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Serial Multiplayer Space Program [0.22+Kethane+KAS]

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That's 7.47 tons.

But I think I see where there may be confusion.

LV-909 rocket SSTO airplane

Is that specifications for a single craft, or should there be a comma in there...

LV-909 rocket, SSTO airplane, etc.

...just giving possible examples?

That is, as long as the craft is under 6 tons and can carry two Kerbals, it's good to go?

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Ok, I'm sorry for missing that comma....

Is under 6 tons. Take out your Engineer Redox.


MechJeb, actually.

How can I ever trust him again? He is reporting 7.47 tons.

ok...this is weird:


MechJeb can't decide if it's 6.0 tons or 7.47 tons.


Smart looking space plane, none the less.

Edit: I manually added up the weight of all components and come up with 7.47. I am not concerned with your compliance, you constructed the plane in good faith. The fact that the game is misreporting mass is troublesome, however.

Or am I missing something?

Edited by ThreeMartiniLaunch
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@TML Simple. Mechjeb get the info from what is stated there at the part document. (Like your calculation using the what is written.)

For what I'm getting is the 'actual game play' situation. The game consider it under 6 tons. So, the game mechanical or programming calculation base on 6 tons. And I'm consider the plane actually is 6 tons.

Well, do you know the weight difference of Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer? Can Mechjeb tell you that?

Well, I've try out this. Mounted an engine to a tank. Block the Oxidizer fuel flow, and start the engine to empty out the Liquid Fuel. and check the weight change...

Then transfer the Oxidizer from other tank to make it a full Oxidizer Only tank...and it weight....? You guess it.

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When a ship is loaded in the flight scene, the mass of the little cubic struts and the landing wheels is ignored. Mechjeb knows that and uses it for the delta-V calculations (since the game will too), but still reports their mass in the "vessel info" screen. It has nothing to do with any fuels.

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Mission #009 Complete!

Mission Objective: Emergency Evacuation Shuttle Craft: Send a remote control (un-man) shuttle craft (LV-909 rocket SSTO airplane - under 6 tons when include engines+full fuel) that are able to carry 2 crews to dock with the Science station. Just in case the science station need evacuation. Remember to include parachute for landing back to Kerbin. Or fly back to KSC. Additional Note: Due to the experiment might contain bio-hazard, the EAS-1 External Command Seat are forbidden to use.

I've uploaded the save file to the Official shared folder, Upload your finished archive to the folder

Points claimed:

10 - Completed within six hours. [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
10 - Plant at least one unique flag. [color="#ff0000"]ney[/color]
10 - Complete the previous objective. [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
10 - Posting a new objective. [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
15 - Posting a couple pictures or a video of your mission ([COLOR="#0000FF"]double points for videos[/COLOR]). [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
15 - Deploying an asset into orbit (scanner/miner/station/tug/etc.). [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
30 - Following all five rules. [COLOR="#0000FF"]aye[/COLOR]
Time bonus: 15 if complete under an hour, [COLOR="#0000FF"]10 if completed between one and two hours[/COLOR], 05 if completed between two and four hours.
Team bonus: [COLOR="#0000FF"]01 per mission between your last one and this one.[/COLOR] (up to 10 points)

Total: 119

New mission objective: Begin construction of a fuel depot in Munar orbit. The station core should include docking ports of all three sizes, a probe core, and power generation. If you want to add fuel storage, habitation, sciency stuff, great. But the challenge is just for the core.

Edited by ThreeMartiniLaunch
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Mission #010 Complete!


We have successfully deployed the core of a resupply station into a low Mun orbit. It has basic functionality and is fairly sturdy, but lacks any significant store of resources. Luckily there are many docking collars installed, if there is any need to expand its services. The Charon service tug has docked to the science station for refueling and a firmware update, and is eager to take on more tasks.

