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[WIP] Titan - Transport & Utility Vehicle v0.1 (Image Heavy)


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It can fit big things in its bay, but are we sure it can actually lift them?

Luckily that would just be a simple matter of some CFG tweaking. Though considering the size of the thing, I imagine that adding a rover inside is going to be an insignificant difference in mass.

Look at it this way. If the whole ship weighs 400 tons with fuel but without cargo, then you add a 10 ton rover (which would be a huge rover lol) that is only a 4% increase in mass. Some booster rockets at launch will make up for that easily.

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... [v0.1] <-

Not quite happy with the shape of the door panels.

The doors and cargo bay shown above are but the first attampt, Until they were made, I had not a bloody clue! how to animate lol.. Luckily thats been sorted.

However, after a few minutes of testing, Me no likey.

Theyre to big individually and look too much like Pizza.

I rather do like this design.... Why not just have it as a dedicated hole in the vehicle? With a slot for a large docking port? That way you could insert large cargos or place a jettison able cargo bay, whichever.
No! With respect, I disagree, Mekan1k. I was hoping for doors at the sides of the bay that drop down to become ramps, so that one could drive on and off with a rover or mobile base. It looks like that would be possible on 2 sides, at least. This way you'll either have to have landing gear that are tall enough to clear your cargo, or they'll have to be extendable somehow. Either way, everything will have to be attached to the roof or walls of the bay, and that doesn't really work for me, I've been trying that with no satisfaction for the last month! :(

I'd just like to drive up a nice wide ramp through a big wide door.

Did a fair bit of re-design this weekend, only saw the forum replies this morning.

Thats actually what ive done,.. a large hollow craft, there are then 4 different cargo 'inners' that can be placed inside. Giving it a more flexible role in KSP logistics...

This includes the Side Rover config, Top / Bottom or Top + Bottom loading (As is), a Standard Fuel Tank for MonoP/Ketanhe or whatever. And a WIP Shuttle Hanger.

Note they will not be changeble after the VAB.

Hmm are you planning to just have cargo sit in the area with no support? That could get messy. :)

I'm assuming (I haven't made a mod so I could be wrong) that anything you put in the cargo hold would have to be offset by something else or placed on the COM to keep the ship balanced. Right?

Yes, anything place as cargo will have to be balanced on the COM if you want it to be able of Horizontal Flight. With VTOL engines only, you can pack it however you want and still be able to go anywhere.

The engines are set up the same (Impulse, Thrust etc.) for VTOL and Horiz. flight.

It can fit big things in its bay, but are we sure it can actually lift them?
Luckily that would just be a simple matter of some CFG tweaking. Though considering the size of the thing, I imagine that adding a rover inside is going to be an insignificant difference in mass.

Look at it this way. If the whole ship weighs 400 tons with fuel but without cargo, then you add a 10 ton rover (which would be a huge rover lol) that is only a 4% increase in mass. Some booster rockets at launch will make up for that easily.

For now have been planning to ask permission to incorporate the Tweakable Parameters mod for this, that way you can adjust your thrust needs in-game according to how much junk you wanna ferry around.

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...Did a fair bit of re-design this weekend, only saw the forum replies this morning.

Thats actually what ive done,.. a large hollow craft, there are then 4 different cargo 'inners' that can be placed inside. Giving it a more flexible role in KSP logistics...

This includes the Side Rover config, Top / Bottom or Top + Bottom loading (As is), a Standard Fuel Tank for MonoP/Ketanhe or whatever. And a WIP Shuttle Hanger.

Note they will not be changeble after the VAB...

Okay, that'll work. I just didn't want to be locked in to one configuration, that's all. :) Actually, if you have several different cargo modules available, that will vastly increase gameplay options for everyone, yay!

Hopefully we could see some screenshots of your WIPs, maybe?

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On the subject of your cargo bay. What if the floor of the cargo bay had the ships landing feet on it and a huge hydraulic ram in the center.

The ship would land and the ram would extend lifting the ship. If you're delivering rovers or something that can drive off you'd have full 360 degree access to the cargo bay floor. Once unloaded you lower the ship back down and you're ready to go.

If you're delivering a prefab base then once the ram was extended you'd add almost enough lift thrust to take off then de-couple the ram from the ship.

The ship lifts leaving the floor, ram, and anything that was on the floor. Instant base in one delivery.

Seems pretty easy to describe, but only you would know if it's worth the effort to implement.

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Hey, how's it going? :) Was it something I said?

Correction: -something I typed?:sticktongue:

Lol, no but in all seriousnous. I apologize for the sudden radio silence, have been swamped with work. Then re-swamped with additional work. And had that swampyness multiplied by sleep...


I have not posted any updates mainly due to there being like ONE..

I re-did the animation on the bottom cargo Bay door, to a two-part door..

Really only to get some animation practice, but it might stay..

Titan has essentially taken one step back to the drawing board, NO changes to the exterior, I like it that way mostly.

