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[WIP] Bahamuto Dynamics (Dockable Fairings) 11/5/13


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Hello everyone. You may have seen me post videos and craft files on the forums, but one thing I've always wanted to do was create parts and addons. This is my first real attempt at modeling and texturing ever, and so far it has been quite fun.

The first part I've made is an engine/fuel tank/RCS/landing legs combo which is intended to fit seamlessly with the 3 man Mark1-2 Command Pod.

It's gonna have a bunch of different modules crammed into one part to serve as a platform for me learning how to implement them all.

Eventually I will create a bunch of different parts and release the package, but for now, one part at a time.

The goal is good balance, stock compatible appearance, and functions with style.

Heatshielded Senior Docking Port

Download v0.1

Included are 3 configurations of the large docking port. Two that start closed (one of which opens 180 degrees and one opens 270 degrees), and one that starts 270 degrees open.


Hollow Docking Rings/Fairings

Download v0.2.1

These are parts in which things can be mounted. The black rings on the rim also work as docking ports, allowing you to dock rockets with the engines hidden, or hide small parts within a stack.

Comes in 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m

Also includes a 1.25 hollow docking ring which, among other things, can be used to mount directly under a rocket while still allowing thrust through. You can also part clip a parachute unto it so you can have a docking port and parachute in one piece.



Short Demo:

Todo: Texture/model improvement.

Mk1-2 Propulsion System

Download v0.3


0.3 Notes: Switched to a more modular setup to fix leg and thruster problems. Now has 4x 0.625 engine mounts. Included new Engine with swiveling nozzle.

0.2c Notes: Did a workaround for the pesky sticking problem. Thanks, Cheebsta, I used your 'one large collider' solution for now. You were right, it does land a little funny but its the only solution that works right now. I guess you can't have more than one moving collider touching the ground.

v0.2a video:

Open to suggestions.

Some of the parts in action:

Edited by BahamutoD
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Very nice first part :D Yes, it is ideal for landers on light gravity bodies. And yes, i like wide stance of legs too - no more capsules tumbling head over heels when they land on a slope. Now suggestion: add four built in RCS blocks and some monopropellant - it will make for a pretty, simple service module.

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There are a few tutorials on landing legs in Hoojiwana's info collection thread in Add-on Development.

I like the part! Does the bottom fit 3.75m parts? That would be snazzy.

The only thing I see is that the first shot you posted looks a little odd. Did you use smooth shading? Sometimes that can get weird if you don't dampen its effects with edge split/smoothing groups.

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Great Job! I'm always looking for stockish mods to add. I don't have anything against other art styles but when people make objects that fit the style of stock it really takes the cake, thanks!

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It's a lovely part, and I wouldn't care much for landing legs, a sufficient number of smallest AIES landing legs look nice and keeps it at the perfect distance from the ground. FASA Gemini landing legs will do even better

But dV is a bit low, which limits it's applications considerably.

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Very nice first part :D Yes, it is ideal for landers on light gravity bodies. And yes, i like wide stance of legs too - no more capsules tumbling head over heels when they land on a slope. Now suggestion: add four built in RCS blocks and some monopropellant - it will make for a pretty, simple service module.

Thanks! I was going to do add RCS but thought the reaction wheels were more than enough... Forgot about docking though! I'll add that next along with possible legs.

There are a few tutorials on landing legs in Hoojiwana's info collection thread in Add-on Development.

I like the part! Does the bottom fit 3.75m parts? That would be snazzy.

The only thing I see is that the first shot you posted looks a little odd. Did you use smooth shading? Sometimes that can get weird if you don't dampen its effects with edge split/smoothing groups.

Ah, not sure how I missed those lander leg links. Thanks. The bottom fits 2.5m still. After I finish this part, I'm thinking of making a big brother version that's larger with stronger engines and goes from 2.5m to 3.75m.

Which parts look odd? I did smooth shading with edge split, but I will probably learn how to use smoothing groups (I assume that means choosing which parts to smooth).

Nice! It reminds me of the SpaceX dragon landing.

That was the inspiration!

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Okay so the built-in landing legs are slowly coming along. I've overcome tons of random and strange problems and finally have the part in game with the animations working, but now it gets stuck to the ground whenever it lands. Whether or not the gear is down, it will be stuck to the ground even at full throttle and wont be released until the extend/retract animation is played (hitting G). So odd...

Edit: Using ModuleLandingGear instead of ModuleAnimationGeneric or w/e seemed to do the trick. On to RCS.

