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[0.25] Engine Ignitor (Workaround for some bugs V3.4.1: Aug.31)


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  NathanKell said:

Hey Nathan!

So do we take the dropbox zip and extract the (configs for forking) folders etc directly into the engine ignitor in the gamedata directory? So basically, unzip engineignitor_master. Open engine ignitor master, copy all and paste into engine ignitor original in the gamedata folder. Take engineignitor dll and replace dll in plugins folder.

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  NathanKell said:
TeeGee: nope, not at all.

Just copy your EI install to .24, then drop that dll on top of your old dll. This is *not* a full release. It's a patch.

The github link is for source, since I need to post source every time I post a dll.

Wait a moment... it seems like your submit just removes the fuelRatioAsAFactorOfUllage calculation...

Did you fotk from an earlier revision of code or is that intended? I wonder if I need to re-add the feature back, if so I want to know what changes the patch has applied onto. (perhaps just the "p.GetFlowMode()" part?) :)

PS: I heard that you are integrating ETC into RF? Guess that you can also integrate the CurveEditor in my TP plugin, or perhaps MuMech's CurveEditor? :P

Edited by HoneyFox
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  NathanKell said:
TeeGee: are you using Real Fuels and an engine pack? Don't use that zip.

No Im using vanilla parts only. Whenever I reach orbit with a small fuel tank, I always have to spin the craft to get stable flow even though I unzip the pressurized cfg. file in the engine ignitor folder.

Basically none of the stock tanks are pressurized for me. Do you know what's going on or how to fix this?

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  NathanKell said:
Well, *that's* weird. I *thought* I pulled the latest from your repo, and just added swamp_ig's pull request and corrected the missing p.GetFlowMode() (since that's required in .24.2).

Ok i will do the fix again with latest code then.

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  TeeGee said:
No Im using vanilla parts only. Whenever I reach orbit with a small fuel tank, I always have to spin the craft to get stable flow even though I unzip the pressurized cfg. file in the engine ignitor folder.

Basically none of the stock tanks are pressurized for me. Do you know what's going on or how to fix this?

Pressurization is only for RF users because RF provides fuel tank type information. For non-RF users, do NOT extract that cfg. Remove it if you already did.

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  HoneyFox said:
Pressurization is only for RF users because RF provides fuel tank type information. For non-RF users, do NOT extract that cfg. Remove it if you already did.

Ok will do! Thanks eveyone!

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  NathanKell said:
Well, *that's* weird. I *thought* I pulled the latest from your repo, and just added swamp_ig's pull request and corrected the missing p.GetFlowMode() (since that's required in .24.2).

Ok. now i know what's wrong...

blame my GitHub & network again... GitHub failed to sync one of my code change which was commited 1 month ago.

Anyway, I will release an update soon.

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HoneyFox: Also, can't remember where you asked this, but I don't think I responded. I added a thrust-fuel curve to RF because I worried, based on checking your source, that yours and my Isp-based thrust correction might interfere...

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  NathanKell said:
HoneyFox: Also, can't remember where you asked this, but I don't think I responded. I added a thrust-fuel curve to RF because I worried, based on checking your source, that yours and my Isp-based thrust correction might interfere...

For SRB I'm not changing maxThrust but manipulating the finalThrottle directly (with useEngineResponseTime = true of course) so there should be no problem with your changing maxThrust based on Isp.

For liquid engine, that's a different story. but the function of adjusting liquid engine thrust by ETC has been obsoleted (and so deprecated) since the stock KSP introduced the ThrustLimiter feature.

Edited by HoneyFox
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  reckless234123 said:
I have Real Fuels installed and have installed the pressurized tank all of the parts show ignition on it fuel is stable sitting at launch but can't ignite the engines.RasterPropMonitor EIMFD shows 0 ignites.

