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I have found my new drug and it's Kerbals!


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I have gotten so addicted to this game, I think it's starting to bother the wife, but she's been supportive so far! :D

Hi everyone! I started playing the demo of this game at the beginning of the month and I ended up buying it within the hour! I'm thinking of buying it again for someone just to help support the devs. They really are amazing! I played with orbits in the demo and then started doing Munar landings and space stations when I bought the game. Took a while to get orbital rendezvous and docking, but now it's easy. I'm still having trouble with the Munar landings, I can't seem to keep the craft from drifting horizontally across the surface. Guess I'm going to need to practice that a lot more. I'm sticking with stock for now and try to learn as much I can before I play with mods.

I'm really excited about this game, as I'm sure all of you are and the community seems great.

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I had the exact same issue of coming in too horizontal, that's a pretty common problem for new pilots and like you said just takes a little practice. Good luck!

PS: Remember to make sure your navball is on surface mode as you are coming down for landing, that one's caught me out a few times haha

Edited by pokeman
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A good rule for beginners' landings is the "switch the navaball mode to surface and point the retrograde marker" (quote of the Control Tower while Bob were trying to land on the Mun:)). You can also try to use RCS thursters to kill your last m/s of horizontal speed.

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A good rule for beginners' landings is the "switch the navaball mode to surface and point the retrograde marker" (quote of the Control Tower while Bob were trying to land on the Mun:)). You can also try to use RCS thursters to kill your last m/s of horizontal speed.

Thanks for the advice. I have been using the gimbal in Surface mode, but I have found that if you're off by even one pixel, that's enough to leave you with a slight horizontal drift. Even a horizontal velocity of a few m/s is enough to catch a landing strut on the ground and topple the lander over. I wish there was a way to zoom in on the navball for more accurate adjustments. The problem I seem to have with RCS thrusters is that landing is essentially flying backwards, so I keep messing up on the direction! :D

However, other people seem to do it well, so I think I'll just keep practicing until it becomes routine.

Also, thank you everyone for the warm welcome!

Edited by VirtualCLD
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