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Your current Space Program


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Showcase your current space program here! Spacecraft lineups, mission lineups, etc.

And here's mine!

ARS Discovery

ARS Insight

ARS Hyacinthus

ARS Gilgamesh

ARS Vanquisher - fully staffed; euthanized

ARS Bucephalus - fully staffed; stuck in space; plans for euthanasia

ARS Helios I - unmanned; orbiting Kerbol

ARS Krobellus II - unmanned; orbiting Mun

ARS Meridia I - unmanned; orbitting Minmus

ARS Cronus I - unmanned; orbitting Jool

ARS-BSRV Aprodite I - base+rover; waiting for insertion window to Minmus

ARS-ROV Atlas - unmanned rover on Mun

ARS-ROV Athena II - unmanned rover on Mun

ARS-SST Champion - space station; for further expansion

ARS Achilles I - manned; two-way trip to Mun

ARS Gibraltar - manned; two-way trip to Mun

ARS-LDR Ares I - manned; exploratory mission to Duna and Ike; landed safely back on Kerbin

ARS-LDR Eurydice I - manned; two-way trip to Minmus

ARS-BSRV Aphrodite II - base+rover;based on Aphrodite I; being improved for durability for Eve mission

ARS Serana


ARS Diana

ARS-OW Explorer

ARS-ROV Sherlock

*In service


*Under development/experimental

*Scrapped design

*Successful mission

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Mine is pretty tame. I like to pretend I've only got access to 1970's technology so things have to be simple. Here are the active flights :-

Mariner Three, mapping Moho ( Mariners are my mapping satellites ) - second attempt at this, I messed the first up and failed to get capture

Explorer One, landed on the Mun ( Explorers are landing probes ) - mission to check out sites for a manned landing

Explorer Two, landed on Minmus - mission to check out sites for a manned landing

Agena One, orbiting Kerbin - unmanned vehicle to test docking techniques and ship configurations for a two launch Mun mission

Previous flights were Mariners to map Minmus and the Mun, Gemini's One and Two which docked with the Agena and used it's engine to change orbit and a Mercury style suborbital.

Future plans are to map Duna and Eve and a Mun landing ( which is proving a little difficult given the technology limitations I have set for myself )

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I don't have formal mission plan but I'm looking to get a Kerbin system infrastructure up and running before 0.22 changes things. Plans are for space stations in orbit around Kerbin and the Mun with a fully capable shuttle/tug system to get Kerbals and resources from one SoI to the other easily, and a Mun base with tanker-rovers to transfer all needed resources for missions, landings, launches etc. from the Munar surface. The base will have robotic and reuseable lander-orbiters so Kerbals can go to and from the Mun as long as there is spare fuel at base. I might even be able to finish the ground work before the update makes the entire savegame obsolete. The main stations are built and the shuttles and heavy rovers are proven or semi-proven in live tests so far. Base coming down soon.

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Nothing is named yet, but I've got a LKO staging facility for building large spacecraft, and a few fuel dumps around Eve and Duna. I'm looking to get fuel dumps into orbit around most of the celestial bodies within the next week, after which I'll begin putting three specialised landers into orbit around Eve, Laythe and Tylo. I'm planning a grand tour of the Kerbol system, so everything's a bit hectic. I'll have more in-depth details once I've finished the delta V calculations and come up with a flight plan.

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Since 0.21 I am also restricting myself to a steady progression style gameplay. Refusing the urging of Jeb to build something humungous and covered in boosters until I have built something smaller and covered in boosters first :)

As such I currently have 2 series of rockets, the KS (Kerbal shot, original huh?) and the Black Arrow which features my latest design ideas.

There is also the Aquilla Mun base project, this has not progressed far beyond a pair of probe landers, a sample return and a small rover.

The Kerbal Shot series are all linked by having a purely solid powered first stage, there are 6 major variations each with a letter designation for variations within a sub-type, resulting in 14 variations.

I.e, The Kerbal Shot 4A was a manned orbital launcher (setup to practice docking) wheras the Kerbal Shot 4B was an unmanned Mun impact probe.

