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Beyond our worlds: Space Engine screenshots gallery


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When it says "proceedurally generated", does that mean that certain parts are fundamentally random?


Procedurally generated means it takes a seed number which is processed by the "procedure" (a bunch of maths) to generate the universe. Same seed number and same procedure = same universe. (also it does not melt your computer)

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Another How to for the Intergalactic screeners: Take oversized shots.

Warning: You need to be registered and logged in the SpaceEngine forums to download the following software. That piece of software is designed to hook a window and oversize it. Since it is technically a hack, your antivirus may block it, but it is obviously a false positive, so in this case add the program in the "green list", "allowed program list" or whatever similar.

Download page: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/17-1382-1

Now, run "se_nolimit.exe" Then run Space Engine. Do usual stuff with Space Engine, until you find a great spot to capture. Then return to the se_nolimit window. It should say "SpaceEngine hooked". Now enter the dimensions of your screenshot. Useful "standards":

- 1080p: 1920x1080

- 2k 16:9: 2048x1920

- 2k "Cinema": 2048x1080

- 4k 16:9: 4096x2160

- 4k "Cinema": 4096x1920

Be careful while changing values, do not makes big size changes, as it can freeze your GPU.

Now, take your screenshot as usual. PNG format is best IMHO, as it compresses but does not change quality.

Anyway, you should have a nice big and beautiful screenshot on your folder and you want to share it. But, an average 4k PNG image is almost 2 Mb, and that cost a lot of bandwidth. So we want to reduce the image shown in the thread, and link the full, original one with a link.

First option: http://imgur.com/

One of the best image hosting in the World Wide Web. For each image uploaded, it makes a "large" thumbnail 640 pixel high. Perfect for showing it in this thread.

Upload your image on Imgur, show the thumbnail in the IMG tags and leave the cherry on the cake in a link so everyone can see the true beauty of the shot.

The result:


[URL="<Original Image>"][IMG]<Thumbnail>[/ IMG][/ URL]

Second option: manually resize the image.

The simplest solution is PicResize.com. Load up the image, make the changes, and you're done.

But you can do it with Paint (yes, really!) or any other image manipulation software.


Known bug: the "You're drunk HDR, go home" bug


It happens sometimes and not for everyone when you oversize SpaceEngine window. Just disable High Dynamic Range in the Graphics menu (CTRL+F4), oversize your window, and re-enable it.

Happy shooting in UHD+ ! :cool:

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Is that a planet with only half of it melted?

It was a warm terra with life tidally locked in a low orbit around a brown dwarf, which itself was orbiting a young white supergiant. Totally impossible situation for life as we know it to exist in my opinion.

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It was a warm terra with life tidally locked in a low orbit around a brown dwarf, which itself was orbiting a young white supergiant. Totally impossible situation for life as we know it to exist in my opinion.

So life existing on the dark side,

Jeb: err... Ksc? This things glowing...- AHHHHHWBTEBTBYTEBYENUYKYUITKUNURF

*screams and a muffled screech are heard before comunications are lost*

But what happens when it goes inbetween the stars?

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But what happens when it goes inbetween the stars?

It is pictured above when then white star was directly opposite the red one. (see the dim glow on the backside of the planet) Because the white star is much further away, it's light is dimmer even though it's probably millions of times more luminous.

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It is pictured above when then white star was directly opposite the red one. (see the dim glow on the backside of the planet) Because the white star is much further away, it's light is dimmer even though it's probably millions of times more luminous.

But if one side is molten wouldn't the other side melt too when it goes between them?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok after fighting with my computer did this:


Sunset from a moon.


Nice view of a big gas giant from it's moon-sized moon


The moon i called "Button"


A small asteroid and it's parent.


It is a moon for ants! (780 meters)


The surface of the moon for ants.


Lify planet in star cluster. I called it "Starlife"


Wait what? Is that kraken's egg?


OMFG, how can i fix this?

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I've discovered this piece of software today. I thought those pics were edited somehow, but the visuals are really that good. The ideal game would be with the vastness and Visuals of Space Engine, combined with the ability to build air and spacecraft that are subject to physics as in KSP ... !


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So my new computer can run space engine, and the moment I started the game and started by the planet with a moon almost the same size, and the planet having life (iirc) I was immediately stunned by the beauty.

Now I find I'm spending hours on end staring at star systems and moons from the surface of a habitable world.

But my problem is that I can't find a single molten planet :(

I love how you can see auroras, and it even simulates the effect on light blackholes do :D

I will post screenshots soon

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I've discovered this piece of software today. I thought those pics were edited somehow, but the visuals are really that good. The ideal game would be with the vastness and Visuals of Space Engine, combined with the ability to build air and spacecraft that are subject to physics as in KSP ... !

YES! The ultimate game!

Add in interactions with possible other life and the possiblity and social problems of space colonisation and I would pay £1000 for such a game right now!

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