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Remove ISA Mapsat plugin but leave parts?


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I installed ISA mapsat (old version, unofficial patch) and have used it quite a lot on Mun exploring missions, so I have lots of rover and ships and all sorts with mapsat GPS on them.

But now I've decided to cut down my number of mods as I'm getting a lot of crashes, I'd like to remove the mapsat plugin but not wipe out half my Mun colonisation efforts, so I'm wondering can I delete the plugin components of mapsat and just leave the Dish and GPS parts without any ill effects? Will they just become non-functioning dummy parts without the plugin stuff or will they break and explode the universe if I take out the plugin components of the mod?

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Yes you can do this, but also delete the call for the MOD in the config for the part just to be safe. Also, change Module = (something) to "Module = part" at the top - second line in the config.

Test this first before you destroy your save though, but it should work to make the part completely inert.

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Thanks Polecat, I did wonder if some kind of config edit would be needed.

Well, anyway, I checked the config and there didn't seem to be any call to the mod or such but I change the module from "ISA_Mapsat" to "part" deleted the mod and tried it, unfortunately my Mun project got wiped out, I then tried it with the unedited config, and again, wiped out, I guess it doesn't load the part if the module is gone, so I restored the mod.

I did think it recognised the part as being something different if the module was changed, but after looking at another part config, I've just realised, that maybe the problem is it should be "Part" rather than "part" as the module. I'll try that and see what happens later.

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