The latest of the Kerbal Shot series is the 6F which can put a 7tonne Nerva interplanetry parachute lander into LKO.

The KS6/B has the honour of being my first Manned Mun lander.

The Black Arrow series all feature a liquid fueled core, although many do also use solid boosters. There are currently 9 versions from the Black Arrow 1 which is little more than a testbed/sounding rocket to the Black Arrow 3C which puts the core module of the HKO re-supply station into orbit.

I get through quite a few variations because each variation is esentially a different payload. Each time I reuse a common launcher for a new payload it gets a new version name.

The rocketry division has a proud record of never losing a single Kerbal, this is due to escape systems as well as a rigorous remote control testing process. The aerospace division however has killed many. I insist on collecting all Kerbals who land away from the KSC and flying them home, due to my apalling ability to usually miss the correct continent with my re-entry attempts this often calls for a terrifying call to the aero division.

So much more to do yet!

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*Take a Kerbal to the Mun, strand him there.

*Launch 2-Kerbal Rescue Mission to the Mun, strand them there.

*Launch 6-man interplanetary vessel, strand them in orbit around the Mun.

*Launch second, unmanned rescue mission to the Mun, crash it.

*Launch 2-Kerbal Mission to Duna, strand them in Solar Orbit.

*Find a way to rescue 11 Kerbals from across the solar system...

It could be going better....

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Unmanned missions:

Spawn 01 -Kerbin orbit

Jove 01 - 02 - Kerbin orbit

Kelvin 01 - 11 Kerbin orbit

Venus 01 - 02 - Mun orbit

Viking 01 - 09 - Mun orbit

Spirit 01 -02 - Landed on the Mun

Rome 01- Mun rover

Vega 01 - waiting for Eve transfer window

Polaris 01 - 06 - Minmus orbit

Keller 01 + Hubble 01 -currently in transit to Jool

Armstrong 01 - 02 -curently in transit to Duna

Shoemaker 01 + eris 01 - curently in transit to Duna

Eris 02 Currently in transit to Duna

Manned missions:

Sabre 01 - 06 - single man orbiter

Legacy 01 - 05 - single man spaceplane

Clover 01 - 24 - three man orbiter, workhorse

CC 01 - 03 - Mun landing missions, Cauchy lander + Clover orbiter


Zenith MkX v1 - v5 - experimental spaceplane, mix of manned and unmanned tests.


Space stations

Gauss station - Crew replaced every 32 days

Edited by xub313
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This is my actual list of missions on the planning table / On service


TZ-ARRANGE-1 Is on development, the target is to send Zaryulentic Storm 3 to Duna whit a Rocketeer Titan possibly equiped whit a VASIMIR engine

Trinity transolar Ship, 3 launches 3 parts (Ship, Cargo, Crew Transport) From kerbin to Duna and Back whit a 3 man lander. Mission powered whit a VASIMIR engine

Status: Possible fail, Engine Shut down at first try to escape from Kerbin SOI caused from all energy deplete

RSL (Rocketeer Solyuz test launch) This is planned for introducing to service a new lifter based on the Soyuz rocket but whit a different staging and a set of more reliable upper stage engines (RD-0146 to be exactly)

On Service

TKSL (TKS Lander Program) Is supposed to launch a Salyut station to Mun then send a regular TKS and dock whit the Salyut, Next the TKS lander will go directly to Mun and land then it will jettison its backup radial tanks and rendezvous whit the salyut base and do a Quick space craft revision (This to prevent fails during the return maneuver) Option A [Lander Stage is safe for returning home] All the mission will continue as planned - Option B [Lander is NOT safe for returning home] Our brave Kerbals Will move to the backup TKS and perform Return maneuvers to Kerbin and land safely.

Thats all i got for now, Easy targets to keep ready for any situation.

