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The Venturer Program: Mission one


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EMERGENCY STATUS UPDATE: I have a few more chapters written up, but not many. Maybe 3? I think. Hmm.

Don't worry, I'll see about putting one up before the weekend is over. All things considered, I'm doing quite well for progress on this story.

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Kirlin is at home after watching the touchdown of the unmanned equipment. Cup of coffee in hand, he goes to read the newspaper he bought on the way back. One particular article catches his eye.


Kirlin: “Hmph, typical.â€Â

With a sigh, he continues to read the news.

Over half a year later…

Buzz: “Control, this is Venturer VNT-050, reporting in. We are in a circular orbit, and all systems are in full working order. MSI built one hell of a ship, here.â€Â

KSC: “Glad you like it. Apparently MSI likes to think of it as a mini Lonestar.â€Â

Kirlin: “It does not matter what anybody thinks of this ship so long as it is able to perform flawlessly in every task. It is merely a conduit for our trip to another world.â€Â


Rodbald: “Well, aren’t you a bundle of joy today?â€Â

Kirlin: “Don’t mistake my attitude towards this fine piece of engineering as negative. I am happy to be flying the first mission back out to Duna, but we mustn’t let our feelings overtake our objectives. Control, when is the lander due to arrive?â€Â

Rodbald looks over to Buzz and rolls his eyes. Buzz concurs.

KSC: “We’re looking to launch the lander in a few hours. Luner and Edory are suiting up as we speak, and we are assembling the final parts of the rocket. Don’t worry, you’ll get it.â€Â

Kirlin: “Thank you, control.â€Â


Buzz: “Well, seeing as we’ve got very little to do but sit and wait, I suggest weâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å“

Kirlin: “What do you mean ‘very little to do’, hmm? You could be checking to make sure the docking clamps are aligned, or setting up extended mission parameters.â€Â

Rodbald: *muttering* “Oh dear lord…â€Â

Buzz: “Umm…â€Â

Kirlin: “Well?â€Â

Buzz: “Look, I know what to do, ok? I’ve been through the training. Besides, we’ve just checked the systems and everything is fine. And what extended mission parameters could I possibly be thinking of at this stage?â€Â

Kirlin: “A prolonged observation of Ike from low orbit, for example. Think of something, Commander.â€Â

Buzz: “Alright, let me get one thing clear, right now. I’m the captain of this ship, this marvel of engineering, not you. For all intents and purposes, you are a specialist, here to lead the Duna landing party, no more. That being said, I’d appreciate it if you’d lighten up and be more sociable, more pleasant, otherwise we are going to have some serious morale problems later on in the mission, alright?â€Â

Kirlin: “Commander, in case you hadn’t noticed, this mission needs to succeed, otherwise the government just isn’t going to let the space program operate in its desired manner. Total mission success will be achieved through work, which you seem to be refusing. Consider it.â€Â

Buzz: “…â€Â

Rodbald: *still muttering* “This is going to be fun…â€Â

A few hours later…


Luner: “Venturer, this is Luner, aboard the lander, we’re beginning final docking procedure now.â€Â

Buzz: “Roger that, Luner. Bring yourself in nice and gently.â€Â

Edory: “30 metres from the designated docking port, out of alignment.â€Â

Luner: “Well, I know that, but thanks. Keep me updated.â€Â

Edory: “Will do.â€Â

Rodbald: “Say, that’s a bit of a fancy lander design, isn’t it?â€Â

Luner: “I can honestly say it’s a bit excessive, but we needed something that will definitely work on Duna, especially for ascent, and somehow this works well after stress testing on Kerbin succeeded.â€Â

Rodbald: “Actually, I think I do recall seeing it being tested a few times. Jeb quite liked it, even if he knew he wasn’t going to be using it properly.â€Â

Edory: “I don’t understand why he’s not slated for any Venturer missions. He, Bill, and Bob are the most veteran guys around here.â€Â

Luner: “And Lengas, don’t forget Lengas.â€Â

Edory: “I’m sorry, who?â€Â

Buzz: “You haven’t heard of Lengas? Wow…â€Â

Luner: “Lengas Kerman flew on Odysseus and its mission to explore Jool. He also went on to land on Eeloo and flew an SSTO to Duna.â€Â

Buzz: “Basically, he’s got quite the record. Oh, he’s also the hotshot starfighter pilot that took down the first Mechani-Kraken.â€Â

Edory: “Ok, now I feel stupid… 15 metres, aligned.â€Â

Kirlin: “If you don’t mind, it would be best if we didn’t distract ourselves. This is a tricky manoeuvre.â€Â

Luner: “We’re doing fine, Kirlin. Besides, I don’t see or hear you doing anything.â€Â

Kirlin: “I’m telling you to be careful, so listen.â€Â

Edory shakes his head begrudgingly.

