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Something I've noticed


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Being a long time member and modder, but having been gone for a few months, I noticed that with the influx of new players from I guess the steam release, KSP modding is kind of taking steps backward due to all of these new 'modders'. I see tons of new but mundane and useless parts. simplistic parts. stuff that is basically a mixed around combination of only a couple basic shapes. there's very little fine details, solid color texturing, etc.

I know everyone wants to make something, and old mods get forgotten, but I think it has kind of de-evolved KSP into a stream of mediocrity. It seems that many people are soo eager to make some type of mod, that they essentially just go into a modeling program, stretch a little here on a shape, maybe cut a little there, etc. all in all, 5 minutes of work if you know what you're doing and want to achieve. but that's not the type of modding we need, I don't need some mono colored 3 pronged triangular shunt that serves no purpose. I understand the need for simplicity for slower computers....but all I'm basically seeing is combinations of simple basic shapes cobbled together and stretch along whatever axis, that primarily serve no purpose, not even aesthetically.

now of course, no one has to use these parts....but people will. and with the influx of these types of parts, people will more likely come across these parts and load them up just because of their prevalence.

we've still got some good modders floating around, but the majority of mods I'm seeing over the last few months just aren't good at all....infact, many are more simplistic than the very early days of KSP modding.

Want proof? look at the "show us your pictures" thread. that thread USED to be filled with some pretty awesome and unique screenshots, I even added quite a few of my own to it. Now it's just filled with uninteresting, boring and basic images that anyone can achieve without even trying with simple basic images you might be able to take on your first playthrough of ksp ever. In essence, it's like how instagram de-evolved to pictures of extremely plain things. people instagramming their foot, a chair, a wall, their food, etc. just stuff that isn't picture worthy in general. much like many of these mods, which too aren't picture worthy.

I think there's a distinct difference between 'stockalikes' and stuff that claims to be stockalike but are generally more simplistic than the stock parts themselves, while also being completely without aesthetics. I think these types of mods severely degrade the quality of KSP and defund it of innovation. There's only a small handful of new mods I can see that are on par with some of the long time popular mods. Kind of sad really. I came back expecting to see something worthwhile, and I'm just not really seeing much of that.

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Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap.

Are we seeing more mods being put out? Certainly, that comes with the increase in users.

I would posit however that while the fact that more mods are being put out means there are more of the 'simplistic' mods out there, there is also an increase in 'complex/polished' mods being released. Just due to Sturgeon's Law our perception of things is out of whack.

Also keep in mind this is a sandbox game, everyone is going to want something different. I have several mods installed because they do something for me in the game, and when I came across a hole where there was no mod to fill, I wrote my own (see my sig).

But there are also several big-name mods that I'm pretty sure you are counting in the "polished/complex" category that have no chance of ever being installed by me.

Notably, a parts pack pretty much has no chance with me. It has to expand my game somehow. Therefore I installed things like Kethane, Exo-Launch Pads, Kerbal Engineer, Protractor.

Stuff like B9, Novapunch or KW rocketry I don't even look at. I've got enough parts to get everywhere, I don't need several more flavors of engines or fuel tanks.

I'm pretty sure the spaceport work happening is going to include some sort of ranking/popularity system to help with this. Or just look at the mods on the forum that have more then 25 pages or something.


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Everyone has to start somewhere, even your early work kerbtrek was undoubtedly poor, but you got better...

KSP is open to modification, this is a good thing, and yes, people new to modding will try to cut their teeth on a KSP addon, and why shouldn't they?

Some will improve in skill, and reach the heady heights of sumghai, Kyle & Winston, Bobcat, cardboardboxprocessor...

Others will be happy with their one or two mods and move on, but that doesn't mean those addons are of no use, everything is made by someone to fill a purpose they had, to scratch their itch, and it may be just the right thing for someone else too :)

If you don't like an addon, don't use it, but don't deny others the chance to spread their wings and have some fun :)

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Yes, a lot of "basic" mod is a good sign that modding has become more easy to start with. Ofc we also need something to distinguish between them and high quality mods.

I think it is also important to help people willing to contention improve their skills. Maybe we need to do more for that. I have no idea about modeling, but getting deep into coding isn't easy. Especially since you can neither debug nor profile your mod. So you end up with mods that e.g. scale very bad.

@Squad: At least offering support for debugging would be nice and should be easy for you. Just also build the latest version of ksp with those 2 check-boxes set and distribute the few (3-5? at max!) files that are actually changed.

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As Sal said, everyone's got to start somewhere. And you never know what new paradigm some amateur might unlock.

I know absolutely nothing about 3D modeling, but after exploring config files in the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942, I came across the means to allow players to customize the textures for vehicles, uniforms, even the map itself. It blew the doors off what the individual player could do with the mod, and allowed more experienced artists, modelers and mappers to design an abundance of new content for the mod (which was basically a game unto its own).

Allegedly "inferior" mods won't suffocate the truly innovative, quality mods out there. Those mods will stand on their own merits. Even if 90% is stuff you won't use, when more mods are released, the 10% that's "good" will be larger - and, of course, that definition is up to each individual's preferences and needs.

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Totally aggree with the 3 last posts, the more basic materials (aka different mod whatever there "quality" wich is something very subjective) you're able to choose within the more combination you can done from thoose basic materials, simple probality and stat law.

KSP modding is amazingly open and that's a great thing. Thanks Squad.

History proven many time any sort of Elitism'only' always finish with dead ends: "Kerbal Mode Elite Quit" - Münraker Kerman

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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mech jobs future is in limbo.

Based on what, exactly? Ramon has stated that he will be returning to developing it, and in the meantime, Sarbian has been keeping it updated and making improvements.

Your concern could be easily alleviated by keeping current with the threads in question.

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Based on what, exactly? Ramon has stated that he will be returning to developing it, and in the meantime, Sarbian has been keeping it updated and making improvements.

Your concern could be easily alleviated by keeping current with the threads in question.

I use Sarbian's version of MJ. It is quite good and I don't see it being abandoned any time soon.

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I use Sarbian's version of MJ. It is quite good and I don't see it being abandoned any time soon.

I really like some of the new features, it`s just a shame they removed the feature of it being active on unfocused craft so you can`t dock both parts of a ship to a third ship at the same time

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