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Robotic programs:

[KERTSUNE] low Kerbin orbit satellites (Kerpton Electronic Research/Testing Satellite Using a Number of Experiments)

[songbird] Kerbostationary communications satellite network

[Moon Princess] Mun/Minmus probes

[starlight] Heliocentric probes

[Wish] Duna/Ike probes

[Dawn] Eve/Gilly probes

[Mouhou Project] Moho probes

[Wanderer] Outer solar system probes (Jool and beyond)

[M/IKU] Mapping/Identification Kethane Units

Manned programs:

[Kujita] 1-Kerbal capsule

[Nebula] 3-Kerbal capsule

[Futurelab] 6-Kerbal space station

Edited by Pipcard
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I've been heavily focused on a Minmus Kethane base. I've been building a modular mining and storage facility, complete with a tanker rover to refuel crafts, or refuel the reusable tanker that ferries fuel to ships waiting in Minmus orbit.

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I'm currently waiting for a window to jool, 3 spacecraft waiting to go on a laythe coloniztion mission.

Sadnly, I have yet to figure out a name for it. I may go with something along the lines of Triton or Poseidon or something of that nature.

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I'm still soldiering on with my speculative space history programme, particularly focused on direct-ascent flights. So far I've got the Martin M-410 pretty solid, and I'm looking to rework my UR-700/LK-3 now that cBBp updated the KOSMOS pack and there's a new version of KW Rocketry. I'll keep scouring the blogs for more ideas.

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Hello,i'm the owner(and Mission Control commander)of GSSP.


I just restarted my KSP,i wanted a new start.My first probe is allready in orbit,and i've shot Jebidiah Kerman suborbital.





I plan to fly Bob Kerman into orbit(Jeb Kerman was on the sub-orbital),and i'll post an update when i do.

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My original post, including details describing the projects, took up about half a page, so here's a truncated version.

Current Missions either being flown or being planned


Scarborough Training base: Minimus training base staffed by Jeb & Co.

Mun Flags: Haven't invested in a Mun base yet, but i have some flags down.

Aero Program: The current line of experimental planes i'm making. The program recently churned out my first ever SSTO.

[iPV]'s: The head of my development. Current Projects:

[iPV-3] , Talyos: Unmanned mothership to seed Joolian system with probes. Finishing design stages.

[iPV-4] , Duna Base: Full Service, continously crewed Scientific outpost on Duna with upgrade tiers. In planning.

[iPV-5] , Aurux: Minimalist IPV taking my veteran Kerbals to Dres. Current mission, waiting for transfer window.

[iPV-6] , Tyberius: Massive Carrier type that is carrying 2 SSTO's to Laythe for flag-planting. In heavy development.

Edited by Dynamo
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My program was stalled due to a few IRL issues (including my current cold *achoo!*) but here's what I have so far:

Kerbal program - Crewed capsules to orbit and elsewhere.

Kerbal 1 - 3 kerbal capsule to orbit, returned successfully.

Kerbal 2 / Kerbal 3 - orbital rendezvous and docking. Both capsules returned successfully after switching mission commanders.

Kerbal 4 (planned) - Munar orbit and return.

Further missions yet to be determined.

KerbalLab - Experimental orbital habitat to study long-term exposure to microgravity.

KerbalLab 1 (in progress) - 3 kerbal crew to spend 15 days in orbit.

KerbalLab 2 (planned) - 3 kerbal crew to spend 30 days in orbit.

KerbalLab 3 (planned) - 3 kerbal crew to spend 60 days in orbit.

Future missions TBD.

Supporter - uncrewed supply craft for orbital operations.

Supporter 1 - for launch to supply KerbalLab 2 mission at halfway mark.

Supporter 2 - for launch to supply KerbalLab 3 mission at 14 day mark.

Supporter 3 - for launch to supply KerbalLab 3 mission at 49 day mark.

Mun program - uncrewed orbiters and landers sent to the Mun.

Mun 1 - satellite deployed in a 45 degree inclination orbit around the Mun.

Mun 2 - lander (successful)

Mun 3 - lander (successful)

Mun 4 (planned) - second satellite for increased communication coverage of Munar surface.

