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Zombie Apocalypse: Your Plans


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I was wondering... What would everybody do in a zombie apocalypse? BTW, this is in Britain.

Here is my plan:

1. Get a knife, backpack, canned food and whatever else I can get from my house.

2. Get my friends within crawling distance (I use this to measure short distances :3)

3. Call my other friends and get them to meet at the library with supplies

4. Get some relevant books and a bit of fiction.

5. Steal a bus, 3 cars and 5 bikes

6. Drive to Asda. (Nearest big store)

7. Steal more stuff from Asda and stuff it in the bus and the car

8. Get petrol

9. Drive into the countryside

10. Set up plans, establish a leader

11. Head to Southhampton, get a boat

More later!

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Take whatever i can put into my truck, stop by a few stores to get Guns, ammo, Bows, Hamburgers, Chips, barbecue essentials ect.

Then Head north into Canada, i have a feeling Canadians will be more passive in a Zombie Apocalypse than my fellow countrymen.

Edit: And maybe pick up a damsel in distress along the way? :3

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Read it on the news. Head down to the stagecoach storage is Dagenham, 'borrow' a bus, Fill it supplies, get some books and a few friends

I can trust in a crisis. Drive down to Harwich, Borrow a container ship. Find a Oil rig in the North sea. Live on it until the zombies are gone.

Retake the isle of Wight. Rebuild civilization from there.

Again. Britain.

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Judging by how things tend to go in my life, I'd have to say that my plans are irrelevant. I wouldn't be anything as interesting as patient zero, but even if the initial outbreak was half a world away, I'd still be in the double digits.

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Of course, some might assume that its easier to be among the majority: zombies! But this is just live-human-centric thinking. Stubbs would disagree: http://www.aspyr.com/games/stubbs-the-zombie

(Wideload Games was founded by Alexander Seropian, co-founder of Bungie. "Stubbs" uses the Halo engine.) So if I'm overwhelmed by the zombie hordes, I'll be coming after you next!

Edited by Dispatcher
Added detail.
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I've actually had a zombie apocalypse survival plan for a while now:

1. Survey the landscape from the safety of my house to see how many zombies there are.

2. Quietly walk down into my backyard and take axes, and possibly other items I found down there.

3. Find a light but sturdy backpack in my house and take necessary supplies.

4. Make my way to a near by school and look for a way over the fence. This will be my fort.

5. Locate friends near by to see if they're alive. If not, it's decapitation time.

6. Raid local stores.

7. Take friends back to the school and climb over the fence.

8. Barricade the hall or any other room suitable for surviving.

9. Either go and look for other survivors or just try to survive.

After a long time and we're prepared:

1. Find a vehicle that's working.

2. Find a gas station.

3. Head south west, away from the city.


1. Find a boat.

Edited by nanotyrano
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  nanotyrano said:
I've actually had a zombie apocalypse survival plan for a while now:

1. Survey the landscape from the safety of my house to see how many zombies there are.

2. Quietly walk down into my backyard and take axes, and possibly other items I found down there.

3. Find a light but sturdy backpack in my house and take necessary supplies.

4. Make my way to a near by school and look for a way over the fence. This will be my fort.

5. Locate friends near by to see if they're alive. If not, it's decapitation time.

6. Raid local stores.

7. Take friends back to the school and climb over the fence.

8. Barricade the hall or any other room suitable for surviving.

9. Either go and look for other survivors or just try to survive.

After a long time and we're prepared:

1. Find a vehicle that's working.

2. Find a gas station.

3. Head south west, away from the city.


1. Find a boat.

^ Friends, one of them is me :P (we made this plan together)

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1.Wait for mobilization order. (An outbreak develops regionally, there is time. If not, jump to point 2)

2.Report to garrison (KustJK, NYBR)

3.Aquire hardware & intel

4.Deploy on an island far out at sea

5.Fortify & improve the beforementioned with the following manpower:

-2 Coastal Jaeger Battalions

-6 Coastal Jaeger Companies

-2 Coastal Missile Companies

+support- and MP companies

6.Arrange Naval support

7.Cure the infection, one bullet at a time.

