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Challenge Idea: Closest Kerbin Periapsis (Skip Back Into Space)

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I'm looking to see if its feasible to actually buzz Kerbin's atmosphere at a fast enough speed where your periapsis actually goes below 20k or even 10k and you skip back out into space without aid...and if so, find what speed you have to aim for and the lowest altitude you can go.

We'll call it the Buzz Kerbin Challenge

Thoughts? Anyone want to try this?

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The limit is probably around 32km. The kerbin stratosphere starts there and once you hit that, the drag is so high that it's nigh impossible to hold enough velocity to make it back out. That said, it certainly could be possible if you come diving in from well outside Eeloo orbit.

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29k eh? This sounds like a reasonable challenge then.

Rules: stock parts, no FAR or physics mods.

Editing mods are allowed to setup your approach.

Orbit not necessary but apoapsis must be above 70k when you exit atmosphere on your way out. Buzzing the tower during daylight nets you extra credit.

Edited by inigma
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Since experimenting with my mass driver, I can say for fairly certain that it is impossible to go below 8k and return at any speed - the drag equation is ferocious enough that if you add too much speed (above 15 km/s or so), the physics engine applies too much force in one timestep and you actually end up going backwards.

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