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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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is it correct that i need 20 of the massive radiators from heat control to run a nuclear salt water engine at full throttle? and 100 for the beamed-core AM engine?

also, any plans for KER compatibility with the AM engines? KER always shows 0 DV because you cant fill AM tanks.

Edited by toric5
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On 3/14/2017 at 2:56 PM, GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca said:

From the quick tests I did on Sandbox mode, I've found that the Z-Pinch Drive is quite hard to maintain powered at peak capacity. I believe this is by design to encourage use of capacitor banks?

I think that there is a typo in the generation, shouldn't be using more than 100 Ec/s

On 3/20/2017 at 5:59 PM, toric5 said:

is it correct that i need 20 of the massive radiators from heat control to run a nuclear salt water engine at full throttle? and 100 for the beamed-core AM engine?

also, any plans for KER compatibility with the AM engines? KER always shows 0 DV because you cant fill AM tanks.

It's intended but maybe not correct at the moment. Those two engines should generate exorbitant amounts of heat, but the actual number remains to be fixed. New version of HC will add radiators that dump up to 8 MW per radiator so it'll be easier. With a beam core AM reactor, a good chunk of your ship will need to be radiators.

And yeah I hadn't thought of that problem. Next version will have AM in the tanks in the VAB and it'll be cleaned out when you launch.

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16 hours ago, Nertea said:

I think that there is a typo in the generation, shouldn't be using more than 100 Ec/s

According to my build of the mod, the Fission Z-Pinch uses up ~1000 Ec/s and the Fusion Z-Pinch (The one I was previously referring to) uses ~5500 Ec/s.

If you say it's too right, thought... 

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4 hours ago, GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca said:

According to my build of the mod, the Fission Z-Pinch uses up ~1000 Ec/s and the Fusion Z-Pinch (The one I was previously referring to) uses ~5500 Ec/s.

If you say it's too right, thought... 


This tracks with my build of the mod, too.

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I just said this is a bug, yeah... if you want to fix it, go to z-pinch-fission-375-1 and change the ratio under ElectricCharge to 17.92211538, and go to z-pinch-fusion-375-1 and change the ratio under ElectricCharge to 38.43925875.

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2 hours ago, Nertea said:

I just said this is a bug, yeah... if you want to fix it, go to z-pinch-fission-375-1 and change the ratio under ElectricCharge to 17.92211538, and go to z-pinch-fusion-375-1 and change the ratio under ElectricCharge to 38.43925875.

By the way, my apologies if I sounded a tad accusative, my bad - sometimes it's hard to express oneself correctly on the web. :rolleyes:

I'm glad to see the work you've done so far. Keep it up, 'cause it's good! :D

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On 3/23/2017 at 5:35 PM, toric5 said:

will you add xenon and argon to the atmospheric scoop? that way, instead of having to land on the surface to extract it, you could make, for example, jool or eve diving craft to get it.

I could, starts to get the UI crowded though.

On 3/23/2017 at 5:46 PM, GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca said:

By the way, my apologies if I sounded a tad accusative, my bad - sometimes it's hard to express oneself correctly on the web. :rolleyes:

I'm glad to see the work you've done so far. Keep it up, 'cause it's good! :D

No worries, sometimes I get ticked off because of the Mk4 thread ;).

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Nert - been a while coming but I've actually got these parts loaded in a career to see how they play and I've just started getting to them.  I will have more feedback in the coming days regarding their uses/bugs but just from the early results I would like to say a gigantic...


I'm playing on the Galileo Planet Pack (yeah, big surprise it's all the rage...) and these parts are shaping up to be extremely handy.  There's several reasons why.  First and foremost are the distances to the furthest reaches.  The outermost planets, Hox and Leto, both have massive orbits requiring a significant amount of either fuel or time to get there.  These engines help solve the fuel issue so that I don't have to deal with the extended times it would require.  The outermost planets aren't the end though.  In the most recent update a sort of borderline sub-stellar L or low M Class star was added that is within travelling distance, albeit with stupid times and fuel requirements which this mod one again helps to address.  Plus, it's giving me things to work towards on the high end finally without being stuck completely with having to go toward warp drives as a peak technology.  

