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the Moulty Shedder - Celebrating the release of KSP v0.13 (100% stock)


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KSP v0.13 came out and to celebrate I built a new Mun lander that uses Fuel Ducts. (Totally not because my v0.12 ships will no longer load)

Introducing, the Moulty Shedder. The finest heap of scrap metal this side of the tracks. A lovely ship that loses fuel tanks almost as fast as I lose chips at the casino. No refunds/returns.

In all seriousness, this baby will take you to Kearth orbit -> trans-Mun injection -> orbit -> land -> take-off -> orbit -> Kearth injection, with enough fuel left to set up a shallow re-entry with less than 4 Gs. It is well balanced as well, needing no RCS to stay on course. Use it only for heading changes and perfecting your Mun landing before ditching the orbiter.

Good luck, here is a bag of spare parts...


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As Kryten pointed out, click on the Moulty Shedder link or the link to the blog.

In regard to flying it; ditch the first 5 stages (11, 10, 9, 8, 7) as their tanks run dry, but be careful on stage 6. It tends to clip the engines after decoupling. The engines should survive, but if you want to be safe then turn down the throttle for a moment while you decouple.

Happy exploring! :D

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