(8. Do not use the Battle of Yonkers technique)

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I took this picture last sunday:


When all hell breaks loose, don't go to the stores, that is where everybody without a plan will be fighting for scraps. you're better off facing the zombies.

If you planned poorly, visit the local fast food restaurants, they have supplies that the angry mob hasn't thought about yet.

In my case there is no real place to run too, so I'll just fortify and wait for a month. With whomever is left we'll cordon of some area where we can grow our own food etc. Whomever tries to attack us will become a resource. (food, fertilizer, bait, axel grease etc.)

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Seeing as I already live somewhere remote, in a fully fenced 'compound' with it's own water supply and I own a LOT of guns then I'll just stay where I am.

The Zombies can come to me :D

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Not that it'll happen, but

1: Scrounge up some weapons, food, and gasoline, i live in the middle of **** all with about 7 houses in walking distance, i think ill be safe, also being in the conservative countryside of America, i doubt ill have any issue with weapons

2: High tail my ass up to Mackinac City (i live in Michigan), hopping vehicle to vehicle when they run out of fuel or my path is blocked. Once their i hop on (Steal) a ferry to Mackinack Island, a relatively large island a little off the coast, i should be able to get myself there

3: At Mackinack Island, i take advantage of the 1700's fort, using as a literal citadel, its original intent, as it is in the central of the island on a hill. Once i've set up base their with the people on the island, we should be relatively fine, as we can take advantage of the total safety, local fields, civilians food supplies, and, importantly, the airport.

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Assuming everyone close to me is dead...

1-Grab a gun, a pistol, more precisely (my dad is one of these cops who work in offices)

2-Get in the car and drive to my city's military airbase, taking survivors with me if there are any willing (assuming I can drive)

3-Check if the people in the airbase are alive. (plan B...)

If they are all zombies...

4-There is plenty of space around, having a long landing strip and I can easily accelerate enough to kill zombies quickly in the car, taking one by one.

5-Once the visible base exterior is empty, it's time to go indoors. Try to look inside the base from afar and pick out any visible targets.

6-Go deeply in the base, taking the guns (long guns, finally!) and a few supplies

7-Make the base my own fort, it should have plenty of food and water. The landing strip and the walls should be very useful.

8-Look for a plane/heli, there should be one there somewhere (I don't expect fighter jets tho).

9-Try to find survivors through radio and if there's a plane try to get somewhere safe and far away, if not ask for help.

If they are alive... (...plan B)

4-Try to find out if they are taking survivors (probably not because of latent infection manifestation or something)

5-Go to the port (my city has one of the biggest in latin america) and try to take control of a warehouse

6-Try to survive as long as possible and try to find other survivors, building a survivor fortification in the warehouse

10-There are plenty of supermarkets and regular markets around my town, so we could take yummy food probably without major resistance.

11- Take one of these smaller boats they use to escort/guide boats and get to a small island with a fort and very few people living at.

12-Make the island our new country.

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I read a really good web article once outlining all the scientific reasons why zombies can't exist, but I don't have the link.

I asked a friend of mine with a PhD in Biology if he could come up with a credible scenario for reanimated corpses but he couldn't do so, his best effort was some kind of 'rage' virus.

But zombies are fun, and it's good to be prepared because modern western society is only a couple of steps away from anarchy. Too many people don't know how to live without supermarket ready meals, TV, fossil fuels and the government telling them exactly what to do. Take those things away for even a relatively short period of time and things will soon start to look like Day Of The Dead.

Pray for peace, but prepare for war :D

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My zombie plan.

1. aquire a shotgun and side arm with ammo.

2. move all the important survival items from downstairs to upstairs (food included)

3. bottle all the water I can from the faucet before it fails to work anymore.

4. destroy my stairs so the zombies can't get to me if they bust into the house.

5. agument my hoodie with padding under it. Put on my gasmask and find a way to affix my glasses to the inside eye-holes. flip my hood up. Jeans and boots. backpack

6. put together a long spear to stab zombies from a window, lowering the overall zombie population in my area silently.