As always - Thanks again man!

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On 2/9/2017 at 5:49 AM, Kombat engineer said:

How about range tweakable(and animated) telescopic antennas.For instance you are planing to send a rover to duna(ala curiosity) and want to include a survey/relay sat but the relay dish is large and heavy but you want to have a light and compact sat(to fit more science on the rover) so you want a telescopic antenna that acts as a direct and relay.(Switchable) Take the 15 GM relay dish for example with a telescopic antenna you could tweak it to 5,10 and 15 GM and the antenna would extend to 10%,50% and 100% of its max size/range allowing for more compact and pretty sats(No more large round dishes on a relay cube-sat.).

With today's tech a VASMIR drive using laser based power beaming and pre seeding the trajectory could work. This concept would not require a large scoop and the propellant can be timed so that it is travelling slightly slower than the ramjet hence not causing a bottleneck


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Any thoughts of adding a lightship engine?


Basically, there's a big parabolic mirror with waist vents to allow air in; the mirror is then shot by a pulsed laser, causing the air to superheat into plasma, propelling the launch vehicle forward.  When the laser isn't firing, more air flows in through the waist vents.

Admittedly, I have no idea how you would implement the ground-based laser in KSP, but it seems like a neat, futuristic solution for heavy lift (since your boost stage is basically just a giant mirror).

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Hello Nertea. I have just recently got into KSP and I am enjoying it immensely. I have downloaded all you Near Future Tech mods, the station parts mod, and the Mark IV spaceplane mod. You are without a doubt the president of my KSP install, I love all your mods. Every ship or spaceplane I build has something from your packs. In fact, all my spaceplanes look the same as I only use the Mark IV due to my love for huge spaceplanes. Landing them always ends in some sort of disaster though as they tend to be seriously heavy. I am trying your Far Future Pre-release. I am sure I will be impressed as I always am with your mods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone else having issues with the Z-Pinch engines not showing up in either the Tech Tree or the Editor? I have the latest release from GitHub and all the other parts show up fine. I have reinstalled twice, though I'm not ruling out user error. Just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was just me.


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The CRP you provided is different from the CRP I downloaded at the CRP thread.


  • LqdHe3
  • LqdHydrogen
  • XenonGas


  • Antimatter
  • LqdDeuterium

And the "all-known" difference in the CommonResources.cfg regarding Borate, each time a mod has CRP included it's either "B" or "Br"

Did I miss a dev version or did you add/change the stuff?

And how about these changes and compatibility to other mods?

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2 hours ago, Stratickus said:

Is anyone else having issues with the Z-Pinch engines not showing up in either the Tech Tree or the Editor? I have the latest release from GitHub and all the other parts show up fine. I have reinstalled twice, though I'm not ruling out user error. Just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was just me.


I am at mid career point and have not unlocked any far future engines yet but, I do see them showing up in the R&D Facility in the Tech Tree (CTT version). One in Experimental Nuclear Propulsion and the other at Advanced Fusion Reactions.

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On 5/9/2017 at 2:19 AM, Stratickus said:

Is anyone else having issues with the Z-Pinch engines not showing up in either the Tech Tree or the Editor? I have the latest release from GitHub and all the other parts show up fine. I have reinstalled twice, though I'm not ruling out user error. Just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was just me.


I'm having the same issue. I have a huge huge part list though so not ruling that out. I'll pop in if I can figure out the result.
From Kaa253's response I'm expecting it's a mod conflict or maybe MM config causing an issue.

If anyone has any ideas I'm also not seeing the Z-pinch engines in sandbox.

SOLUTION: Use the release Nertea linked a while back (it's also in the OP), not the github repo. I have a feeling it has to do with the ChargedEngines module that is in-progress.

Edited by helaeon
Found Solution
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