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Moon lander

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Hey all, I'm trying to develop a multi purpose lander that can land on almost any moon and return to dock with its mother ship. I figure that Laythe is not included and other very large moons can also be skipped. Any thoughts on the design? I have a prototype with 1580 delta v.

If you can give me any advice on the delta v required to deorbit AND return to orbit from various moons, I appreciate it.


Edit: needs to be 1 kerbal capacity. Probably not using seats.

Edited by KatzOhki
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I've been looking for similar stuff. Recently I was told to look for something called a Delta V map. I think if u use the search option on this forum it might find the same stuff I did. There are a few, i'm still figuring out which ones are up to date and which are not. That's my advice, try searching for Delta V map.

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Vall requires about 1200m/s delta-v (bit less depending on landing skill) to land, I'd recommend roughly the same for ascent. 2500m/s delta-v for a singlestage would be a safe bet. At that point though you wouldn't need much extra for Moho (~1400m/s delta-v to land), and Duna would be just as doable (could add some parachutes to help out).

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2500 delta-v should work for about every moon but Tylo and Laythe, although a bit more wiggle room can always come in handy.

The delta-v required to land should be very similar to the amount required to take off (in vacuum environments anyway), but in practice a bit more is likely spent on landing.

Delta-v maps like this one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25360-Delta-V-map - are handy in approximating the amounts required to get to and from a given body.

In the challenges section Xeldrak has been running a challenge to design a better two-stage lander (ie. one that splits it's delta-v into a landing stage and a re-orbit stage) - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/48193-BSC-Two-stage-Lander-Primary-Elections!-Vote-Now! - many, indeed I'd think all, of the submissions there should give you some ideas along with lots of screenshots, downloadable craft files and commentary.

Edit: and from that linked challenge thread, I'd say that Xeldrak's own entry at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/48193-BSC-Two-stage-Lander-Primary-Elections!-Vote-Now!?p=629333&viewfull=1#post629333 should provide plenty of inspiration - one kerbal capacity, docking port, built extremely strong for heavy landings and more than enough delta-v.

Edited by MiniMatt
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There are a few apps on play stores (I have an Android phone) that are simple to use, but loaded with information. KSP Informer for example has a ton of planetary/moon information, including orbital and escape velocities!

KSP Orbit, and KSP Orbicalc are a few other good ones for transfer orbits to other planets/moons.

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Tylo is a pig. Almost the same gravity as Kerbin, but no atmosphere to slow you down. Laythe is quite easy by comparison, especially if you equip your lander with chutes. Not only will this help for landing on Laythe, but Duna too as that also has an atmosphere.

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"Every moon" is impractical, because there are two exceptions, Tylo and Laythe -- Tylo necessitates a multistage lander with far higher delta V requirements than any other moon, because it's the size of Kerbin while Laythe is the only moon with an atmosphere, and it's oxygenated enough for jets to work, which makes spaceplanes a much preferable means of getting there and back. But if you feel content to exclude both of them, two nuclear engines hanging off the sides of a 2.5m tank (The one that's shorter than they are) and a lander can are sufficient to land on and return from everything, not just moons -- except Kerbin, Eve, Tylo, Laythe, Jool and Kerbol itself. There is no need for multi-staging or even any other kind of engine -- two stock LV-N provide sufficient thrust. Notice that this works fine on Duna as well, despite the losses from atmosphere.

Eve landers that get off there are a whole another story...

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Thanks guys, I think I've got what I need. I figure what I'll do is stick with the design I had (1580 dV), exclude Tylo, Laythe and Vall and simply use a larger, planetary lander for them!

@Mihara: intereting point, I'll definitely think about that when designing my planetary excursion lander.

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I created a one-man lander to Land on Duna and restart from it. It landed with parachutes, but it can land without. (It had enaugh fuel to land on Duna with chutes, restart and then land on Ike)

If anyone needs it (or the rocket that gets this lander to Duna and back(Yes, ONE rocket)) just send me a PM. :D

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