Edited by BahamutoD
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For help with animation, I need to know what you use. I know how to do it (I did an extending docking port) but I do it on Blender and that might not be your software of choice.

Ahh I could have used your help yesterday! Spent hours and hours but I finally got the animation working. The animation itself wasn't actually a problem, but things got weird when I exported from Blender to Unity. Thanks though!

Gah I hate you. First part and you manage to do a decent painted texture for it. I can't for the life of me do the same thing!!! Great job.

Haha, at least you make parts that are useful :P

I have finished the RCS and landing legs. Although drilling holes into the hull for the RCS made that face get all distorted... Also the retexture ain't as smooth with the separate moving parts and stuff. I'm learning :)

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Okay I've run into another weird thing. I was wondering why stacking the new part (v 0.2) was giving me so much TWR (3 of them gave me twr of 12:1), and I found that the parts were magically becoming weightless upon loading to flight scene. Mechjeb displays the weight correctly in the VAB, but once I go to the flight scene, mechjeb shows only 4t (which is the weight of only the command pod) no matter how many parts I stack. What the??

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I know this is epicly late, but Can I make a request....

A ladder, not an extending one, jut a built in ladder like the capsule already has, so that if you line it up you can board and deboard from just this. I can see this as a great landers for low gravity no atmo worlds.

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That is on the to-do list. Most important for right now is figuring out why it is weightless :S

Because you're using ModuleLandingGear, and aircraft landing gear is weightless. Stock landing legs are HLandingLeg and work entirely differently.

You should have better luck with ModuleAnimateGeneric, which is how cBBp's Dragon does it, or better yet, FSAnimateGeneric from Firespitter, but then you're dependent on Firespitter plugin being present.

Edit: Yup, that works and doesn't make it weightless:

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = Extend
startEventGUIName = Extend Landing Struts
endEventGUIName = Retract Landing Struts

Won't get automatically added to the gear action group, though.

Edited by Mihara
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HLandingLeg should be fine, it also gives you a bit of control over the animation speed, although I couldn't say if it'll mess with the other functions.

As for the RCS ports, in all honesty, I would just paint them on, as odd shapes and smoothing can be a real pain. The stock capsule has its painted on, too.

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Because you're using ModuleLandingGear, and aircraft landing gear is weightless. Stock landing legs are HLandingLeg and work entirely differently.

You should have better luck with ModuleAnimateGeneric, which is how cBBp's Dragon does it, or better yet, FSAnimateGeneric from Firespitter, but then you're dependent on Firespitter plugin being present.

Edit: Yup, that works and doesn't make it weightless:

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = Extend
startEventGUIName = Extend Landing Struts
endEventGUIName = Retract Landing Struts

Won't get automatically added to the gear action group, though.

I used ModuleAnimateGeneric before, but for some reason the ship gets stuck to the ground when it lands (full thrust and the ship doesnt move untill you press the animation button. This happens both then the legs are deployed and when they are not), and spawns with the landing gear already out, which clips through the ground, causing it to pop like 20m into the air when physics starts. I'll try that again though. Can you try ModuleAnimateGeneric on your end and see if you have the same problem?

Edit: Okay i tried ModuleAnimateGeneric again and it spawns properly but the 'sticking to the ground' issue remains. (this is why I tried switching to ModuleLandingGear)

I would try HLandingLeg but I thought it was outdated or something. I heard it needs animations and parts to be named certain things so I'll need to find more info on this.


I know this is epicly late, but Can I make a request....

A ladder, not an extending one, jut a built in ladder like the capsule already has, so that if you line it up you can board and deboard from just this. I can see this as a great landers for low gravity no atmo worlds.

A simple but absolutely incredible add-on. It should be a stock part. BTW if you'd clean up the mesh around rcs ports that would be awesome.

Will do this in v0.3

Edited by BahamutoD
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I second MG's request for a ladder - it will be very useful. Also seeing this part in action i think it would make for a good Duna lander too. If it can do powered landing on Kerbin, it will work well on Duna. Hmm...maybe bigger model could be equipped with small kethane mining rig for ISRU refuelling? That would be very cool.

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Are you using mesh colliders for the landing legs? Try a sideways capsule, or even just a box.

This is a great looking part btw. Would love to see more multipurpose service extensions to simplify lander builds. No one really goes out of their way to abuse modules in the way they should be. If you've seen the KerbolQuest thread, that jetpack is actually my baby, and I will say, it uses just about every module in the game on that one part, haha.

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