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What's the Largest Rocket you've ever built? Interplanetary and Launchers Mostly

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  Whackjob said:
Bah! Giant vehicles don't count as a launch victory if you turn off the bloody gravity! :)

Here's another of mine. Someone once said that you couldn't build a very tall rocket, because it became unstable and impossible to launch.

If someone with better eyes than mine can count those orange tanks and give me a number, I'd appreciate it. I never knew how tall that thing was. I couldn't see all of it at once in the VAB for obvious reasons.

#EDIT: Shot on the pad so you can use the watertower to reference height.

#EDIT2: Just noticed the on-the-pad picture is an older one... you can see I wasn't yet done with the external truss shell.

I counted 17 but i may be wrong.

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I once decided to land a spacestation on Minmus.


Can you see the kerbal on the ground and the one hanging off the side?

My kethane miner was quite big too, could empty most deposits in a single landing



Don`t know part counts or weight as they are pre-24.2 and from an era of overdesign.

Now I mostly build really small things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My largest would have to be my 1100-ton payload lifter (over 7500 on the pad). I never actually did anything with it. I just wanted to see if I could get a payload with 4-digits of mass into orbit with something stable and reliable, using stock parts. This was not long after the ARM patch (0.23.5) released. My Jool-5 was probably heavier overall, but the largest of the two launches for that weighed in around 6800 on the pad.

Jool-5, propulsion-section launch (6800+ on the pad):


1100-ton lifter (7500+ on pad):




Edited by NecroBones
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  NecroBones said:
My largest would have to be my 1100-ton payload lifter (over 7500 on the pad). I never actually did anything with it. I just wanted to see if I could get a payload with 4-digits of mass into orbit with something stable and reliable. This was not long after the ARM patch (0.23.5) released.

Could cut the part count down with mod parts, I hear SpaceY is good for this.

(Seriously though, what is the part count on that monster?)

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Could cut the part count down with mod parts, I hear SpaceY is good for this.

(Seriously though, what is the part count on that monster?)

That's the person who made SpaceY, or did I miss the joke? :P

Anyways, I did build some large rockets in the past, but now i'm going for efficiency. My latest large rocket was my 6.4x Kerbol minmus mission, I don't know how much it weighs, but it's not very fun to try to pilot, I know that much!

But the largest rocket, period? Well, this is the largest one I could find in the screenshot.

(3 parts procedural fairings)


I know i've built bigger, but this picture just makes me laugh. :D (don't ask what happens when I seperate them)

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  Norpo said:
That's the person who made SpaceY, or did I miss the joke? :P

Yep, that was the joke. :)

  Red Iron Crown said:
Could cut the part count down with mod parts, I hear SpaceY is good for this.

(Seriously though, what is the part count on that monster?)

LOL, yes, I suppose the part count could go down now. :)

I just edited the post above with part of my Jool-5 launch too, which was close.

I had to find the .craft file first :) but it looks like the 1100-ton lifter had 751 parts (with the clamps). Not bad for its size.

Edited by NecroBones
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My biggest serious rocket is the one used to launch the lander/transfer stage section of my 6.4x Tylo ship. It's almost 4000 tonnes at launchpad, and the payload capacity is something like 150-200 tonnes to a 200 km orbit.





The Tylo ship itself, when it's fully fueled, is going to be my biggest interplanetary ship ever. At over 2500 tonnes, it's more than 50% heavier than my 7-kerbal stock Eve lander.


In this picture, the ship is still missing the command module, as it would be an unnecessary obstacle for the fuel tankers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Biggest rocket I've ever built?

This thing:


Yes, those are 20 meter procedural fuel tanks. The 5 meter ones were just too small.

With 79 KW Rocketry Century engines, this monstrosity has almost 900 MN of thrust at launch. Even then, that's just enough to give me a TWR of 1.1 at launch.

The payload itself weighs over 6000 tons and the fairing weighs over 3000 tons.

You may see it in action soonTM...

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My largest lifter is the Tylo-100A.

Named after its first destination (3 Kerbals and 2 Rovers are currently on Tylo) and the amount of Mainsails that run at liftoff.

I did not look at numbers during the flight, so I don't actually know how much weight this ...thing lifts to LKO.

On the pad, the total weight of the lifter + Tylo hardware ist 7977,36t.

I'm not going to launch the stack again just to get a reading on the LKO lift capability, and the reason is another number - part count: 1576. Ouch!!


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