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Bugged Craft Help?

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Hey all, so this is the first time I've encountered something like this:

When editing a new module for my craft (it's a package of multiple rovers to be docked with a ship), the file got bugged, or corrupted or something. I tried to pull off everything underneath the large probe core so that I could add a docking port. One of the rovers (which was added using symmetry) didn't pull off and acted like it was still a part of the craft. Then when I tried to move parts off of that, they duplicated. Eventually the program crashed and now anytime I try to make changes to it, the program crashes. Not really sure what to do here...

Corrupted.craft (137 KB)


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Seconded. It stinks, but it's the only way to go. Usually, as I mod craft, I rotate between three saved versions. Like Arkingthaad Mk1, Mk2, Mk3. That way if something crazy comes along, I can always revert one step back and not lose so much.

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I downloaded your craft file to try and help, think you may have uploaded the wrong one. There's no rovers on this one and I can't find anything bugged either.

This one is named Corrupted (Probe Beta).

If it's the correct ship please explain further what the problem is, with screenshots + paint/graphics program to draw an arrow/box on the problem area.

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