Edory: “5 metres, we’re in line. Bring us in, Luner.â€Â

Luner: “Aye.â€Â


Luner: “Docking successful, powering down non-essential lander systems.â€Â

Buzz: “We’re equalising the cabin pressures, give us a few minutes.â€Â

Luner: “Alright.â€Â

A few days later…


Rodbald: “Refuelling ship is de-orbiting now.â€Â

Buzz: “Control, you catch that?â€Â

KSC: “Yeah, we got that, thanks Rodbald.â€Â

Rodbald: “No problem. Thanks for the fuel.â€Â

KSC: “Well, we weren’t exactly going to send you out to Duna without full fuel tanks. That would just be silly, eh?â€Â

Rodbald: “That it would.â€Â

Kirlin: “Control, when can we expect to begin the transfer burn?â€Â

KSC: “T-minus 2 days, 4 hours and 16 minutes.â€Â

Kirlin: “Thank you.â€Â

Buzz: “So, you are definitely settling in alright, Kirlin?â€Â

Kirlin: “I’d hope so. Much like yourself, I don’t want any incidents on board this ship.â€Â

Buzz: “Glad to hear it. You seem to be more comfortable, and less robotic, which is good.â€Â

Kirlin: “I still expect the work to be done, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “I know, I know…â€Â

A few days later…




Edited by RogueMason
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Hmm... Luner in the lander. Luner, lander...

Naaaaah. Clearly I'm just imagining things :P

Totally just imagining it. I mean, come on, I wouldn't make it that obvious now, would I?

(I didn't actually intend for that pun, but I guess it works...)

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3 months after the transfer burn…

Mission Commanders Log, entry 14: I’m beginning to question my own authority on this mission. I can understand Buzz not following my suggestions all the time as he is captain of this ship, but the other three are not working as I’d like them to. It was generous of the government to allow this program to go ahead, and they’re all wasting the opportunity to make a good impression. I wouldn’t be surprised if no more missions flew under the name of this program, although I’m not the judge of that.

If we get to the landing site and there is no work being done, then what am I supposed to do? I’m doing everything I can to uphold order. They aren’t chaotic in their actions, just not working as much as they are required by me. Control doesn’t seem to have any useful input about this. Every time I inquire, they shrug it off as ‘typical behaviour’. Right.

I won’t let this mission fail.


Rodbald: “Cut the engines, we’re on course for aerobraking.â€Â

Buzz: “Awesome. Just keep an eye on the sensors, make sure they’re functioning correctly. Duna is looking a little different than it was the last time we were here.â€Â

Rodbald: “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everything is working. I’m pretty sure Kirlin would like to see some good results in his field of specialty.â€Â

Kirlin: “That I would, Rodbald. I wouldn’t be much of a Duna Surface Specialist if I didn’t take interest in the information we’re gathering. The planet used to be much less turbulent than it is now, and we aren’t sure why. The Haemos region, where we are landing, is a good example of this new turbulent landscape; such an area would have been more of a smooth basin in the past.â€Â

Rodbald: “I’ll take your word for it, seeing as you are the only one here with any geological knowledge.â€Â

Kirlin: “I’m sure you have some, after all you are coming down to the surface with me, aren’t you?â€Â

Rodbald: “Edory as well. Yeah, we have some info floating around, but we’re from the air force. We were more fixated on jet fighters and the likes.â€Â

Edory: “True story.â€Â

Kirlin: “As long as you don’t pull stunts with the buggy.â€Â

Buzz: “They won’t, or their first meal back from the ground will be boiled nutrient packs.â€Â

Rodbald: “Eww…â€Â

Edory: “I’m a medic, why would I pull stunts?â€Â

Buzz: “…â€Â

Kirlin: “Just don’t, anyway.â€Â

A few hours later…


Buzz: “Kirlin?â€Â

Kirlin: “Hmm?â€Â

Buzz: “You’ve been staring out of the windows a lot. Something the matter?â€Â

Kirlin: “I’ve got a lot resting on my shoulders Buzz. The government only let this mission go ahead because of the constant protest from MSI and the space centre. Even the Kerssians weren’t happy with how much we’d been held back, and they were our old rivals in the initial space rush.â€Â

