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The Pheonix-42

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A new bomber has been in the making ever since the huge success of the Pegasus-42, and it is nearly perfected!

The Pheonix-42


Some improvements were made from the original all-purpose craft, the Pegasus-42.

-The heavy bomber carries twenty dumb bombs ready to deploy over and buildings (up to 50 can be stuffed on the underside of the craft, but then it becomes heavy and lag-tastic)


-Huge gliding capability, from a high altitude (such as 15km) the vehicle can reach one quarter around Kerbin without the use of fuel.

-More dropping payloads

-Increased speed (kilometers per second and more)

-Doubled fuel tanks

However, the large spaceplane does lack the VTOL engines, making it useless on the moon. It\'s just too heavy and not enough space for RCS fuel.

I will be making a video shortly

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