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Musicians - post your work!


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I have spoken to a few of the random talent here and there are some great musicians here. Post some of your work! It would be great to have a thread focusing on music even if it is not KSP themed.

One of my favorites I have to get this started is


Let's offer support and critiques and help one another grow and perfect our musical skill

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Here's just a few of many. I might even finish them someday :v

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/music/ribbit.mp3 < - small part of a 12-minute piece, guitar by a friend of mine.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/music/wharp-bit.mp3 < - also a small part, bass driven section with 808 drums and timpani.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/music/berp.mp3 < - downtempo thing

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Sweet, I need to give these a listen!

Here is one of my favorite mellow tracks


One from my friend, serious talent lurks in the KSP realm!


What one song have you all made that you would say defines who you are? Like if there was one track you made that you could show a favorite artist to give them a feel of who you are and what you make music for, what track would that be?

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The drums and snare sound like the Philharmonik VST I use in FL Studio. How is Reaper? I keep looking for a good bit of software that works better than FL Studio. I have been using it for ages now.

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The drums and snare sound like the Philharmonik VST I use in FL Studio. How is Reaper? I keep looking for a good bit of software that works better than FL Studio. I have been using it for ages now.

Just a coincidence then, never heard of that. REAPER's nice, good trial too, but takes some getting used to. Billions of commands inside that thing. www.reaper.fm

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I have to second Ancient Wisdom, great track there. Anyone else create anything new recently? Let's keep this thread going. I'll add something old and something new.

Something Old: https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/the-stars-are-far

Something New: https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/a-question-of-humanity

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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