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Inaugural Kerbal Air Race Championship

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Inspired by the thread on KSP\'s most experienced pilot in General Discussion; what better way to separate the excellent pilots from the good pilots than with a race, so I present the inaugural Kerbal Air Race Championship.

The winner will be crowned 'that guy who flies planes good'.

Course map:


Video of a lap completed on my crappy computer:




Use the craft provided to set the fastest lap time


[tr][td]Herra Tohtori[/td][td][/td][td]2:37[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]White Owl[/td][td][/td][td]3:01[/td][/tr]



Create your own racer and see if you can better the standard craft



[tr][td]White Owl[/td][td][/td][td]2:25[/td][/tr]



  • [li]C-7 flight pack V2.16 required (no thrust vectoring!)[/li]
    [li]Finish the lap by crashing into the VAB for a reliable way stopping the mission timer.[/li]

The course was originally an attachment to this post but the forum rearrangement must have deleted it. Added a new link for those who still want it.



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I\'m thinking this needs at least two separate competitions.

1) Stock. Best time with the provided craft.

2) Unlimited. Go nuts and build the best racer.

Edit: This is very very difficult. I think managing the camera view angle may be as or more difficult than piloting the plane. The course is definitely a test of finesse, rather than brute thrust.

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I\'m thinking this needs at least two separate competitions.

1) Stock. Best time with the provided craft.

2) Unlimited. Go nuts and build the best racer.

Edit: This is very very difficult. I think managing the camera view angle may be as or more difficult than piloting the plane. The course is definitely a test of finesse, rather than brute thrust.

If you press \'c\' to go into CHASE mode, it works a bit better. But yes, the cameras are horrible...

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After a couple hundred attempts, I finally completed the course. Using my own plane, finished in 2:30.

This is much more difficult than it looks. I\'m loving it.

How did you load the course with your own vehicle? Mine\'s not loading the slaloms if I use my own plane.

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Do I need to record a video of this, or can I just take a bunch of pictures? Video will be rough with unregistered fraps...

EDIT: Finish is to crash into the VAB?

Yep, crash into the VAB to finish. Videos aren\'t really necessary, but pictures would be nice.

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If I ever successfully complete the course with the stock plane, then I\'ll post a video of both of my runs: standard and free. This is a very fun challenge!

Although it looks like JellyCubes is probably going to win... and if I\'m not mistaken, looking at your video, I think you flew that lap with a keyboard!?

Edit: I flew a standard run of 3:01. I\'ll put up a video later.

Edit again: Here\'s my video.

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For a good time, it is hard to slow down around corners.. It\'s just so natural to burn through it!

This course is all about energy management. It\'s an extremely narrow margin between too fast for the turns and too slow to stay aloft.

Honestly, I love the basic concept here, and am very impressed at the creativity and thinking outside the box in making a decoupler into a race course! But... I think the idea would better be represented with an easier course to start out with. Save this track as an extreme difficulty level course for masochists looking for punishment. Maybe eventually we can have multiple tracks for a larger circuit, and use this one for the final grand championship.

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This course is all about energy management. It\'s an extremely narrow margin between too fast for the turns and too slow to stay aloft.

Honestly, I love the basic concept here, and am very impressed at the creativity and thinking outside the box in making a decoupler into a race course! But... I think the idea would better be represented with an easier course to start out with. Save this track as an extreme difficulty level course for masochists looking for punishment. Maybe eventually we can have multiple tracks for a larger circuit, and use this one for the final grand championship.

True, it is definately not a beginners course. Maybe intermediate. But arrow keys make everything so hard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I am kind of digging this up a bit, but I have an entry, I managed to beat white owl (sorry dude).

Entry is for the build-your-own part.

My time is 2 minutes flat.


Just a thanks to JellyCubes for this, the course is perfect for when I want to test a fighter type plane.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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