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Kerbal newspaper.

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This is more of a background humor deal for career mode. As you launch missions and carry out your activities, there will be a daily bulletin say...pinned on the side of the mission control building. You can access it via said building. It could have a single headline regarding the space program events for that day. If nothing is happening at all, the headline can be related to that as well. It can be used for the apparent incompetence of the space program such as "Dozens of astronauts MIA. KSC claims they are on extended vacation time". Whenever a monumental occurance happens headlines will correspond with "Jebediah Kerman, First Kerbal on the Mun!" or "Paradise found? Probe lands on Laythe."

The bulletin may also contain failed missions, using craft name. It may also contain several in-jokes. "Ike strikes again! 3 Kerbals lost."

This could simply be a source of occasional humor or serve some actual purpose when Career mode is ready to go. Doesn't really serve any functionality, just a little comic relief.

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I like that. It would be quite hard to get considering the possibilities we can have.

However, when a new part get unlock due to science point, we could have a bit of a humoristic news saying how it has been discovered, the same way that the part description says it. I.e. OKTO: "OKTO2 was most certainly not concieved when one of our engineers sat on a standard OKTO."

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I like that. It would be quite hard to get considering the possibilities we can have.

However, when a new part get unlock due to science point, we could have a bit of a humoristic news saying how it has been discovered, the same way that the part description says it. I.e. OKTO: "OKTO2 was most certainly not concieved when one of our engineers sat on a standard OKTO."

That's an idea. And I guess if you take 3 in-game years on a single mission without doing anything noteworthy, the headlines will begin to randomly put out celebrity news or concerns about MIA Kerbals.

"Jeb returns once more!"

"After being labled MIA by KASA three months ago during the Eve catasrophe, Jebediah Kerman was found marching back to the KSC un harmed. Jeb said nothing of the incident at Eve and nothing about the nature of his return other than: 'meh, $@#& happens.'. He later re-enlisted in KASA staff"

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This is something I would love to see implemented in late game development (.34 anyone?). So far a lot of the goofy humor we associate with KSP comes from external sources or our own failures (or Jeb's face as he plummets to his death, smiling all the way). I think this fits in well with the kind of atmosphere the game is trying to set. Not only that but it also makes you feel like the game is acknowledging that you did something awesome..Or that you failed spectacularly, both things that would be great to see.

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It could be something like the Papers Please newspaper, where at the beginning of the day you get a newspaper with an article about something that will happen.

THe news should be something relevant to the time, like a new technology developed by researchers allows for a new part to be available.

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I was thinking of something similar. The idea was that instead of actual other players in your game you have a friends list and when they accomplish something it shows up in your paper. ie. "Competing space agency finally lands on the Mun, meeting Jeb whos been there alone for a year."

Not really the M-Word but a way to compete with friends.

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