Buzz: “Look, if it’s failure you’re worried about, then stop worrying right now. I know you want everything perfect, you’ve said so, and the fact that we aren’t doing as much as you’d like is annoying for you. However, every other mission has played out similarly to this. You can’t expect everyone to be working at every single spare moment.â€Â

Kirlin: “This much is obvious, but Rodbald and Edory areâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å“

Buzz: “Much like the rest of us here, new guys out exploring the cosmos. They are excited, and the idea of working isn’t too appealing, especially when they’re told to find something, anything to do.â€Â

Kirlin: “I suppose…â€Â

Buzz: “Just relax. No-one is trying to make you feel uncomfortable or undermined.â€Â

Kirlin: “Thanks, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “It is stunning, isn’t it?â€Â

Kirlin: “What?â€Â

Buzz: “Duna. Striking world.â€Â

Kirlin: “Yes, indeed. That’s why I specialised in it.â€Â

Buzz: “You know, there’s a rumour that Jeb likes Duna because it’s coloured similarly to an explosion.â€Â

Kirlin: “Oh really? That’s… worrying.â€Â

Buzz: “Jeb never intentionally makes things blow up, that we know of anyway. Oh well, he’s seen explosions and he likes ‘em.â€Â

Kirlin: “Hopefully non-fatal explosions.â€Â

Buzz: “I don’t think he’s a psychopath, Kirlin.â€Â

Kirlin: “Good.â€Â

A few more hours later…


Buzz: “Rodbald, retract the panels for aerobraking.â€Â

Rodbald: “Aye, panels retracting. We don’t want to lose them now, do we?â€Â

Buzz: “Umm, no, exactly why I said to retract them…â€Â

Kirlin: “…â€Â

Luner: “The hull should hold up just fine during this manoeuvre, but I’ll be keeping a close watch, just so we don’t inadvertently combust…â€Â

Rodbald: “Just a few more minutes and we’ll be in the atmosphere. Please raise you tables into the upright positions andâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å“

Edory: “Wow, really?â€Â

Rodbald: “Just messing around. You can leave your tables down if you want.â€Â

Buzz: “…â€Â

Kirlin: “…â€Â

A few minutes later…


Rodbald: “We have an orbit, and we should climb out of the atmosphere before we can drop to sub-orbital.â€Â

Luner: “Temperatures at 900K and falling, hull integrity at 99.1%.â€Â

Buzz: “This isn’t too bad.â€Â

Kirlin: “Duna does have a much thinner atmosphere, remember? Plus, we’re travelling relatively slowly in relation to the planet.â€Â

Buzz: "Umm, yes, I remember. I just thought it would be worse."


Buzz: “Ok, we’re climbing quite quickly out to the apoapsis now. I want a 150km circular orbit, so could you plan that out, Rodbald?â€Â

Rodbald: “Can do, will do.â€Â

Buzz: “Alright then.â€Â

A few hours later…




Rodbald: “And we’re done! Duna orbit, 150km circular, aligned with Ike’s inclination.â€Â

Kirlin: “Make sure to watch for debris from the probe transfer stage. We ditched that stage at this altitude before moving the probe into an orbit higher than 300km.â€Â

Rodbald: “Ok, watch for the nasty space debris that we could have been told about before circularising…â€Â

Kirlin: “…â€Â

Buzz: “Don’t worry about him, Kirlin. He’s just eager to get down to the surface, and any delays up here are slowing him down.â€Â

Kirlin: “We aren’t even landing for a few hours, not until the base is in sunlight.â€Â

Buzz: “I know. Rodbald, could you please be nicer to our Mission Commander here?â€Â

Rodbald: “I’m always nice, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “Right…â€Â

Kirlin: “I’ll start powering the lander systems up.â€Â

Edory: “I’ll help you out.â€Â

Kirlin: “Thank you.â€Â

A few hours later…



Kirlin: “Venturer, we are now on the descent.â€Â

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Whoa whoa whoa, almost on the second page :0.0:

ANOTHER (??) EMERGENCY STATUS UPDATE: I have two chapters written up at the moment, but one of them is pretty massive. Do you guys want a massive chapter, or two smaller chapters? Bear in mind that the massive chapter does cover a lot of activity on Duna, and I may have to split it up a bit awkwardly (may being the keyword here).

In other news, college goes well so far. I seem to be coping with the workload, as well as the two-hour journeys between college and home (I have to get TWO trains going each way :confused:).

It's also looking like things may go well with that other... situation, shall we say?

She and I are good friends at the moment, and there's a half-term holiday coming up in just over a week, so I'm planning on asking her if she wants to do anything over that week. If you knew me personally, then you'd realise that this is not one small step for a man, but a giant leap for a man.