But in the way that the cargo area and its door are gonna work..

Landing gear placeholder made.. UGLY = Re-Do...

Will try to post some Images later this weekend,

Thanks to all for the support and suggestions, things I never thought about lol..

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Again, it's all good. :) I was just making sure I hadn't completely killed the mod, that's all, lol. :)
I just have to say, this looks simply amazing, I haven't been able to stop checking back just to see if anyone's even said anything on this thread since I found it this morning! Can't wait until there's a download!

Just a bit of evidence that the Titan project aint done n be all dead like ugggghhhh:

Landing Gear v0.1 (Highly likely to change...)




Top crown, Where Docking Ring will extend from: (Likely to hange to match the 'Iris' on the bottom cargo doors...)





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Just a bit of evidence that the Titan project aint done n be all dead like ugggghhhh:

Landing Gear v0.1 (Highly likely to change...)




Top crown, Where Docking Ring will extend from: (Likely to hange to match the 'Iris' on the bottom cargo doors...)





Yes sir, I like the landing gear a LOT! :D They just need a foot at the tip to spread out the (as of now nonexistent) 'ground pressure', and you can check that feature off in the 'finished' column. I wonder if you can incorporate a section of the hull there at the end of the leg in its folded position, have it go with the leg and flip around/unfold into the landing pad as the leg is rotating? Kind of like the stock 'heavy' hydraulic leg from Squad, the way that foot works, kind of. Plus, add a panel to the leg itself, so that when it's up the gear just looks like another slice of hull plating, and then it reveals the structure of the leg as it folds down. I've been looking for flush fitting landing gear like this ever since I started playing KSP, so by all means keep going this direction!

Oops! I just checked the pics again before I finished up, you've got doors that split and slide into the hull, that works just great too! Lol, good thing I took another look! Okay, forget about leaving an exterior hull panel attached to the leg then. But you could still use the technique I mentioned with the foot. Or, just have the foot be inside the bay too, and it unfolds as the leg comes down, either way. :)

As for the top docking port cover... meh. I mean, it would work, obviously, it just looks a bit overly busy and complicated. Hmm, I hope you're a 'Star Wars' fan - okay, at the end of 'The Empire Strikes Back'... that's 'Episode V', if you're young enough to think about them that way, lol... at the end, when Luke is dangling from the antenna and the Falcon is coming up underneath him, you see Lando in the ship go to the top hatch, and as the elevator platform starts to raise him up the hatch door opens to the outside - what about that hatch design? It was just four 'pie wedge' sections that each rotated out of the way on a pivot at one of the outer corners of the wedge, into a recess in the hull, obviously, just as you have planned here. The four way symmetry would actually fit right in with your ship, come to think of it. :)

Anyway, the only reason I suggest this is in the interest of utilizing the 'K.I.S.S.' principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid. This isn't to imply that you're stupid, lol, it's just that usually the simplest solution is the best. :)

I want to give my 2 cents about having forward facing retro thrust engines: I don't really feel that they're necessary. If we're talking about 'real life' they would just be that much more dead weight to have to carry into space at the beginning, only to use them for maybe a few seconds during a mission. Since this ship only exists in computer code, yeah, it doesn't matter, I know... But again, K.I.S.S., right? Also, freeing up the space in the hull for the extra engines means that you could have even more space for cargo. Perhaps a separate bay with a ramp that could hold a small vehicle like a rover or small shuttle? This would be similar to Wayland's WT-51, where he's got the huge main cargo bay in the middle, but then the nose has its own separate little cargo area. Just a thought. :) In any event, if you give the ship itself enough SAS torque, and/or RCS thrusters, or at least allow the player to add reaction wheels and RCS blocs as they see fit, I don't see why the ship couldn't just flip around to burn retrograde as normal. At least I'm HOPING this thing is still somewhat maneuverable, lol. It should be, the circular design is optimal for keeping the polar moment of inertia as low as possible, the only shape that would be better is a sphere.

Okay, I think I'm about done rambling at you for tonight. :) I'm getting really geeked about this ship, Vlam, it keeps getting better every time you post an update! :D

Later, my friend. :)

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Like Neutrinovore I also like the 4 way iris from the star wars movie and I think it would look good on your ship.

I don't agree with him about the retro engines though. I've flown VTOL's with and without them and the retro engines make things a lot simpler. Yours is a large ship and it would take time to rotate all that mass to use just the lift engines for braking. That's OK for your deorbit burn but when you're on final approach for landing it's nice to keep the ship mostly level and just use retro engines to brake.

I would suggest a pair of smaller ones spaced out a bit though. The space where your single retro engine is mounted would be a great place for a lower cockpit viewport. Currently the ship appears to have great forward and upward visibility through the viewports but all visibility below is dependant on video cameras and ground scanning radar. This would complicate emergency landings in the event of a systems failure.