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I've uploaded the save file to the Official shared folder, Upload your finished archive to the folder

Points claimed: On-Time, P.Objective, N.Objective, Pictures/Video, Asset, Rules

The experiments done on our science station indicate that there is another moon in Kerbins orbit, and we would like to investigate it further.

New mission objective: Deploy the subassembly "kethane scanner one" into Kerbin orbit using any single-stage launch vehicle, and dock the scanner with the Charon service tug. (it can easily reach orbit using an LVT-45 and two FL-T800s)

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Mission #011 Complete!

[a cool mission picture]


[Mission synopsis]

It appear the the dangerous secrete mission involve a lot of Kethane. Secrete document stated 1st steps..fill up the Kethane tank.

[Additional pictures/album]

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I've uploaded the save file to the Official shared folder, Upload your finished archive to the folder

Points claimed:

10 - Completed within six hours. [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
10 - Plant at least one unique flag. Nope
10 - Complete the previous objective. [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
10 - Posting a new objective. [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
15 - Posting a couple pictures or a video of your mission (double points for videos). [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
15 - Deploying an asset into orbit (scanner/miner/station/tug/etc.). [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
30 - Following all five rules. [COLOR="#0000FF"]Yes[/COLOR]
Time bonus: 15 if complete under an hour, 10 if completed between one and two hours, [COLOR="#0000FF"]05 if completed between two and four hours.[/COLOR]
Team bonus: 01 per mission between your last one and this one. (up to 10 points)[COLOR="#0000FF"] 03?[/COLOR]

Previous mission objective: Deploy the subassembly "kethane scanner one" into Kerbin orbit using any single-stage launch vehicle, and dock the scanner with the Charon service tug. (it can easily reach orbit using an LVT-45 and two FL-T800s)

---Single-stage launch vehicle = I'll take it as not even the clamp are allow to use. Cause releasing a clamp...is "a stage". And releasing docking port is also "a stage". So nothing drop from this launch. and only a single stage, that is to release the "kethane scanner one".

---Docking with the service tug is hard...the service tug does not have any RCS...damn. I'm lucky to have dock it in 1st attempt.

New mission objective: Fully fill up the Kethane at Science station. (4000 units of Kethane)

Later Note: I'll be very happy if "ThePsuedoMonkey" or anyone could show me "Single-stage launch vehicle" with the scanner-one perform a launch and enter Kerbin orbit. 160km (without MechJeb). Please show me how easy it could be done.

Edited by Sirine
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So much for that, due to recent space program cutbacks the mission was completed by a foreign agency before funding could be approved, and designs were shelved.

(Mission 11 completed before mod could approve "I have the file" post) I'll try again in a bit.

Edit - Final Design before abort ;.;


Edited by nevermoto
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So much for that, due to recent space program cutbacks the mission was completed by a foreign agency before funding could be approved, and designs were shelved.

(Mission 11 completed before mod could approve "I have the file" post) I'll try again in a bit.

After a few posts, your posts no longer need moderating.

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Alright here we go, I have the file, but it doesn't leave the drawing board this time without post approval first.

Mission: 1) Fill the mun science station up with Kethane (4000).

2) Don't break mining equipment (Trident Miner).

Plan: 1) Dock with orbiting mun station, offload, land on mun, mine, repeat 9 times.

2) Return Trident Miner to Fairmont Hill

The mission may be delayed midway due to mandated break time, at which point the mission will be re-uploaded with the Trident Miner safe on the hill with as much kethane in the station as could be hauled.

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The kerbals dozed off and had a few bad dreams, but an idea came of it. Why haul to the station, when you can bring the station to the hauler. The trident has more then enough thrust and fuel capacity, just keep it in the sunlight.

A new plan has been hatched. Dock, bring the station down, fill it up, throw it back into orbit and land on the surface again.

Edit: ignore the subject, forgot to take it out testing the preview post, trying to embed the imgur album. Also sadly the kerbal in question woke up before impact.

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