extra for those who want it? I won't promise I will have succes but I think it is fairly easy and any kind of support I could give to the development of this awesome capsule would be nice

Edited by DasBananenbrot
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RealChute support shouldn't be a problem, stupid_chris could add it to his config when he releases an update and if you're using his mod, you have RealChutes and if not, well, you just have the regular wonky parachute :)

well yeah basically we just need a MM file. Hmm just finish the parachute part and I will ask stupid_chris :D

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