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Exploding when undocking multiple docking ports.

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So I am trying to put together an interplantery kethane mission.

A Kethinterplantery mission if you will but I am having an problem. I got the lander/drive/refinery portion up into orbit no problem. It is currently on space trials between the Mun and Minimus.

Here are some shots of the lander under power and then the last three shots are the craft I am having a problem with.

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My command section and fuel storage section keeps exploding when I go to undock it from the lifter. I built the lander/drive section first launched it and tested it. Then I went back and built the command section second removing most of the lander to save weight. It was the only way I could get everything to line up right so all three senor clampotrons can dock. The problem is when I get the whole craft into orbit and go to separate the lander section which is basically just a construction jig my command section explodes.

Well sometimes it just separates into a bunch of bits with no explosion. I have tried using, docking ports on both sides, docking ports on one side, seperators, decouplers and every combination in between. Everytime the command section breaks apart.

Is there a way to fix this or is it just a function of the way the ships were built?

I have included the craft file. The staging for the lifter is a bit out of order. I have to watch the tanks draining to make sure I adjust it in flight.


Edited by British_Rover
fixed craft link
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Used action groups and everything still comes apart. It was the first thing I tried after the decouplers caused the command section to come apart. On my initial design something might have been clipped because their was an explosion but I went back double checked everything and built a whole new command section. Using an action group to decouple the command section still broke apart into three or more pieces.

I am going to try and rebuild everything from the command section down to a new Mark2 kethinterplantery lander and see if maybe the craft file was corrupted. After using my Mark1 design between the Mun and Minimus there are few things I would like to change. I think I can knock a couple of tons off the lander and give it Tylo capability after refueling with Kethane.

Edited by British_Rover
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