Check the ignition resource requirement(s) in VAB/SPH by hovering the mouse over the engine. Make sure you bring sufficient resource(s) and make sure the resource(s) is/are reachable from the engine. (just like the general engine fuel)

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Are there any tips on how to use this mod together with RemoteTech2 and the Flight Computer?

I ran into the situation that on right-click the engine said "ignited" and the option was "shutdown engine". Thrust was down to zero. I had the Flight Computer do a maneuver. But it wasn't able to perform it since the engine wasn't activated. I guess the wrong state displayed is a glitch in the mod?

How do you do these kind of maneuvers? Ignite the engine just after the last burn? Add a delay to ignite just before the next burn? Actiongroups? Alternatives?

Thank you for your help!

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  mecki said:
Are there any tips on how to use this mod together with RemoteTech2 and the Flight Computer?

I ran into the situation that on right-click the engine said "ignited" and the option was "shutdown engine". Thrust was down to zero. I had the Flight Computer do a maneuver. But it wasn't able to perform it since the engine wasn't activated. I guess the wrong state displayed is a glitch in the mod?

How do you do these kind of maneuvers? Ignite the engine just after the last burn? Add a delay to ignite just before the next burn? Actiongroups? Alternatives?

Thank you for your help!

I have been using RT2 with EI since 0.22 or 0.23 and I didn't have problem like you said when I was controlling a probe that was far away from earth (which means all operations will have a pretty long delay).

AFAIK in one case the engine will have "Ignited" state displayed with zero thrust: you run out of propellants.

I use such method to do maneuvers (in the situation that signal delay is enabled):

I plan a maneuver first.

I click the NODE button to make the craft face to the maneuver direction.

I activate the engine with zero throttle.

I input the parameters needed for the burn, but do NOT click BURN or EXEC immediately.

I use delay timer to set to the proper time, then subtract it like 10~20 seconds. Since now all operation will be delayed.

I keep pressing RCS forward key for 10~20 seconds to plan the ullage operation, so that the fuel will be settled down at the bottom of the fuel tanks before the burn begins.

I click the BURN button.

After that amount of delay, the spacecraft will act like this:

It first tries to turn to the maneuver direction (if it's not completely aiming it after exiting from time-warp)

It then start to use the RCS and burn for 10~20 seconds.

At the end of that RCS burn, the main engine will be ignited.

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Thank you, HoneyFox! Will kep on playing around to find different ways but your makes a lot of sense. It would be nice if there was a short Tutorial or FAQ about engine ignitions and the things needed though (fuel settling, pressure, etc.)!

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I'm having an issue with all my solid boosters showing up with "Engine State: Invalid" when they fire. They are either producing no thrust at all, or not as much as they're supposed to be. This stage was supposed to have 1.2 SLT, but as you can see it shows .90 when fired, as if it was just firing my liquid fueled engines.

I'm using all of RO/RSS recommended (not RftS), and a couple additional, and this is the only problem I've noticed apart from intermittent crashes that I can't reproduce, which figure are just due to x64 being a bit unstable still.


LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hkcdu0ldf29cidb/output_log.txt

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  woahprettyricky said:
I'm having an issue with all my solid boosters showing up with "Engine State: Invalid" when they fire. They are either producing no thrust at all, or not as much as they're supposed to be. This stage was supposed to have 1.2 SLT, but as you can see it shows .90 when fired, as if it was just firing my liquid fueled engines.

I'm using all of RO/RSS recommended (not RftS), and a couple additional, and this is the only problem I've noticed apart from intermittent crashes that I can't reproduce, which figure are just due to x64 being a bit unstable still.


LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hkcdu0ldf29cidb/output_log.txt

It's very weird that solid boosters are using EI modules... which should be only used by liquid fuel engines.

You might need to ask if the author of the engine.cfg for RF has added EI module into SRBs or not.

For the SLT thrust issue, judging from the screenshot, is because the SRB has RF thrust curve, so it's not giving maximum thrust all the time. (but it's strange to see two % Rated Thrust in the context menu though.)

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