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What are you missing in KSP?


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I would like more detailed stock parts, like how US puts UNITED STATES down the side of their rocket, why not have: KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM down the side of ours?

Currently, this is available with mods such as Nova Punch.


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Better ion engines, so I can have solar powered vessels that consist of more than three parts.

"Big" nuclear engines for strapping to the back of orange tanks.

Part aesthetic updates. Some of the things, looking at you cockpits, look rather outdated.

KSPX has a bigger ion engine with a matching xenon tank, as well as a rockomax sized nuclear engine.

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so what are you still missing in stock ksp?

I want stuff that expands on the things you can do, even if this requires paying only lip service to reality. Conversely, I do not want anything that limits what you can do or imposes burdensome realism. Realist space flight IS NOT FUN. Seriously. At least over the long term, and it's also quite disillusioning and depressing. If you don't believe me, go play Orbiter for a while. But DO NOT turn my beloved KSP into Orbiter.

So, most emphatically, ix-nay on all things related to life support and such, especially ones that impose human physiology and psychology on the alien Kerbals. I prefer to think of Kerbals as fungi that just go dormant on the long haul to Jool. No need for food, no need for particularly good air or fine temperature control, no need for elbow room to move around, and no arguments between crewmen. Thus, there's no reason you can't put a Kerbal in a 1-man lander can and send him to Eeloo indefinitely with nothing but his towel.

But OTOH, we need stuff for Kerbals to DO when they get somewhere. Just planting a flag is no justification for the time and trouble needed to get there. So, we most definitely need the following things:

  • Stock station and ground base modules
  • Boats and submarines
  • Considerably more stock air/spaceplane parts
  • Resource exploration/exploitation
  • The ability to use the found resources to build stuff out there
  • The ability to clone Kerbals out there to populate all the stuff you build out there (or a way for them to reproduce naturally)
  • More planets/moons/asteroids to visit
  • More things to see on all worlds than just the scenery
  • Something like in the X games to allow all your stuff out there to function autonomously in this huge, interconnected colonial empire

The game could also use some interface improvements. The things I want most are:

  • Revamping maneuver nodes. They work great for short hops to Mun or Minmus but are rather unsuited to longer trips. Having something like the Improved Maneuver Node mod or the Maneuver Node Editor from MJ would be a godsend.
  • Having the predicted future orbit path shown on the map include aerobraking effects as well as gravitational effects.
  • Being able to focus the map view on intercepts, rendezvous, and closest approaches
  • Adding actual height above ground to the existing altimeter
  • Adding marked ascending and descending nodes to your orbits as shown on the map view
  • A numerical display of your orbit's inclination along the lines of the current displays for Ap and Pe
  • Adding a graphical RCS placement aid to the VAB/SPH (like the wonderful RCS Build Aid mod)
  • Allowing you to go direct to the specific facility you want at KSC, thereby skipping the unnecessary load screen of the entire KSC complex in between where you are now and where you actually want to go.

Things like aerodynamics and re-entry are sort of a wash. Any such addition will naturally come with the stock parts and whatever changes to basic game mechanics are needed to work in the new environment. So, the end result will be pretty much like it is now, something you don't really pay any attention to once you know what it takes to operate in the new air. That being the case, these really don't add anything to the game one way or the other.

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Still awaiting the new atmospheric modelling. The current weight-based drag model is, well, a drag. And bananas. Seriously, Kerbals need healthier snacks. Jeb's perpetual sugar buzz is frightening.

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I want stuff that expands on the things you can do, even if this requires paying only lip service to reality. Conversely, I do not want anything that limits what you can do or imposes burdensome realism. Realist space flight IS NOT FUN. Seriously. At least over the long term, and it's also quite disillusioning and depressing. If you don't believe me, go play Orbiter for a while. But DO NOT turn my beloved KSP into Orbiter.

So, most emphatically, ix-nay on all things related to life support and such, especially ones that impose human physiology and psychology on the alien Kerbals. I prefer to think of Kerbals as fungi that just go dormant on the long haul to Jool. No need for food, no need for particularly good air or fine temperature control, no need for elbow room to move around, and no arguments between crewmen. Thus, there's no reason you can't put a Kerbal in a 1-man lander can and send him to Eeloo indefinitely with nothing but his towel.

But OTOH, we need stuff for Kerbals to DO when they get somewhere. Just planting a flag is no justification for the time and trouble needed to get there. So, we most definitely need the following things:

  • Stock station and ground base modules
  • Boats and submarines
  • Considerably more stock air/spaceplane parts
  • Resource exploration/exploitation
  • The ability to use the found resources to build stuff out there
  • The ability to clone Kerbals out there to populate all the stuff you build out there (or a way for them to reproduce naturally)
  • More planets/moons/asteroids to visit
  • More things to see on all worlds than just the scenery
  • Something like in the X games to allow all your stuff out there to function autonomously in this huge, interconnected colonial empire

The game could also use some interface improvements. The things I want most are:

  • Revamping maneuver nodes. They work great for short hops to Mun or Minmus but are rather unsuited to longer trips. Having something like the Improved Maneuver Node mod or the Maneuver Node Editor from MJ would be a godsend.
  • Having the predicted future orbit path shown on the map include aerobraking effects as well as gravitational effects.
  • Being able to focus the map view on intercepts, rendezvous, and closest approaches
  • Adding actual height above ground to the existing altimeter
  • Adding marked ascending and descending nodes to your orbits as shown on the map view
  • A numerical display of your orbit's inclination along the lines of the current displays for Ap and Pe
  • Adding a graphical RCS placement aid to the VAB/SPH (like the wonderful RCS Build Aid mod)
  • Allowing you to go direct to the specific facility you want at KSC, thereby skipping the unnecessary load screen of the entire KSC complex in between where you are now and where you actually want to go.

