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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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And trying your hand at lookatconstraintFX, I see. Textures already look pretty nice :)

Haha, this is my fourth run at the look constraints, and I get better every time. Also see the new 3.75m orbital engine in NF Spacecraft (though it's harder to see there). Colours plus AO generally gets a model at least 50% of the way there ;).

What engine is that?

The GE-N 'Liberator' Gas Core Atomic Rocket Motor!

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Haha, this is my fourth run at the look constraints, and I get better every time. Also see the new 3.75m orbital engine in NF Spacecraft (though it's harder to see there). Colours plus AO generally gets a model at least 50% of the way there ;).

I didn't notice there at first! It's one of those things you spot better in motion. Nice work

The GE-N 'Liberator' Gas Core Atomic Rocket Motor!


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So it's a open cycle nuclear rocket?

Than a name like "dominator" would be more appropiate :wink:

"Gas core" implies that the fissible material is in the gas state (as opposed to being solid or liquid) due to the extreme heat and pressure inside the reactor. It makes no statement about whether it is an open cycle system or not. In fact, you can built gas core reactors in both variations, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_core_reactor_rocket

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"Gas core" implies that the fissible material is in the gas state (as opposed to being solid or liquid) due to the extreme heat and pressure inside the reactor. It makes no statement about whether it is an open cycle system or not. In fact, you can built gas core reactors in both variations, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

I know that, but from it's appearance it looks like an open cycle one. Those small spherical tanks within the engine were also a sign for me (maybe storage for nuclear fuel).

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@ Nertea, thought you didn't 'like' the NTR/LVn concept hehe :P

But beautifull model already, hope to see it being included in NFP.

Btw what kind of stats are you guys thinking of for this monster? Stats balanced for stock, or balanced based on RL test deaigns?

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(no, seriously, it's based on the one from the Liberty Ship, hence the name).

I know that, but from it's appearance it looks like an open cycle one. Those small spherical tanks within the engine were also a sign for me (maybe storage for nuclear fuel).

Closed cycle. Upper tanks are for fun, not so much function. NERVA had 'em, they look cool, done deal :P.

@ Nertea, thought you didn't 'like' the NTR/LVn concept hehe :P

But beautifull model already, hope to see it being included in NFP.

Btw what kind of stats are you guys thinking of for this monster? Stats balanced for stock, or balanced based on RL test deaigns?

I do like them, I just think they're overrated :P. It's all Ven's fault really, he made a really nice looking LV-N that caused significant inspiration. And actually, if you look at the poll, NTRs are third in the rankings, and I've already made lots of deep space/station parts since then. So, give the people what they want!

Thrust 500-800, Isp 1700-1900, mass 10-16. Somewhere in that region

Edited by Nertea
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I do like them, I just think they're overrated :P. It's all Ven's fault really, he made a really nice looking LV-N that caused significant inspiration. And actually, if you look at the poll, NTRs are third in the rankings, and I've already made lots of deep space/station parts since then. So, give the people what they want!

Thrust 500-800, Isp 1700-1900, mass 10-16. Somewhere in that region

Ghehe granted :P Though I get it. Plasma is a much more novel approach.

Hmm those figures are quite steep I think.

I dont have the ntr engines web document on mobile atm. But the nuclear Lightbulb (from porkjet) was: 450n/1500isp/20t and the rl proposal: 410n/1500isp/32t.

Ingame it is almost boreline op, but fits in well before NF plasma systems.

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Ghehe granted :P Though I get it. Plasma is a much more novel approach.

Hmm those figures are quite steep I think.

I dont have the ntr engines web document on mobile atm. But the nuclear Lightbulb (from porkjet) was: 450n/1500isp/20t and the rl proposal: 410n/1500isp/32t.

Ingame it is almost boreline op, but fits in well before NF plasma systems.

Currently balance is totally up in the air due to major changes in KSP 1.0, which will come *much* earlier than this engine. So hang on.

