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2 ships, one launch staging question

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So I have two ships on one launcher, but when I decouple them in orbit, the top stage loses its staging information. Since this is a 7 stage asparagus ship, it's kind of annoying. I can restage it in orbit, but that's prone to user error, which I'm really good at.

FYI, the lower ship's control pod is the "root" of the vessel.

Is there a good way to avoid this (i.e. making the top ship the root - a pain to restage, but a one time cost).

Edited by csanders
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I think a screenshot here might help us better diagnose the problem...

I think that most of us launch one ship on one launcher; I know I've never tried two at once. I know that staging information is usually given relative to the root command part, so my gut diagnosis is that you're stuck with either having to re-stage or re-design your ship.

Sorry that I can't be of more help. Like I said, a screenshot would be helpful here.

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A suggestion that could avoid a complete re-design: If you have free action groups you could try using those as a backup for your stages. That way in your asparagus stages you could just hit 1-7 in order to decouple the empty sections. Hope that helps and good luck with your flight.

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Another thing you could try would be to save, separate the command pods, delete them and then add them again with the top ship one going first. That should allow you to keep the rest of your ship while changing the "root" pod.

Edited by matt_cain
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I have done this with apollo style landers before, so here is what must be done:

1) use selectRoot, or somehow make the top craft the main.

2) stage and launch as normal. The two craft's staging info remain preserved.

3) dock back (if that is the plan). This is where things go nuts as the game isn't really sure how to merge the staging.

4) resort staging as needed.

5) done.

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Thanks for the help, but I found the problem.

Here's what the ship physically looked like, from top to bottom


shuttle (root)



For some reason (I think the kraken attacked my brain), I had the staging looking like:

shuttle (root)



I can only guess that I thought since the shuttle was root, it should be on top of the staging diagram.

I switched the staging to match the general ship layout, and everything is working fine.

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