7. When zombie population is nearly nothing, I can leave the house to scavenge from the houses around me.

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Too many variables to just have 1 plan.

First off is it an airbourne virus? what percentage of humanity is immune.

What are the zombies like? Are they true to the definition IE reanimated dead corpses? or is it some sort of virus that causes zombie like symptoms?

The "I am legend" style of apocolypse seems plausible and i would class those as zombies

The 28days later zombies could work in a real life scenario as you only have to out live them.

However the reason why an "i am legend" apocolypse would be the only feasable scenario is because of the outbreak method. Notice how the majority of zombie films/games will cut out the part where the world actually becomes infected? thats because like it or not the government and military would take some very swift action. They probably have scenarios for various bio weapon attacks which is essentially what a zombie outbreak would be like.

So. In my plan the world is as follows.

Either a) a vaccine with underlying zombie-esk side effects is issued to the economically developed world.

B) a super power has tested a weaponised virus however instead of dying out (like a normal weaponised virus) it keeps on spreading, evolves to keep human hosts alive with a taste for anything that moves

or a personal favourite scenario c) A fungus or some type of plant(either from space or genetically altered or evolved) that spreads through the air and gets into the hosts brain (havent quite figured out how but it happens to some ants) and causes them to be highly aggressive however, they are more aggressive during the day (as these plant/fungus/human hybrids) live off of sunlight and other plants for sustenance. This doesnt mean they arent active at night but they arent out on the prowl at night! (this also makes a nice change to the usual "zombies come out more at night" affair

Scenario c)is pretty hard to suurvive as you cannot really be immune to a fungus growing in your brain.

However a 1% immunity to scenario a and b is plausible.

Either way I can survive quite happily in the wilderness and im quite proficient in vehicle maintanence. First order of business is to leave built up areas. Vehicle of choice is a diesel 4x4 my choice would be a land rover defender but you can choose more luxury if you wish however the simpler the better packed with various supplies including basic radio equipment and a small assortment of vehicle spares along with basic hunting euipment. I havent chosen a military vehicle as I dont know how to drive or maintain one and they arent fuel efficient so without a logistics devision to help out they are a bit of a no no. I would consider going back for a small apc as a safehouse to park next to my land rover. Again simpler stuff is better in an apocolypse situation, you wont have access to special manufacturers and repair companies if your stuff goes wrong.

After a while or so, again depending on infected to human ratios, its time to make our way to small towns as my vehicle of choice will no doubt need some spare parts and as my defender is a pretty common vehicle i wont have to go to the more built up areas to find one.

Next order of the day is to make contact with other un infected through radio or visual. Theres plenty of harbours near me so sailing around the costs in a christmas tree is possible but again, boats will have a limited range and I have no idea how you go about getting fuel for a small boat.

Other than that its just a case of surviving. Dont forget to go find an electronics store and steal yourself a laptop and transfer your ksp to it so you have something to do until the end!

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-Go to nearest place with guns.

-Realise that's 7km away.

-Go anyway.

-Get eaten.


-Stay where I am.


-eventually get eaten


-Go to local shopping centre ah la Dawn of the Dead

-Lock all doors

-wait for Zombies to starve

-Most likely get eaten because I forgot to block off slidey doors

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Short-term plan:

1. Coordinate friends

2. Take backpack, pack food, books, etc.

3. Get long stick from pantry.

4. Drive to school (it used to be an armory)

5. Fortify entrances.

6. "Renovate" (knock down walls to enable access to battlements.

7. Organize raiding teams to retrieve the remaining food from stores and houses and weaponry.

Long-term plan:

8. Begin thinking about place to move to permanently: good conditions for farming, somewhat isolated.

9. Pack the remaining supplies and begin a mass exodus to predetermined location in vehicles. If necessary, find a pilot.

10. Fortify new location and start anew.

This would be really depressing though, because all of humanity's achievements and potential would go right down the drain. I have to admit it would be exhilarating.

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