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Heavy Utility Class VTOL-SSTO "Bison" Mk. VI

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I finally decided that this thing needs it's own thread. :cool: [Requires Mechjeb, stock version available upon request]



Powered by 5 Turbojet Engines (4 on the main body, 1 on the fuel assist pod) and 2 Toroidal Aerospike Rocket Engines. A plethora of air intakes gives the jet engines plenty of breathable air even as far up as 30,000m before having to shut the intakes and switch to the Aerospikes.


It reaches a stable 80km orbit with more than enough delta-v to reach any sort of refuelling platforms to refuel. It possesses enough delta-v to go pretty much anywhere it's needed, so long as there are refuelling platforms to keep it's fuel tanks full.


Of course, this thing de-orbits like a boss!! I never get tired of the re-entry effects!!


Parachutes are standard for those who don't possess the skill (or confidence) to make powered landings, but it is capable of doing a powered landing with it's on-board turbojets and aerospike engines.

Currently in development - Support Modules:

So far, only the "Bug-E" rescue module rover has been released, but other modules are in development.



"Bug-E" Rescue Rover is able to be operated via remote control, can also be piloted from the inside via the lander can cockpit. Topside docking port is standard for docking beneath the Bison VTOL craft. Side mounted parachutes allow the rover to de-orbit on it's own and land safely.

Bison Mk. VI with Fuel Assist pod craft file can be found HERE!!

Be sure to check the action groups before taking off, and to switch control over to the top docking port.

Edited by speedboiae86
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Looking slick! Cute little rover too, I just want to cuddle it. :)


It is quite adorable, isn't it? I wanted it to look like something out of the movie "Wall-E", hence the name, "Bug-E".

On another note, I've developed another VTOL-SSTO:



It's able to reach orbit, although it uses almost everything it has on board. The spacing of the turbojets means I can't let them flame out, or it'll result in a deadly spin.

Edited by speedboiae86
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