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Never ask for a release date, because you will never get an answer. Even SQUAD doesn't know exactly when they will release it. They release it when it is ready, not on a calender day. You can certainly ask one of the devs over PM for a generalized idea, but that is still no guarantee of an accurate answer.

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When there's a zombie outbreak, always depend on the .22 - one of the most cartridge in the world.

Everyone knows all that a .22 does to a zombie is piss them off. You better bring it up a few notches. Shotgun slugs take care of most zombie breeds.

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I don't think .22 or shotgun slugs are the best against zombies. I would stick to a old school Ruger .308 rifle.

According to my Zombie Survival Guide the best gun to defend against zombies is the M1 Carbine.

I don't really agree since I hear the .30 Carbine round is very rare and almost impossible to get.

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