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Modular Base Creation Kit


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Nice bases temstar. I kind of reversed enginered some of your earlier designs from your first pictures.. but my mun base is smaller then yours and already too sluggish.. I wonder about these you made.

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So I caved. I just put a kethane sat around minmus and said f**k it. I really don't feel like trying to replicate this awesomeness, so I just grabbed the perfect originals.

EDIT: noticed that not all the launcher have verniers and thus have pretty severe control issues when I go into the gravity turn. Both mechjeb and manual tend to want to flip out. Care to share your ascent profile?

Edited by Captain Sierra
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Really great idea, will you add a research module when 0.22 comes out?

Sure why not. In fact even if I don't I sure someone would. It's pretty easy to design new modules that are compatible of you follow that tutorial.

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Having a little problem - trying to assemble a base just at KSC - i launch a crawler and get it off the pad - then launch the top of a habitation module and get its gear down.

So far so good

Drive the crawler back on the pad and connected to the hab module - and (carefully) drive down and away (to near the VAB.)

Then comes the fun part - I can't drive away from underneath the hab module - the leanding gear wont let me drive away. Should I be putting some other modules first? Or does this just not work in high grav situations?

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Having a little problem - trying to assemble a base just at KSC - i launch a crawler and get it off the pad - then launch the top of a habitation module and get its gear down.

So far so good

Drive the crawler back on the pad and connected to the hab module - and (carefully) drive down and away (to near the VAB.)

Then comes the fun part - I can't drive away from underneath the hab module - the leanding gear wont let me drive away. Should I be putting some other modules first? Or does this just not work in high grav situations?

Hmmm, so hab module is in place and you want to get the crawler out from underneath it? You have to click on one of the docking ports underneath and use the "undock" option while the hab module's legs are extended.

If that's not yet I must be misunderstanding something, show us a screenshot.

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Yes. I had clicked undock while the legs were down, and the crawler was blocked by the hab landing legs...

I tried again - on the second one it came out easily - I believe you need to be a bit careful on alignment when picking up the modules ...

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This is incredible, just the thought process alone to get to where you have got with your modular system is outstanding, I don't even want to think of the hours spent working all this out.

As much as I love how you have done this and I will most certainly bookmark this thread for ideas I really want to try this all my self and from scratch, this is an amazing resource thread though and a great way to pummel ideas into your head while at work :D

Excellent work Temstar, keep it up.

p.s where in AU are you mate?

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HELP. Temstar, you built this. If anyone knows, you do. How do you run asymmetrical truss loads? I have to run two Xs, a long and a long X to my base as the starting girders. Right now, counterbalance is failing. I am basically brute forcing it to orbit and adjusting the incidental inclination changes there, then transfering. I am running out of fuel prematurely and not having enough to stick the landing. Even MechJeb can't be that efficient. The real hard part is launch. Drag factors in in the atmosphere and is much more of a problem. Once I get down to the core stage and in orbit, I'm fine. Is the answer just more force? because my standard Nova I launcher (derived from Harv's Spacier Launch Stage) can brute force anywhere from 40-60 tons to the Mun easy.

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HELP. Temstar, you built this. If anyone knows, you do. How do you run asymmetrical truss loads? I have to run two Xs, a long and a long X to my base as the starting girders. Right now, counterbalance is failing. I am basically brute forcing it to orbit and adjusting the incidental inclination changes there, then transfering. I am running out of fuel prematurely and not having enough to stick the landing. Even MechJeb can't be that efficient. The real hard part is launch. Drag factors in in the atmosphere and is much more of a problem. Once I get down to the core stage and in orbit, I'm fine. Is the answer just more force? because my standard Nova I launcher (derived from Harv's Spacier Launch Stage) can brute force anywhere from 40-60 tons to the Mun easy.

Balancing asymmetrical truss load is always a problem and there's no easy solution other than trial and error. If you can't get your particular load to work properly then I would recommend delivering the truss in an extra load and double up on the odd pieces. You'll just have to do one more launch and get rid of the extra pieces from tracking station once it's landed.

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Balancing asymmetrical truss load is always a problem and there's no easy solution other than trial and error. If you can't get your particular load to work properly then I would recommend delivering the truss in an extra load and double up on the odd pieces. You'll just have to do one more launch and get rid of the extra pieces from tracking station once it's landed.

OR i could dispose of them by using what fuel is left in the landing stage to throw them on sub-orbital.

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My issue whenever I'm making modular bases (not using this wonderful set, of course) is making sure the docking ports are a uniform height from the ground, along with the lander legs. Any advice for getting things right in the VAB, or is the only option really to test it out on Kerbin?

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My issue whenever I'm making modular bases (not using this wonderful set, of course) is making sure the docking ports are a uniform height from the ground, along with the lander legs. Any advice for getting things right in the VAB, or is the only option really to test it out on Kerbin?

There is, I discuss it here in this tutorial:


It's basically a relationship between landing struts and docking port. If you consistently place them in this way they are guarantee to line up without even having to test.

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