Mun 5 (planned ) - lander

Minmus program - uncrewed orbiters and landers to Minmus.

Minmus 1 - orbiter.

Minmus 2 (planned) - lander.

Kerbol Observer - sun-observation satellites placed in high solar orbit.

Kerbol Observer - first attempt (failed; booster stage flamed out after achieving orbit despite having sufficient fuel. Satellite now in low Kerbin orbit).

Kerbol Observer 2 - Satellite successfully deployed to an orbit between Kerbin and Eve, returning data on Kerbol.

Kerbol Observer 3 (planned) - close orbiting satellite, to gather data within 1,000,000 km of Kerbol's corona.

Planet - uncrewed probes to objects outside of Kerbin's SOI.

Planet 1 - orbital mission to Duna. Initial Hohmann transfer failed, necessitating a correction burn at mission day 76 to achieve a potential capture. Mission success still uncertain.

Planet 2 (planned) - orbital mission to Eve.

And that's it for now. I'm hoping the .22 update won't be save-breaking (as some rumors suggest), so I can build on this with science modules and sample-return missions. We'll have to wait and see, I suppose.

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My current save (since .19) consists of the following serious attempts. I'm not counting all the insane tongue-in-cheek stuff, or things abandoned as hopeless before attempting.

In Service (Flight ongoing, used regularly)

Active: (Flight still ongoing, but not used regularly)

Success (Flight ended, mission parameters achieved)

Failure (Flight ended, mission parameters not achieved)

Decommissioned (All flights ended successfully. No longer used much.)

In Development (actively being assembled in the VAB/SPH or in testing phase)

Kerbal Orbit:

LKO Station (5 launches, 7 crew)

De-orbiter Claw I: Failure (need more claws)

De-orbiter Claw II: Active (2 crew)

Orbital Gas Stations: 3 in service

E.K.R.O.: Active (Extra-Kerbal Radio Observatory. 1million meter orbit for timewarp purposes)

MTWC In service (Mechjeb Transfer Window Calculator. My only use of mechjeb outside of the SPH/VAB. 1 million meter orbit)


Pomo: Active (Polar orbit Munar Observer. Ajax payload)

Landing 1: Failure. (2 Crew lost. Comand pod returned with 1 crew. Rover active)

Landing 2: Success, (3 crew returned. Rover active)

Landing 3: Success, (3 crew returned. Rover active)

Moldular Base: In Development


Minimus Pathfinder: Active (Ajax Payload)


Stock Rover: Failure ( Duna Impact, poor piloting)

Stock Rover: Active (Orbiter and Rover)

Duna Explorer: In Service (MPV landed [4 crew], Station in orbit [2 crew])

Duna Gas Station: In service (delivered by Aeon)

Aeon 1 (Failure: Duna Impact due to poor design and landing choice)

Aeon 2: (Failure: Duna Impact; Had the parking brake on.)

Aeon 3: Failure (solar orbit: Insufficient Dv for return. Aborted)

Aeon 4: Success (Payload delivered, returned Home. Payload rolled over and lost)

Aeon 5: Success (Payload delivered, returned home. Payload In service)

Aeon 6: In Service (Duna Orbit)


Joolian Impactor :success

Maverick: Partial success (Flybys of joolian moons planned. Laythe flyby only.)

Space Planes

Speedy Box SSTO. (decommissioned, First successful SSTO)

Arrow SSTO (successful, decommissioned)

Master Blaster (Successful Parasite Plane. Decommissioned)

Accipiter SSTO (demonstrator, decommissioned)

Antilles SSTO Drone (demonstrator, decommissioned)

Ajax SSTO: In service

Ardent SSTO: In service

Ardent II SSTO: In service

Agilus A,B SSTO: (successful, decomissioned)

Argo SSTO: In service

Accel SSTO (demonstrator, decommissioned)

Aurora (classified. :) )

Tiny SSTO Program (Under Trials for Laythe runabouts.)