Things like aerodynamics and re-entry are sort of a wash. Any such addition will naturally come with the stock parts and whatever changes to basic game mechanics are needed to work in the new environment. So, the end result will be pretty much like it is now, something you don't really pay any attention to once you know what it takes to operate in the new air. That being the case, these really don't add anything to the game one way or the other.

Basicly this. But, with. Econime Sized Coffee mug/cup/container for my Kerbals to drink out of and doughnuts the size of Kerbals for them to snack upon. Both are needed to help keep them away and fully energized. :cool:

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I want stuff that expands on the things you can do, even if this requires paying only lip service to reality. Conversely, I do not want anything that limits what you can do or imposes burdensome realism. Realist space flight IS NOT FUN. Seriously. At least over the long term, and it's also quite disillusioning and depressing. If you don't believe me, go play Orbiter for a while. But DO NOT turn my beloved KSP into Orbiter.

So, most emphatically, ix-nay on all things related to life support and such, especially ones that impose human physiology and psychology on the alien Kerbals. I prefer to think of Kerbals as fungi that just go dormant on the long haul to Jool. No need for food, no need for particularly good air or fine temperature control, no need for elbow room to move around, and no arguments between crewmen. Thus, there's no reason you can't put a Kerbal in a 1-man lander can and send him to Eeloo indefinitely with nothing but his towel.

But OTOH, we need stuff for Kerbals to DO when they get somewhere. Just planting a flag is no justification for the time and trouble needed to get there. So, we most definitely need the following things:

  • Stock station and ground base modules
  • Boats and submarines
  • Considerably more stock air/spaceplane parts
  • Resource exploration/exploitation
  • The ability to use the found resources to build stuff out there
  • The ability to clone Kerbals out there to populate all the stuff you build out there (or a way for them to reproduce naturally)
  • More planets/moons/asteroids to visit
  • More things to see on all worlds than just the scenery
  • Something like in the X games to allow all your stuff out there to function autonomously in this huge, interconnected colonial empire

The game could also use some interface improvements. The things I want most are:

  • Revamping maneuver nodes. They work great for short hops to Mun or Minmus but are rather unsuited to longer trips. Having something like the Improved Maneuver Node mod or the Maneuver Node Editor from MJ would be a godsend.
  • Having the predicted future orbit path shown on the map include aerobraking effects as well as gravitational effects.
  • Being able to focus the map view on intercepts, rendezvous, and closest approaches
  • Adding actual height above ground to the existing altimeter
  • Adding marked ascending and descending nodes to your orbits as shown on the map view
  • A numerical display of your orbit's inclination along the lines of the current displays for Ap and Pe
  • Adding a graphical RCS placement aid to the VAB/SPH (like the wonderful RCS Build Aid mod)
  • Allowing you to go direct to the specific facility you want at KSC, thereby skipping the unnecessary load screen of the entire KSC complex in between where you are now and where you actually want to go.

Things like aerodynamics and re-entry are sort of a wash. Any such addition will naturally come with the stock parts and whatever changes to basic game mechanics are needed to work in the new environment. So, the end result will be pretty much like it is now, something you don't really pay any attention to once you know what it takes to operate in the new air. That being the case, these really don't add anything to the game one way or the other.

This. This. A thousand times, this.

I would personally also love to see the Career Mode and Tech Tree incorporate some random failure modes, even if it's only an optional feature that most choose to turn off. A newly-unlocked advanced engine part should not be as reliable as one in operation for (simulated) years or decades. Huge solar arrays should jam up, break or become less efficient over time, just as in real life. Antennae should get stuck. Ideally, these things should be repairable by an intrepid EVA crew member equipped with a handy Space Spanner, a roll of Space Tape and enough pluck.

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The only mods I have installed are:

Procedural Fairings

Crew Manifest


Fairings should be coming stock, I hope. These are just too good not to have. Once these get implemented, I won't need the mod. But currently, it is a great one.

MechJeb - well, enough said. Mostly just used to manage air intakes on planes, as I enjoy everything else too much to let MechJeb do it. I did have a long 15 minute burn that I let MJ handle. It let me set it to 4x physical time warp to speed up the process.

Crew Manifest - it does a couple of things that the stock one still doesn't do. It lets you add/subtract Kerbals while on the launch pad. So everytime you hit LAUNCH but you forgot to assign kerbalnauts (which is way too often for me), you just click a little button, and you can manipulate the crew however you need. Fill / Empty the vessel in one click. It also lets you move kerbals around internally from part-to-part and from ship-to-ship when docked. This allws you to keep the life-like model of transferring crew without them always having to put on their EVA suits. Finally, it allows you to create custom kerbals. Yurgi Kerman, Sally Kerman, Neil Kerman, Valentina Kerman ... you get the idea.

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Random part damage. Should be a pretty rare occurrence and should be fixable given the right conditions, but it'd be nice to have failures that weren't always your fault.

oh, that would be cool, so cheaper parts get damaged easy, expensive parts are more "high quality", and parts can be fixed by Kerbals on eva.

so you would have to do service for your stations. And use the more expansive parts for your unmanned probes!

oh and I started playing KSP short after they added the other planets. Well I knew about it before, but that was when I started playing. I used mods in these days more than now, since they added a lot of stuf since then.

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An XCOM-like random event series that makes the game feel like a living breathing world- a program- as opposed to a simulator. However, you may get attached to your Kerbals and watch them die horribly as the rocket crashes.


Yeah. A gamey element as opposed to pure simulator.

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