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[1.02] KW Rocketry v2.7 Available - 1.02 Compatibility! - 16/05/2015


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Well, Tiberion said something about a 3.75m Orion-style pod coming for NovaPunch, but it was supposedly a good deal down the road. I don't know about KW, but I've heard something about a pod called Ceres, don't know anything about it except the name, though, and I think it was scrapped. Not sure about anything regarding that pod, though.

Ceres is an ongoing project for me, I can't really say how long it'll be until it's finished but probably quite a while.

Edited by Winston
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Ceres is an ongoing project for me, I can't really say how long it'll be until it's finished but probably quite a while.

Ugh, another update. Perfect <3 I am loving those new sounds. Gonna download as soon as I get home. Also, I'm looking forward to any pods you guys end up adding, as I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Do you have any details you're willing to divulge about the Ceres pod? Anything, even basics such as crew capacity or general styling?

I'm glad you guys hold your work to such a high standard, it really shows. KW is the one mod I would keep if I had to get rid of all others. It is absolutely indispensable to my designs and work, BECAUSE of the high standards and beautiful models included within it.

Love this pack!


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Do you have any details you're willing to divulge about the Ceres pod? Anything, even basics such as crew capacity or general styling?

Pod is 3 meters in diameter and will carry four to six Kerbals, I've not yet decided. Service module will be a single part with "circular" type folding solar panels.

I'm texturing it all myself so the style might be somewhat different to KW.

I might show some screenshots at some point, only thing that's stopping me is that I don't want to get anyone's hopes up because it's going to be quite a while before it's released as I mentioned.

As for KW pods, we might do a couple soon. Pods are a little daunting what with the interiors to think about and all. We'll see.

Sorry for being horrendously vague.

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Pod is 3 meters in diameter and will carry four to six Kerbals, I've not yet decided.Service module will be a single part with "circular" type folding solar panels.

I'm texturing it all myself so the style might be somewhat different to KW.

I might show some screenshots at some point, only thing that's stopping me is that I don't want to get anyone's hopes up because it's going to be quite a while before it's released as I mentioned.

As for KW pods, we might do a couple soon. Pods are a little daunting what with the interiors to think about and all. We'll see.

Sorry for being horrendously vague.

Sounds great, I fully understand why you aren't more specific. If, IF you two decide to make some KW command pods, will you make them in different colors? A less-gritty-than-stock white-ish command pod would be cool. But take your time, no pressure. There are a lot of command pods available for download already :)

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I don't want to get anyone's hopes up because it's going to be quite a while before it's released


Sorry for being horrendously vague.

Apologize not! That you gave ANY info in the first place is enough for me. However it turns out, I'm sure it will be one of those things I absolutely must have.


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Ceres is an ongoing project for me, I can't really say how long it'll be until it's finished but probably quite a while.

Winston, I know you're being vague, but is it this ceres?


If so, or not, I'm still super excited, but will wait patiently (like I advise everyone else too) for your guys' awesome work!

(note the part in parentheses is a moderator message, while everything else is my personal opinion :) )

Edited by shadowsutekh
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Winston, I know you're being vague, but is it this ceres?

That's the old one yes, I've remodelled it completely and begun texturing it from scratch.

That should be a very nice addition to the KW range, thumbs up.

It's not an addition to KW as such, it's something I'm making independently.

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So, are you making the Ceres as a single piece pod, where a service system, parachute and docking port must be attached, or are you doing it like in the picture that shadowsuthek dug forth and have the pod be a three-part pod, with three parts that have to be used together? Or have you not decided yet?

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*Stupid question

Can i have the 0.21 version? (you know... i still using the 0.21)

The 0.22 version should be fully compatible with 0.21. The only changes to the .cfg's are techRequired fields and entryCost fields. The game should automatically ignore those lines and let it work for you.

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I've been using KW ever since I started playing KSP, great mod. very usefull!

anyway I just wanted to comment on the new sounds for the engines. I watched the you-tube video showcasing the new sounds and it sounded pretty good. This motivated me to hook up my guitar amp up to my computer and try to get the full experience when I had the new version installed. WOW I got goose bumps for the first time playing KSP! stuff was rattling off my desk :D

Thanks for the awesome mod!

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I'm totally new to KSP but I have already tried installing this mod. I download the package, save it onto deskop and unpack KWRocketry folder into GameDate folder right next to Squad folder, am I doing it correctly? When I start game it loads and starts but when I load my save and go to either hangar textures are messed up or game crashes. What should I do ?

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I'm totally new to KSP but I have already tried installing this mod. I download the package, save it onto deskop and unpack KWRocketry folder into GameDate folder right next to Squad folder, am I doing it correctly? When I start game it loads and starts but when I load my save and go to either hangar textures are messed up or game crashes. What should I do ?

How many mods do you have installed? Excessive amounts of part textures can and will result in the game crashing. Can you tell us how much RAM you have?

You could try to install the reduced KW texture pack, available in the OP. You can also go to the settings menu in the main KSP menu and set textures to half res, that will lower the graphical quality of your parts, but not too much, and it will allow you to use more mods.

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Yeah I have also figured out that my RAM can possibly be the issue. I have 32 bit Windows XP and theoretically 4 GB rams but afaik 32 XP doesn't support more then 3.smth RAM memory. I have just enabled PAE but idk if it really works. This is my first mode so i think it shouldn't be too much to handle. Thanks I have already thought about downloading reduced pack but haven't really thought about lowering textures resolution. ;)

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I know this kinda goes against the whole Kerbal mantra of "MOAR POWAR," but is there a smaller 1.25m engine in the works? I find that the Vesta is massive overkill for some upper stages and even the LV-909 can be too much of a good thing. Something along the lines of the 48-7S but in a 1.25m package would be awesome.

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