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should i join? or should i just spectate? i need your opinion.

Join, of course! The more players the better.

Also, to 12togo34 (whoever that may be): Thanks for the feedback on the rules!


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I've drafted some new rules for handling spaceports:

In the early game, all space transport is handled through crafts constructed in Kerbal Space Program, and spaceport facilities. Spaceplanes are also able to land at airports, but must be transferred to a spaceport through any transport method before being used again.

This is the process for transferring a KSP .craft into the Game:

1. Construct a rocket or spaceplane.

2. Attach a dummy payload to the rocket, and record how much delta-v it has left once getting to orbit as well as the mass of the payload.

3. Upload the .craft to the Great Game forums, where a GM will:

3a. Verify its capabilities

3b. Calculate its cost/time/tech level to build

Once the rocket is in-game, it can be constructed and will provide a transport of a payload to orbit (and possible further, depending on the delta-v the rocket is shown to possess in steps 2 and 3a) once taken to a functional spaceport facility.

For transferring large payloads, they are assumed to be infinitely modular (IC: your “competent†R&D staff will fit it to the capabilities of the rocket you “plan†for it to be launched on). Hence, if you construct five rockets with 20 tons of payload per turn each, a 100-ton payload can still be taken to orbit in a single turn if all five rockets are used.

Unless the GM states otherwise in a particular case, the landing site of a rocket can be chosen. Depending on how reusable the rocket is, it may also need to be refurbished for a cost.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some rules for handling airports:

Materials can also be carried through the air. This is achieved by constructing an airport facility on a tile. This will allow any materials to be carried from any other airport to that airport. The total cargo transport capacity of a single airport is 100 tons per turn multiplied by the tech level. For example, at tech level 9.3 an airport would be able to transport 930 tons per turn.

Please reply, this project needs interest to succeed. Rules for ground and sea transport are coming soon - if anyone can come up with an awesome way to handle them (or any other game mechanic), feel free to. The rules draft so far is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-7y4_YGPCNZLm9sLV9QAQyAurFtkwZY0UsOSqZCjrs/edit?usp=sharing

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Written some rules for land transport.

The simplest and cheapest way to connect tiles together is to connect them through roads. Any object can be transported up to four tiles in any direction if the tiles are connected by roads. There are also more advanced forms of land transportation available if you have enough technology and funding. These are railways (nine tiles), electric railways (eleven tiles), monorails (fourteen tiles) and maglev trains (eighteen tiles).

[table snip]

Please reply if you're still interested. I'll be putting up the combat rules shortly, and then maybe work out how space and ground colonies will operate.

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Can i help? i want to be occupied.

If you message me your google account, I can add you to the rulebook and you can edit it. You can also post suggestions here, as well as on the website which is in the OP.

Consider me most definitely interested! :D

Although, quick q, do we make the nations 'kerbal-y' or do we treat it like a more serious thing? (Poorly worded, but gets the point across...)

Whichever you want.

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  • 2 months later...
This seems interesting


If you think so, go over to the website. The game is actually starting over there, we just need some players. I'm going to message the people who've already signed up tomorrow when I'm not on my tablet.

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