If reentry heat was a concern perhaps a cover could slide over the lower viewport for that. (or even the upper for that stage of reentry)

Anyways, it's a pretty cool ship so far. I can wait to see it finished. I recently started trying to make KSP objects so I'm starting to realize how much work goes into this stuff.

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Hey there again Vlam, just checking in, like many others I'm hoping for an update. :) How's it going?

Incidentally, I hope you'll be able to incorporate the new shock-absorbing capabilities of the stock landing legs in 0.22, I think that it's a really cool and necessary feature, myself. :)

That's all. Hope everything is well with you. Later! :)

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Any Updates? Or are you waiting for .22? (Sorry for being rude, just don't want this thread to die :D)
Hey there again Vlam, just checking in, like many others I'm hoping for an update. :) How's it going?

Incidentally, I hope you'll be able to incorporate the new shock-absorbing capabilities of the stock landing legs in 0.22, I think that it's a really cool and necessary feature, myself. :)

That's all. Hope everything is well with you. Later! :)

Hey wad'up ya'll,.

Just some Smoke-Break News:

Wasnt really waiting for .22,.. Lol, I actually just saw its release when i came here to check if the thread is still allright..

Rest assured, Titan wont die easily, the model has been around for a while, lotsa hours into getting it the way I want.. Not going to throw all that away!

The current delay in project development being caused by my cad programs constantly filled with electric motors, rather than Titan..

@ Neutrin... I'll check out the new landing gear, see if there is any possibility of getting that to work,,,

I'll report back later today (GMT+2)

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Hey wad'up ya'll,.

Just some Smoke-Break News:

Wasnt really waiting for .22,.. Lol, I actually just saw its release when i came here to check if the thread is still allright..

Rest assured, Titan wont die easily, the model has been around for a while, lotsa hours into getting it the way I want.. Not going to throw all that away!

The current delay in project development being caused by my cad programs constantly filled with electric motors, rather than Titan..

@ Neutrin... I'll check out the new landing gear, see if there is any possibility of getting that to work,,,

I'll report back later today (GMT+2)

Kewl. Yeah, the shock absorbing thing was a nice surprise. But if you can't or otherwise don't use it, no biggie. We've lived without shock absorbing legs 'til now, right?

Another note about a previously discussed feature: Your docking port cover animation. Check out Lionhead Aerospace's latest release, the Icarus. He's got a 'heat shield', he calls it, but the way he's using it makes it more of a radiation shield, IMO. Anyway, he has it mounted on the very bottom of a nuclear engine, and - this is the relevant part, yes, I do have a point, lol - it has a movable iris that opens and closes, to protect the engine during reentry is the reason given. :)

I only mention this because we had been discussing using some kind of iris opening at one point. I just figure I'd make you aware of it. :)

One final note for this post. On the 'requests' thread I've posted a request for a Stargate Atlantis 'Puddlejumper'. No idea if you're a fan of the show, but if so, I think that project would be perfect for you after the Titan. :) I've not gotten any response over there, btw. Anyway, I figure it fits your skill-set well, vis-a-vis your relative newness to this type of game modding, I mean. The ship is basically a cylinder on its side with a flat bottom and beveled ends. Not a lot of animations necessary, just the rear cargo door and the extendable side pods, as far as I know it doesn't have landing gear of any kind, just lands on its belly.

Hopefully you're a fan of the show, anyway. And I hope you'd at least consider this request.

Later! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone could pm me if there are new developments on the titan, it would be awesome :D

And I agree with Neutrinovore:

Vlam, i hope everything is well :)

Damn im waiting for the pre alphaalpha or whatever :D

Edited by CrazyOdd
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Hey Ya'll,

The hecticness has not quite settled yet, Changing over to ANOTHER (Better) job, and been working on taking my house off the electrical grid, Not much time to mod..

Too much empty promises from my side, so, Ill release the ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA version as soon as I get access to my home desktop?

(That the version I currently have in-game)

No landing gear yet, Bottom opening cargo bay v0.1, as seen in earlier screenshots..

Atleast it should give you a better idea of the craft, albeit a very unrefined one..



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Hey, glad to see you're still with us. ;) Lol.

Looking forward to messing around with whatever you have. Like I've said before, this project is about the only sci-fi style ship being worked on or available. Well, there's Wayland's Eagle, but that has... issues. At least for me. Not the least of which is that it's pretty small and can't really carry anything, which shouldn't be a problem for the Titan. :) And anyway, at this point anything from Wayland or MSI or Infernal Robotics, et al, I pretty much consider to be vaporware. Which, I admit, I had started to worry about this project going that direction as well. Just sayin'.

So, both happy and sad for you, Vlam (happy for your new job, sad because of RL problems, hecticness, and no time to play or mod for KSP), but good luck & best wishes for your future. Ttyl, I'm sure. Later!

Btw, I think you missed your (self-imposed) deadline. Unless I'm doing the math wrong, with the GMT thing, lol. :D

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