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An idea for putting into career mode maybe.


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After hearing about all these science module and how experiments could be done. I wondered what could be made to make career mode more interesting. I remembered some of the easter eggs people have talked about. So here is my idea.

Create events in Career mode based on timeline or other situations that are both funny and interesting. For example you could have an event like, alien probe discovered entering the system. Or alien wreckage found on the moon. Other ideas might include strange lifeform detected on Eve, we believe it to be the long theorised Female Kerbal. Or stuff like that.

Do you think that would make Career mode interesting? because I think this game has a great potential for being fun, rather than just a challenge.

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I didn't suggest an entire alien race, just an example for an event. but nvm. As you put it, please read the post carefully. Two don't jump to conclusions. Three fine, I made a mistake and posted it in the wrong forum.

CLearly it was a really really bad idea, cos no one said anything positive about it. So just go ahead and delete it.

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Look, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just pointing out things that were wrong with it.

Even if criticism is negative, it's an opinion, don't get worked up about it, just do a little searching next time before posting something to avoid a double post or posting something in the wrong forum.

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Another bit is the fact that by "No aliens" that is stated in "what NOT to suggest" we mean "ABSOLUTELY no aliens whatsoever."

We're not trying to be mean. Just stating what has been stated several times before. It gets on people's nerves when it is brought up again and again, despite being on a list of what not to do. Please be more careful next time :)

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Don't be so hard on yourself Moonfrog, you have to understand that a lot of the suggestions and ideas people often post have been seen and debated so many times by some members it starts to bother them. It's not your fault, some people are just very passionate about KSP and the community.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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For now, just invent your own goals for a career mode starting out with sub orbital flights, orbital flights, flights to Mun and the planets. Later, you can add manned flights, flights that return imaginary samples from the other planets and moons, and finish up with a goal of space colonization.

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I don't see anyone getting angry about the Kraken on Bop (it's an alien...), or the mysterious monoliths appearing across the Kerbol system before the Kerbals have a launched a single rocket (therefore not put there by Kerbals...).

The suggestion is pretty much much career-only Easter eggs which could be detected as strange events/objects whilst playing. There's no need to get worked up about it just because someone was trying to be imaginative. If "alien probe" was asteroid and "strange lifeform" was mysterious monolith, I doubt anyone would be trying to quote the rules. Think about the idea itself before flaming the possible examples.


Good idea :) Just get rid of the aliens :P

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I don't see anyone getting angry about the Kraken on Bop (it's an alien...), or the mysterious monoliths appearing across the Kerbol system before the Kerbals have a launched a single rocket (therefore not put there by Kerbals...).

There is even an "UFO" saucer easter egg Kerbin. Ya, Moonfrog, I got it as an example of an event, and not that you wanted aliens. I appreciate your suggestion and it is a feature I would like to see in the future. It would actually add some realism (minus aliens :) )

.......... and you had me at "Female Kerbal" :D

Edited by roosterr
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I think the idea has some merit.

You certainly haven't suggested adding aliens - unless you consider female Kerbals as aliens...

There are already alien artifacts: monoliths, crashed ufos, stonehenge on vall, 3 things on Duna. Having additional easter eggs should be fine in my opinion since all the existing ones imply aliens, though we never see them.

I'd like to see even the existing easter eggs be somehow part of career mode.

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What I took from the OP was essentially the back story behind using our forthcoming science parts. I'm guessing in the career mode we will be given reasons for going out and doing this science? One of those reasons, like the OP suggested, could be to gather data from the already existing alien easter eggs dotting the system.

Or wait, am I not aloud to even call that saucer sticking out out of the ground an alien craft? Will the mere mention of the word alien get the community riled? Wait... I know! It's a weather experiment..... haha.

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