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POLL: Should SQUAD change the kerbal avatars for gender purposes.

John FX

What should SQUAD do about the gender of avatars  

  1. 1. What should SQUAD do about the gender of avatars

    • Explicitly make male and female avatars
    • Make the current avatars more androgynous
    • Make the avatars female
    • Do nothing/ I don`t care

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  DChurchill said:
I'm not trying to stir up crap, honestly. I'm one of the people where it truly does not matter one whit what color a person's skin is or what junk they have. And I'm fine with making them gender neutral or making females and males. Whatever makes you happy. Like I said in the other thread, whoever is next up in the astronaut complex gets the seat.

Fair enough, there were some trolls in earlier threads who were trying to stir up crap using things like that. I'd be happy to see skin tone variance.

I'd prefer them to be just shades of green, or close to it, like how human skin colour is on a continuum.

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I can't believe this is even on the radar as an issue. Do people really have nothing better to do than to look for imagined inequities everywhere?

I voted do nothing. Not because I don't care but because this is such a STUPID thing to waste limited dev resources on. Any other "PC" requests/issues/crapstorms people would like to raise while we are discussing idiotic things? Maybe there are not enough LGT-whatever-the-rest-of-the-acronym-is-today Kerbals in the game and we need a protest about it. Oh, or maybe we can all raise a lot of hell about why there are no Caucasian/Asian/African Kerbals. They are all green, this offends me! I demand it be changed posthaste.

Really, folks just need to get a life and STOP trying to "PC" every damn thing.

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