Hey Nert, do you by chance have a new version of SystemHeat? My logs claim there is a security issue when the plugin loads. I will post my logs when I get home, but just wanted to give you a heads up. Thanks for making such great mods! :)

Don't use SystemHeat - it's obsolete as of KSP 1.0. New version of heat management coming around then.

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I was bored this morning and a texture was giving me grief, so I got involved in some liquid fuelled engines. These are simplified and stockish, so the plumbing is kinda off, but... yeah. It was fun!

RS68! With and without the Delta IV bottom cowling deal.


I had to extrapolate a gimbal onto the RD-0120, but I think it turned out pretty nice. Did an Energia bottom shell thing too as an option.


Maybe will release, maybe won't, we'll see. If I do, the RS-68 will be a 3.75m lift engine, the RD-0120 an upper (yes, I know that isn't strictly true, they're both first stages, but the thrust/isp specs fit those roles pretty well)

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Maybe will release, maybe won't, we'll see.
You should release, not only do they look fantastic but the Realism crowd would be eternally grateful for any new engines that come their way. Alternatively, please consider donating these to the Realism Overhaul mod if you're not into releasing. Just a thought.

Thanks again for all the high-quality work, your mods are pretty much a no-brainer install in any KSP setup I have.

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I added the turbopump exhaust gimbal to the RS-68 as per a request.


Also, here's a J2X in 2.5m form factor. Pretty engine, pity it got cancelled.


And the LE-7A (first stage LH2/O2 of the japanese HII rocket).


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Gorgeous models Nertea! Would be great to see these in game at some point! :)

If I might make a request?

I couldn't find any mod which adds something alike and thought some could perhaps be fitting for the NFP series, if you are were going to add the gas core to NFP or otherwise of course.

Would any of these be possible and fitting (for NFP)?

- a Shadow Shield model, use full with NTR's and NFE reactors.

- a closed Brayton cycle generator, for NFE as an alternate besides the reactors.

- a 'Plug Nozzle' NTR/Plasma engine.

- an inline 'H2 cryogentic re-condensation system' model.



The past couple of days I have been reading into Bimodal NTR systems, H2 boil off and I came across the above source. Interesting stuff there.

Been also looking into the Real fuels mod as well for H2 boil off. For the re-condensation system, I don't know if it would be fitting NFP or might be too hardcore. Was just a thought.

Anyways, these models are getting me hyped for the 1.0 NF series, so keep it up! :)

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Glad they're appreciated :) I already tested them ingame, but they don't look so great without textures. Work fine though :). Next up is the RL-10 and the Vulcain 2, to fill out the 1.25m line. Then, to the unwrapping shop!

H2 boiloff is not going to be included, mainly because I think it adds too much complexity by itself (the penalty of large size tanks for LH2 is bad enough). My excuse is that by the time we can build and deploy most of the engines in NFP, we're likely to have solved boiloff with fancy active cryo :P. RealFuels can be used to model that though, as you mention.

Shadow shield: Well, maybe. For me it would have to have a purpose first though, so I either need to get someone to make one or finish that point-source radiation plugin I was working on.

Separate generator: I'm not too keen on this. I am keen on making a trimodal NTR that generates a decent amount of power in idle mode, if that's up your alley.

Plug nozzle engine: It's unlikely that it would be effective for plasma engines (too low thrust to take advantage of benefits). For NTRs... not sure. Maybe long term.

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- a closed Brayton cycle generator, for NFE as an alternate besides the reactors.

The brayton cycle just describes the function of a type of heat engine. In other words, something that transforms heat from a source into a different form of energy (kinetic/shaft power, in the case). To get electric power, you then put a dynamo behind the turbine, which transforms the kinetic energy into electric energy.

The nuclear reactors in Near Future already have heat engines integrated in them. The more advanced ones, especially the MX-L, probably run on the brayton cycle. It's pretty efficient.

What would a separate heat engine accomplish? It would not do anything without a heat source. And even if you had a heat source, you wouldn't get any electric charge out of it...

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