Aeon SSTO: In service

LKO Heavy Lifter SSTO (Prototype in development)

Small Mun / Minmus lander SSTO (Prototype in development)

Near Future plans: Laythe missions including a simple lander, then an orbital Logistics station and surface Base. Eve probes. Spelling it all out like this makes me see that I really need to put more landers on planets!

Edited by Exothermos
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Oh man I absolutely love these types of threads. Sit back because I'm about to attempt to remember all my missions/programs/crafts/scapped designs since I first began... At least based on screenshots and current craft in my game's files....

So here's how I'm going to lay it out. The mission will have a bold title, with each sub-craft or sub-section being color-coded based on its status.

Here are the color codes:

Planned Design/Future Mission

In Active Service/Mission Currently Underway

In Testing Phase

Decommissioned/Phased Out

Completed Mission

Abandoned Project/Scrapped Design

Mission Did Not Achieve All Goals


Archernar Grand Tour Project


Arcturus Project

Arcturus-I Duna Surface Rover

Apogee Mun Program (We don't talk about Apogee...)

Apogee Ultra-Light Mun Lander

Callisto Eve Program

Callisto-I Low-Eve-Orbital Probe

Tortuga-II/R Surface Rover

Project BrightStar

BrightStar I Low Kerbin Orbit Station

Embarker Mission

Embarker-I Mun Surface Rover

Embarker-II Mun Surface Rover

Embarker-III Minmus Surface Rover

Long-Term Exoplanetary Exploration Project

HEV-HAB MegaRover

MEG-HAB MegaRover


Nautilus-I Massive Surface Rover

Iasillo Joolian Orbit Mission


Jool-Plunge-Map I

KerbLab Mun Station

KerbLab One

KerbLab Two

KerbLab Three

Munar Atmosphere and Lack of Environment Exploration (MALEE) Project

Knieval-I Ultra-Low Orbit Probe

Pioneer Unmanned Mun Mission Exploration Landers (PUMMEL) Project

Pioneer I Mainstay Mun Lander

Pioneer II Mini Mun Lander

Pioneer III Mini Mun Lander

Pioneer IV Mini Mun Lander

Pioneer V Mini Mun Lander

Project Polark

Polark I Low Kerbin Orbit Station

Unity One

Wyvern-I Manned Mun Surface Lander

Serenity One

Serenity Base Outpost

The Oasis Microstation Project




Kerbin Air-filled BallOOn Manned Mission (KABOOMM)

Balloonigan I

Balloonigan II

Balloonigan III

Balloonigan IV

Balloonigan V

Balloonigan VI

Beryllium Project

Bluerock Sub-Orbital Manned Capsule

Denebola SSTO Project

X-1 Jolly Rancher

Project Stability

Stability-9 Low Kerbin Orbit Station

Tuxaedo Grand Tour Mission

NVMSS Tuxaedo

Nexus Intelligent Systems, Incorporated: Aerospace Division: Design House


Kitten-I Multi Purpose Unmanned Rover

Kitten-II Multi Purpose Unmanned Rover

Kitten-III Multi Purpose Unmanned Rover

Kitten-III/C Multi Purpose Unmanned Rover

OBS-Base Core System

Yoonyte-I SRV


J-L336-8 AstroDuck


Flame Burner X-5 STOL

LAX-1 Doodlebug

RMK4-Oxen Orbital Tug

Nexus Intelligent Systems, Incorporated: Aerospace Division: Commission of Unified and Streamlined Tactics for Applied Rocket Design (CUSTARD)