Not mankind; a man. Who says I'm quoting Neil Armstrong?

Anyway, post your thoughts on that whole massive-chapter nonsense please :P

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Rodbald: “We are now entering the atmosphere, looks like we’ll be using up a lot of fuel here…â€Â

Kirlin: “We’ll transfer the remaining fuel from the habitation and rover modules into the lander. Maintain trajectory.â€Â

Rodbald: “I am maintaining trajectory. Be advised, I’ll be throttling up again in a few minutes. Make sure the ‘chutes are armed when I tell you to arm them.â€Â

Kirlin: “I’m aware of the descent profile, Rodbald.â€Â

Rodbald: “Well alright then…â€Â

Edory: “Minor re-entry stresses, nothing serious so far. I expect temperatures to exceed no more than 1000K, so I think we’ll be fine in that respect.â€Â

Kirlin: “Nevertheless, continue monitoring.â€Â

Edory: “Naturally.â€Â

Rodbald: “30km above the surface… yeah, we’re going to overshoot at this rate, firing the engines.â€Â

Kirlin: “Atmospheric conditions look to be favourable for the final stages of the descent.â€Â

Rodbald: “I should hope so!â€Â

Edory: “Temperatures rising above 400K…â€Â

Kirlin: “If it gets to be too hazardous, I’m turning the ship prograde and getting us back into orbit.â€Â

Rodbald: “We won’t be needing to do that.â€Â

Kirlin: “Hence why I said ‘if’.â€Â

Edory: “Fuel levels are looking a little grim. I estimate we’ll touchdown with under half our reserves.â€Â

Rodbald: “20km above the surface. Arm the ‘chutes, Kirlin.â€Â

Kirlin: “The parachutes are armed.â€Â

Rodbald: “Ok, if we keep thrusting for a bit longer, then we should reach the base site.â€Â

Kirlin: “As intended.â€Â

Rodbald: “Yeah…â€Â


Rodbald: “HMPH!â€Â

Kirlin: “Hngh!â€Â

Edory: “That… was deceleration, alright…â€Â

Kirlin: “Report?â€Â

Edory: “Umm… structural integrity is at 94.5%. Could have been worse.â€Â

Kirlin: “Ok, thank you.â€Â

Rodbald: “Sensors are putting us less than 200m from the base.â€Â


Kirlin: “Again, as intended.â€Â

Rodbald: “Lighten up, would you? We’re about to land on Duna!â€Â

Kirlin: “I’m very aware of this, but I’m also exercising restraint. I am excited to be landing here, but I won’t let myself get carried away.â€Â

Rodbald: “Yeah, that’s the spirit…â€Â


Rodbald: “Contact light, engine stop. Guys, we’re down.â€Â

Kirlin: “Good work, people. We’ve done well here, today.â€Â

Edory: “The lander looks to be relatively intact, although I’ve got some concerns about one of the legs. It might snap off if we aren’t careful.â€Â

Kirlin: “Would retracting the legs into the upright position help?â€Â

Edory: “Honestly, it wouldn’t really matter if we lost a leg, we can just land on the engines if we must, but yes, retracting the legs would take the stress off the structure.â€Â

Kirlin: “Alright then, raise them. Lowering the ladder now.â€Â

A few minutes later…


Rodbald: “Everything looking good out there, Kirlin?â€Â

Kirlin: “Yes, everything appears to be proceeding well. The lander looks fine from out here.â€Â

Edory: “And, the surface?â€Â

Kirlin: “I can’t see it just yet, the bottom of my helmet is in the way.â€Â

Edory: “Oh, umm, yeah…â€Â

Rodbald: "..."

Kirlin: “Ok, I’m on the ground now. It’s stunning out here.â€Â


Rodbald: “We’ll follow you out in a moment, Kirlin. Congratulations on being the first to set foot on Duna for over a decade.â€Â

Kirlin: “A decade… it’s really been that long. That makes it all the more incredible. Listen, I’ll plant the flag now, if you don’t mind?â€Â

Rodbald: “You’re mission commander, you can do whatever you want.â€Â

Kirlin: “That doesn’t answer my question. Do you mind?â€Â

Edory: “Go right ahead, Kirlin.â€Â

A few minutes later…



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Kirlin: “I’ll go and get the rover. You two wait here, maybe see if you can find some good samples.â€Â

Edory: “Umm, ok then. Just say if you need any help over there.â€Â

Rodbald: “So, samples. Woo.â€Â


Kirlin: “Umm, control? Why hasn’t the rover detached?â€Â

KSC: “Hold on, we’ll undock it now. Stand back too. We’re going to fire the descent engines on that thing so you can actually get onto the rover.â€Â

Kirlin: “Roger that.â€Â

A dull, muffled decoupling noise comes from the rover module followed by a thump as the rover hits the ground. The engines ignite to move the descent stage aside.


