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Thyre Aerospace AN-1240 Mir

Guest GroundHOG-2010

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Thyre Aerospace AN-1240 Mir

Engine: 5 C7 Studios Air Turborockets

Total Thrust : 750

Total Fuel: 30750

Total Wheels: 20

Payload: 20 Bombs

Range: Unknown

Born from the research programs LRI-1 and LRI-2, this beast of an aircraft take to the sky\'s well. After the flight of LRI-2 to Kersica, a russain kerbal wanted to go further so he designed this, a large bomber. Hell of a fun thing to fly, this aircraft has the ability to fly on 3 engines, and can servive landings no one else can. Note, does not have enough range to go around the world. Yet...

Thyre Aerospace is a part of R.R.D.K.Q.C., C7 Studios(company) and aero turborocket are both owned by Cloud 7 Studios.

Parts needed for aircraft.

| C7 Part Pack | KSP 0.13 |




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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Quite unstable actually. I don\'t think those two tiny tailfins are enough. Turning is a bitch and knocks you so far off course from wobbling...

It was designed off a very stable craft, I have been trying to fix that problem, and have done so. The main problem on my mind at the moment is the fact that when you at about 2-3 tanks per engine used up, these are all at the front. so the plane is lighter at the front than the back and wants to go up.

Only noticed the problem when flying to kersica and back 2 times. Didn\'t make it, fell into the sea.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Actually its an island up the coast to the northeast/east at about 75-80 degrees from kerbal space centre. I built the thing to bomb Kuba but couldn\'t get there with the plane. Also I lags my computer.

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It was designed off a very stable craft, I have been trying to fix that problem, and have done so. The main problem on my mind at the moment is the fact that when you at about 2-3 tanks per engine used up, these are all at the front. so the plane is lighter at the front than the back and wants to go up.

Only noticed the problem when flying to kersica and back 2 times. Didn\'t make it, fell into the sea.

Actually, I retract my statement. I flew this thing up to around 20-30 km where the air is thinner... posted, then flew one of my own smaller and what I thought of as very stable planes up that far - it wobbled to hell and back too. It could use some more stability, but it\'s not as unstable as I said it was.

Actually its an island up the coast to the northeast/east at about 75-80 degrees from kerbal space centre. I built the thing to bomb Kuba but couldn\'t get there with the plane. Also I lags my computer.

Yes, that\'s what I was referring to. If you view the obrital map at ~5km above the KSC you can see it for a second when the map reverts back to a view of the plane. Only a 2-3 minute trip. I flew at least three times that distance in 5-7 minutes when I accidentally flew up to 20km.

Is Kuba that antipodean island continent?

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I think is name is Kuba. Its the group of 3 large islands south west of KSC. Its about ten times the distance to kuba than to Kersica.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Good lord, you\'ve created a monster. :D Flying wing of DOOM!

Just like Hugo Junkers wanted!!! Its my solution to long range flight. Thanks for making the pack.

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