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If I succeed in this, I will uninstall the game and never play again.


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So, get a full orange tank to orbit, then relaunch that whole thing with another launcher that delivers the first launcher and payload to orbit with full tanks? I can drop the second launcher during ascent, right?

Pretty much. Build a launcher that can bring (4) full tanks to orbit and then build a rocket that brings THAT rocket into orbit with full fuel tanks.

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Yep, that's the rule. For the final part of the challenge, everything in orbit only has to be the first fuel launcher with all parts and all fuel intact. Oxidizer counts as fuel.

#EDIT: The challenge just specifies one orange tank as the challenge. Two for hard difficulty. I'm doubling down.

Edited by Whackjob
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Suddenly, inspiration. I may redo the whole thing.

#EDIT: Might as well elaborate. I can combine my current AEIA Mk7 project into this one. And make it functional. Have a purpose.

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Part 1 of my submission

If I wanted to beat this challenge in the easiest possible manner, I would've gone that way. :P Asparagus is the top of the efficiency pile.

But, I'm out for a challenge. Spectacle. I'm looking to take on simple tasks with the most overly complicated and most overbuilt solutions possible.

That's how I define fun. :)

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If I wanted to beat this challenge in the easiest possible manner, I would've gone that way. :P Asparagus is the top of the efficiency pile.

But, I'm out for a challenge. Spectacle. I'm looking to take on simple tasks with the most overly complicated and most overbuilt solutions possible.

That's how I define fun. :)

you do realise I have 5 tanks

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you do realise I have 5 tanks

It could've been thirty. You've missed the point completely. I don't fault you for it, I've never been a good communicator. I'll try to explain with storytime. It's how I do best. I think.

Whenever I play an MMO, I go on the player-versus-player servers. It's fun. There are many types of PvPers, but this story is about two. Your usual PvPer is the kind that rushes to max level, grinds out the best of everything, and then and ONLY then goes player hunting. They define their success through how many points the get or how many people they off. That they people they go after are lower level folks with worse gear is irrelevant to them.

Then there's how I play. I deliberately stay in midrange or lower and hunt higher level people. I defeat them in any way I can. I call it Trophy Hunting. Because to me, if I'm a level 100 guy, and I kill 100 level 5 guys, that's nothing. Zip. An enraged pug scratching an itch on an errant keyboard could probably manage the same feat. Me, I'm the lowbie guy that preys on the higher level folks. Most of the time I fail. It happens. But when I gank someone with near double my level, catch him half stepping, shred him or her to bits, and then run like hell before his or her buddies notice there's a problem, then that's a victory to me. The biggest of victories.

So I do these challenges, not to get the little trophy at the end. I do them because I deliberately do it in a more difficult manner. I get more reward that way. As I said, I could probably have just made a giant asparagus bundle with those giant booster setups you saw in my earlier pictures, and probably have put a ton of tanks into orbit. But to me, that's the level 100 guy offing a level 20. I want to win in spite of needless difficulty.

Do you understand where I'm coming from? :)

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If I wanted to beat this challenge in the easiest possible manner, I would've gone that way. :P Asparagus is the top of the efficiency pile.

But, I'm out for a challenge. Spectacle. I'm looking to take on simple tasks with the most overly complicated and most overbuilt solutions possible.

That's how I define fun. :)

Nice. I start that way... then end up on simplicity because... well, PC CPU limits and time limits. So hope it all goes well! I toyed with side way launched tanks for a little while. :P

I'll keep my Space Program going alongside yours. Aim for the papertrail fanfair!

Edited by Technical Ben
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That reminds me of The Gift

If you're doing it to be famous, you'll never be famous enough

If you're going it for money, you'll never make enough money

If you're making it as a gift, your only responsibility is to the gift itself

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