Regulus I/AP - .625m Transfer Tug

Regulus I/XP - .625m Transfer Tug, Extended Range

Regulus II/AP - 1.25m Transfer Tug

Regulus II/XP - 1.25m Transfer Tug, Extended Range

Regulus III/AP - 2.5m Transfer Tug

Regulus III/XP - 2.5m Transfer Tug, Extended Range

Regulus V EX375 - 3.75m Transfer Tug for 2.5m Payloads

Regulus C Block 4 - 2.5m Crew/Support Module Carrying 4 Crew

Regulus C Block 8 - 2.5m Crew/Support Module Carrying 8 Crew

Regulus C Block 16 - 2.5m Crew/Support Module Carrying 16 Crew

Eclipse I - Light Satellite Bus

Eclipse II - Medium Satellite Bus

Eclipse III - Heavy Satellite Bus

Aldebaran I - .625m Load Balanced Orbital Tug

Aldebaran II - 1.25m Load Balanced Orbital Tug

Aldebaran III - 2.5m Load Balanced Orbital Tug

Aldebaran III/S - 2.5m Load Balanced Orbital Tug, With Adapted 1.25m Port

Umbra I - Single-Seat Open-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Umbra I/C - Dual-Seat Open-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Umbra II - Single-Seat Closed-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Umbra III - Dual-Seat Closed-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Umbra IV - Quad-Seat Closed-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Umbra V - 16-Seat Closed-Cockpit Vacuum Surface Lander

Penumbra I - Single-Seat Closed-Cockpit Staged Surface Lander

Penumbra II - Dual-Seat Closed-Cockpit Staged Surface Lander

Penumbra III - Tri-Seat Closed-Cockpit Staged Surface Lander W/Ion System

Equinox I - Single-Seat Heavy Return Lander

Equinox II - Dual-Seat Heavy Return Lander

Equinox III - Tri-Seat Heavy Return Lander

Gala - Single-Seat OTV

Nautilus - Tri-Seat OTV

Kraken - Quad-Seat OTV

Starshot I - Lightweight Sounding Rocket

Starshot II - Heavier Sounding Rocket

Archer I - Light Satellite Lifter W/Integrated NTR Stage

Archer II - Medium Satellite Lifter W/Integrated NTR Stage

Archer III - Heavy Satellite Lifter W/Integrated NTR Stage

Compass I - Light Serially-Staged Manned Rocket

Compass II - Medium Serially-Staged Manned Rocket

Beltar I - Probe Launcher

Beltar II - Probe Launcher W/Integrated NTR Stage

Beltar III - General Purpose Medium Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse II - General Purpose Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse III - General Purpose Super Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse III Block D - General Purpose Medium Lifter

Betelgeuse V - General Purpose Manned Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse X - General Purpose Ultra Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse M - General Purpose Fully Reuseable Heavy Lifter

The Betelgeuse Project (Joint Project with CUSTARD)

Betelgeuse I - General Purpose Super Heavy Lifter (Experimental Proof-Of-Concept)

Betelgeuse I Delta Heavy - General Purpose Super Heavy Lifter (Experimental Prototype)

Betelgeuse II - General Purpose Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse III - General Purpose Super Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse III Block D - General Purpose Medium Lifter

Betelgeuse V - General Purpose Manned Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse X - General Purpose Ultra Heavy Lifter

Betelgeuse M - General Purpose Fully Reuseable Heavy Lifter (Based On Betelgeuse II)

So, as you can see, I've done quite a bit of missions and design work, yet I still have a ton of design work ahead of me that I've laid out for myself. CUSTARD is currently my biggest undertaking, attempting to make some really good spacecraft based on the few mods I have installed.

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I've recently downloaded kethane and have started a new save yesterday based around collecting it.


-GGS (green gold scanner) 1: Kerbin scanner

-GGS 2: Munar scanner

-GGS 3: Minmus scanner

All three scanners are in polar orbits.

-KSP (kethane sampler probe) 1: Landed in GreenLand Mun deposit to test kethane load

-KSP 2: Landed in Sun Valley Mun deposit

-RKM (robotic kethane miner) 1: Small probe lander with 2000 liters of kethane storage, landed in GreenLand Deposit


-GGCS (green gold command station) 1: 4-kerbal station to be in a 50 km Mun orbit. Size: "small"

-RKM 2: Minmus miner

-RGGCs (robotic GGSC) 1: Small station around Minmus to store/refine kethane.

-MKM (manned kethane miner) 1: Large mun miner (Sun Valley)

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