Kirlin: “Ok, that’s good. Thanks control.â€Â

KSC: “No problem. How’s it looking out there?â€Â

Kirlin: “Fantastic. Yes, it is lonely, and desolate, but the beauty here is…â€Â

KSC: “That good, huh? Wish I was there with you.â€Â

Kirlin: “One day, perhaps. Now then, let’s get this rover online.â€Â



Rodbald: “That rover is bigger than I thought it would be. Quite a lot bigger, actually.â€Â

Edory: “I know, right?â€Â


Kirlin: “It’s a bit hard to control…â€Â

Edory: “Don’t forget, we can help control it.â€Â

Kirlin: “It’s not that I have a problem with the controls, it just seems that the wheel aren’t gripping as much as expected.â€Â

Rodbald: “Just don’t flip us over. One of us could die.â€Â

Edory: "Bit morbid..."

Kirlin: “I’m aware of the risks, Rodbald.â€Â

Rodbald: "Just making sure."


Kirlin: “So this is our home for 4 months.â€Â

Edory: “Seems quite cosy, from out here anyway.â€Â

Kirlin: “No doubt it’s suitable otherwise we wouldn’t have it.â€Â

Rodbald: “I’ll look around for the fuel ports, so we can get the fuel transfer going ASAP.â€Â

Kirlin: “Good idea.â€Â


Edory: “Hmm, definitely cosy.â€Â

Rodbald: “It’s a bit spartan.â€Â

Kirlin: “It’s almost the same as the one on Venturer, Rodbald, so I don’t see why you’re complaining.â€Â

Rodbald: “Who says I’m complaining?â€Â

Kirlin: “Fair point.â€Â


Kirlin: “Ok, time to put an exploration plan together.â€Â

Rodbald: “Mapping the area out?â€Â

Kirlin: “That will be a part of what we do. The rover has a few systems on board that can help us with that. Anyway, I think we’ll start the flag-planting tomorrow.â€Â

Rodbald: “Tomorrow? Why not now?â€Â

Kirlin: “We need to get everything sorted out before we can get fully started. Now, I was thinking…â€Â

Meanwhile, in orbit…

Buzz: “And the mission begins in earnest now, eh?â€Â

Luner: “Yes, I suppose so. Are we going to submit a report to control?â€Â

Buzz: “Not just yet. I’ll wait for the end of the day so the guys down there can sort out their initial reports on Duna. I’m working on mine now.â€Â

Luner: “Let’s hope Rodbald and Edory straighten out and put their backs into some work.â€Â

Buzz: “I’ve no doubt they will. They know that they’re here to explore and conduct science, plus they have Kirlin breathing down their necks.â€Â

Luner: “True…â€Â

Buzz: “Mind if I dim the lights a bit?â€Â

Luner: “You’re the captain of the ship, you needn’t ask. Headache again?â€Â

Buzz: “A little bit. I must say, the stress has been getting to me a bit."

Buzz turns a dial to lower the lux level a considerable percentage. Most of the lighting now emanates from the various computer screens and buttons.

Buzz: "Now that we’re here though, with nothing going wrong so far, I think things are looking brighter for the future of space exploration.â€Â

Luner: “You’re still concerned about the government?â€Â

Buzz: “I think we all are.â€Â

Luner: “I’m sure they’ll see sense. If not, someone will make them see sense.â€Â

Buzz: “And by someone, we’re probably talking about everyone at KSC and MSI, plus a good majority of the public.â€Â

Luner: “Maybe, but I wasn’t actually thinking of them…â€Â

Buzz: “Oh? Who were you thinking of?â€Â

Luner: “…â€Â

Buzz: “Luner?â€Â

Luner puts aside his datapad, heaving a sigh that signals intent.

Luner: “Buzz, listen very carefully, because I’m only going to have this conversation with you once.â€Â

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Methinks that... wait, no-one's said methinks this time. Hmm.

Just a heads up, there is an upcoming chapter that has no pictures whatsoever, but I think it will be quite an interesting one. I may post the next one a little later, but it's more likely to appear tomorrow.

Seriously, that chapter with no pictures is a wall of text. A brick wall. Of text.

Might have to sneak something in there to break it up a bit...

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