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end of the KSP solar system?


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does KSP have a quote end? if you went straight up from ksp and just kept going would you eventually hit a wall? is it like minecraft that technically has an end but is like inpossible to get to. or does it have no end and you just keep going till your pc cant take it anymore?

Edited by Dimetime35c
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I did this without hyperedit (only thing used was infinite fuel). Going in a straight wasn't a problem at any point, it's when you start to circulize that the Kraken starts to wake up, my game started slowing down to a grind and occasionally locked up for seconds at a time. I did manage to circulize in the end though. Large part of that distance was travelled at 1000km/s (yeah kilometers) at maximum timewarp.


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I think the question is though is how much Delta V it takes to break out of the suns influence, or even if its possible. The one thought in my head is that you just get an orbit around the sun that so close to 0 that's it is essentially 0, but because the game wont allow it, your still technically inside the suns influence. This is of course assuming the Kraken doesn't eat your save file.

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Most anything that can send a probe or Kerbal into orbit around Jool can launch a voyager style mission. Speed drops to zero when you hit the edge of the Kerbal system. Six Kerbal years on one of my scenarios and those probes are still heading into deep space.

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Whack job, Mach 0.89234E+9972 is aprox. 305,000,000,00... (9961 zeros later) meters per second.

Gah, My math stinks. I was going for 300,000,000,ect.

That's about 130E+9963 times light speed, that's about 1 observable universe per second.

So you're saying... I should add in some more boosters.

I bet you see that as a challenge to build something that fast

If I could, I would. "Flyin' like me, ya goin' insane... insane speeds in the space-brane..."

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For now Kerbol (the Sun) have no SOI limits (will have it later on), nor it has a wall (will not have it later on). So yeah, you can go anywhere, but in future updates when new star systems are added there would possibly be a galactic SOI (no limits until SQUAD decided to add more galaxies), then new solar SOI will be added and all solar SOI will be limited.

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Most anything that can send a probe or Kerbal into orbit around Jool can launch a voyager style mission. Speed drops to zero when you hit the edge of the Kerbal system. Six Kerbal years on one of my scenarios and those probes are still heading into deep space.

Well by NASA standards you've reached the end of the Kerbol system about 15 times then by now :D

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Well by NASA standards you've reached the end of the Kerbol system about 15 times then by now :D

They still got half of the fully zoomed out distance in map mode to go. Their speed has slowed way down so it will be several more years before they vanish or get stuck there.

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Whack job, Mach 0.89234E+9972 is aprox. 305,000,000,00... (9961 zeros later) meters per second.

That's about 130E+9963 times light speed, that's about 1 obseveable universe per second.

just to be pedantic, wouldn't Mach 0.89234E+9972 in a vacuum be 0m/s ?

to quote from wikipedia:

"Mach number (M or Ma) /ˈmÉ‘ËÂx/ is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of speed of an object moving through a fluid and the local speed of sound."

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